A figure emerged from the street corner, or perhaps it should be said that he had no intention of hiding. It was a man with a beard and dressed casually. He wore a black coat and a light red shirt. His appearance didn't seem to be anything special, but he gave off a dangerous aura like a jackal.

Erica frowned as she watched the man approach.

She recognized this man. Botu, one of the five "fingers" of the Hand, is one of the few immortals who escaped from the Kunlun Secret Realm, and is also the most skilled swordsman among the five.

She didn't know why the leader of the Hand was blocking her here, but she could imagine that it would never be as easy as drinking tea and eating desserts.

"Erica Nakis is a top-notch killer in the Pure Society. Although the old immortal thing like Stickman won't make a difference, he does have some skills in teaching skills." Botu hummed as he approached. He said, "Look at you, you are better than the best students I teach. If I have the chance, I really want to sit down and discuss with him to see what special insights he has in this regard."

He called Gunsou "old and immortal", but he didn't seem to realize that he, a guy who was hundreds of years old, didn't have the right to call him that.

Erica looked at him coldly and said nothing.

"Regarding that Richard Lee, several of my colleagues have unanimously chosen not to alert the snake for the time being." Botu continued to mind his own business, "To be honest, I don't agree with this approach, as it seems that with the passage of time, As time goes by, their courage and courage are getting smaller and smaller. Just because they are too hesitant, the opportunity will fall into your hands. I guess you are already on the line with him now, right? "

"No." Erica said stiffly, "He has nothing to do with what happened between us."

"Oh? Are you afraid that he will be involved in our war? This is not like your style. 'To defeat the Hand, we will do whatever it takes, regardless of sacrifice.' Isn't this always your policy? From what Is it time you started caring about other people’s lives?”

Botu paused as he spoke and narrowed his eyes: "Or is this man named Richard Lee different?"

Erica remained silent, but the dagger on the inner thigh of the group was quietly unsheathed. She is a killer, and a sharp weapon is never far away from her at almost any time.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether he is a true pure master or even that shafrin. It doesn't matter." The disciple grinned, showing an arrogant, even ferocious smile, "I've had enough of the days of fear, and We are fed up with having to live bound by the keel. Deep down, we all know that it is just a false immortality, and that the life that can be extended with the help of the keel will one day run out.

But it’s different now! Now I am truly eternal and have gained ultimate power that even those bald donkeys in Kunlun cannot imagine! I will kill you here first, and then your master, destroy your organization, and even find out and kill that Shafrin who is always shivering and playing tricks. Then I'll really take control. "

At this point, he snorted and looked away: "If you have any opinions, you can put them forward now, because soon you won't have this opportunity."

Like the rustle of leaves falling to the ground, the thin and old figure fell from nowhere and walked out onto the street.

He was a blind old man, dressed in black and holding a long sword in his hand. Although he looked old, he was full of indescribable energy. When he landed, he had the aura of a master craftsman.

This is Stickman, a pure and knowledgeable master who single-handedly trained Daredevil and Elektra.

"I knew you were crazy, Botu." Gunsou said calmly, "But I never thought you would reach this point. Did the long years of torture finally defeat your remaining sanity?"

"I have touched the realm of God, which is something you can't understand, old man." Botu chuckled and shook his head slightly, "We have played the cat and mouse game with you for so many years, and now it's almost time to come to an end. .Today, right now.”

The moment the last sentence fell, Botu seemed to disappear on the spot. The next second, he was close to Gunsou's ear like a ghost. Like a cool breeze, he swung his knife towards Gunsou with his bare hands.

Although Gunsou didn't expect him to be so fast as a ghost, his reaction was not slow at all based on his years of fighting experience. He straightened the sword in his hand, drove straight in, and stabbed Botu in the heart.

There was a muffled sound as if something hit him, and in the blink of an eye, the old man flew out on his back, an exaggerated mouthful of blood spurting out from his mouth.

Erica was shocked. In fact, this was not the first time they had dealt with Botu. In her impression, even if a master of Gunsou's level was not Botu's opponent, even if they lost, they should have only lost after a fierce exchange of offense and defense.

It's only been a short while since we last met. When did Botu become so strong?

Without thinking too much, Erica unsheathed the dagger on her leg and stepped forward to help, waving the dagger in her hand. But even her teacher was defeated with one move, so she had no suspense. She only felt the figure in front of her flicker, and she didn't even see clearly what Botou had done. She felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and her body was blown away. When she landed, her hands and feet seemed to have lost consciousness.

Botu stood there calmly, as if he hadn't moved at all. He sneered and said: "I said, the cat and mouse game is over. Now I am no longer on the same level as you. What you call the True Pure Society is just like an ant to me."

His state was very strange, and even his rivals Gunsou and Erica could clearly see it. But no matter what, the power is genuine, and it only takes a little bit of rationality to understand that they have no chance of winning now.

Erica stood up from her half-kneeling position, panting heavily as she held the dagger across her chest: "You go first, and I will come to the rear."

The stick man snorted and ignored her. He stubbornly leaned on the ground with his sword and tried to stand up. But the blow just now seemed to have seriously injured him. The old man vomited a mouthful of blood before he even got up and knelt back down.

Botu sneered silently, swayed slightly, and suddenly appeared between the two of them again.

"Don't worry," he said, standing calmly between the two of them with his hands behind his back, "None of you can escape."


Before Botu's momentum was fully developed, a blue shock wave came through the air with a whistling sound, and directly bombarded Botu's body. The blue air wave spread, and the powerful impact carried his body back five or six meters, hitting the wall like a rag.

Richard stood not far away with an energy blast gun in his hand, looking at Botu expressionlessly.

(Thanks to book friends Wanshuishuren, 140420231649297, Jinjie, Chasing the End for the reward!)

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