The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 155 Ghost! (Please subscribe for the fifth update!)

As we all know, most Ultraman have this iconic "ghost body" ability, which is commonly known as choosing a human body. Many human beings possessed by Ultraman will not only gain strength, endurance and speed far beyond ordinary people, but sometimes even the human body with only one breath left can be instantly resurrected with full health and full health after being possessed, which is called miraculous.

But Richard felt that was not the case for him. The possessed human body can feel the existence of another soul in his body, and the two parties can communicate with each other through consciousness. In this case, transformation is often just a process of personality exchange, which means that the human personality usually controls one's body, but once the transformation becomes huge, the Ultraman personality comes out to do it.

Not at all Richard. Although he didn't understand why, he felt that the power of light in his body and himself seemed to be more inseparable from each other, as if the light and himself were one.

And now that he has mastered the trick of quantizing himself for space transfer, in theory it shouldn't be difficult to possess others.

So. maybe find someone to test it out with?

But who to look for?

After all, this was his first attempt, and he still had to figure it out. If the other party resisted, he might fail. So it's best to find a volunteer or something.

Half an hour later, Richard appeared in Jessica's room.

"Tell me, boss." Jessica, wearing a smart black short-sleeved T-shirt, hugged her arms and asked, "What do you want me to do this time?"

Since the last time she pretended to be an executor to fool the Hand, she no longer finds it strange that her boss would give her any tasks. She finally figured it out. She was just a cheap coolie anyway, and whenever the boss had any dirty work to do, he would definitely think of her first.

And she thinks that work like last time is quite interesting.

Richard coughed: "Well, it's nothing actually. It's just... uh... I have some new and special super powers, and I want to test it with you."

This request was somewhat unexpected. Jessica raised her eyebrows and shook her head: "Forget it, boss, you should go find someone else for this. You are too powerful, I guess I can't stand it."

When testing superpowers, Jessica naturally thought of explosive abilities like super strength. She thought the boss wanted her to be a punching bag because she had super powers and had great endurance.

But isn't that a joke? She had seen with her own eyes how destructive her boss was at the financial building in Midtown Circle (although she didn't see the process clearly). If it goes on like that all at once, won’t all ten Jessicas have to kneel down?

"It's not a test like that." Seeing that Jessica was thinking wrong, Richard explained patiently, "This time it's a possession ability, a bit like body sharing? It's like two people sharing the same body."

Jessica's eyelids jumped momentarily.

What the hell is sharing a body? Feeling weird

She thought for a moment and then asked, "Will it hurt?"

"No." Richard shook his head repeatedly, "You shouldn't feel anything."

"Will that have any side effects?"

"No." Richard continued to shake his head. I haven't heard of any Ultraman possessions that would leave side effects on the human body, but there is a possibility that residual power will remain in the host, and it might even strengthen her superpowers.

"Oh." Jessica nodded, "Then you try."

Richard was a little surprised. He thought he would have to spend more time explaining to Jessica what was going on, but he didn't expect that she would agree so simply and neatly.

Richard didn't know that, in fact, his trust index in Jessica's heart was already quite high without knowing it. Jessica feels that the boss is quite reliable, and he shouldn’t cheat her, right?

Richard opened his right hand, and the Evolution Trustee appeared out of thin air in his hand, releasing a pale white and soft light, like countless particles covering his whole body.

"Then I'm going to get in. uh... get in."

It sounds a little weird.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up." Jessica was still a little nervous, "I still have work to do."

So Richard said no more, his whole body turned directly into light particles, and rushed toward Jessica.

This was also an unprecedented new experience for him, an indescribable feeling. It's as if consciousness has invaded someone else's private realm, squeezing the other person's soul into a corner of the body and forcibly occupying a place.

In fact, he could still feel a slight resistance for a moment at first, but before he could exert any force, the resistance disappeared instantly. Richard speculated that it might be Jessica's own consciousness. Because he had said hello in advance, Jessica did not resist and completely opened her defenses to him, so it was so easy to come in.

If the human body resists, possession will not be that simple. For example, it's like Ultraman Zero's human body, Taigawang, in the "Ultraman Legend" movie version. Although Sai Rabbit took advantage of the moment when Dahe lost consciousness to complete the fusion with him, Dahe himself resisted the fusion and refused to transform and fight, and Sai Rabbit could not force him to go against his will. Even later, Sai Rabbit used a trick to secretly transform when the human body was not paying attention. As a result, the limit of giant size was only two stories high, and he only turned into a cute mini version of Ultraman.

And the way many evil villains forcefully occupy human bodies seems to be quite simple and crude - directly knocking the host unconscious or even directly erasing the other person's consciousness, and then they can take over the other person's body and do whatever they want.

At this time, Jessica opened her eyes, looked around blankly, and found that she was the only one left in the room.

"Boss?" she asked tentatively, "Are you still here?"


Jessica was startled by the sound and looked around hurriedly, but she didn't see even a ghost.

Damn it? Has the boss turned into a ghost?

".I'm in your body."

Jessica was startled: "What!?"

"Don't panic. Didn't I tell you just now? I won't do anything bad if you are so nervous. Your heart is beating like a drum."

Damn it! Brother, can you please stop talking about such a big thing so lightly? How can I stay calm with you so cute in my body?

Jessica thought he was actually going to try some kind of hypnosis or mind reading. Who knew he was really "coming in" in the literal sense?

Jessica felt confused: "Can you control my body?"

"I don't know. I'll try it later."

Then Jessica saw her left hand and raised it without thinking at all.

WTF! ?

"Then can you see what I'm thinking?"

".No." Richard sighed with regret, "This seems to be difficult."

What a shame, it would be wonderful if I could see my inner thoughts.

"But just wait a moment, and I might try harder."

"Get out!" Jessica felt her cheeks getting hot inexplicably.

If he really read her mind, wouldn't all her little thoughts be seen? It's so embarrassing.

"Hey, don't worry, just wait a moment."

"Get out!" Jessica stamped her foot in a hurry, and the floor was shattered with a loud snap.

Jessica: "."

Richard: "."

After a long while, Jessica asked tentatively: "Boss, look at my bonus."

Today we will start with five updates, and tomorrow we will count the 24-hour first order update. Whether it will be ten or twenty tomorrow is all up to you, brothers! Subscribe and go! ! !

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