The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 172 The upgraded Iron Man (seventeen more updates)

Well, Richard himself knew how ridiculous this idea sounded, but this was indeed his most intuitive feeling. He felt that some kind of light power similar to his own was approaching the battle situation in New York City, but it was very weak, like fragments of light.

To use a metaphor, if the light he possesses is a rushing river, that one is like a trickle in a faucet.

Soon, the owner of this power soon appeared in everyone's sight.

The huge aircraft roared and flew past high in the night sky. The hatch slid open, and a giant red and gold steel shadow fell from the sky. Two fiery tail flames opened up the sky, and the steel image swooped down, falling like a directional missile that locked on the target.

That's Iron Man.

The arc of the recoil cannon shot through the night sky, with a burst of flying sparks shooting down from the sky. Doom was too distracted to deal with six people at the same time and had no time to pay attention. The incandescent light immediately dispelled the darkness, broke through the defense line of black magic, and directly hit Doom's back.

Doom's mutated skin withstood most of the direct damage, but the impact could not be fully absorbed. His entire body was blown into the air and flew more than ten meters parallel to the ground. His body cut a black car in half, and sparks appeared on his iron-green skin.

In an extremely high-profile appearance, Tony Stark, wearing an unprecedented model of Iron Man suit, fell vertically to the ground, and the tail flames under his feet stirred up waves of dust on the ground.

"Tony!" Rhodes got up awkwardly. When Tony appeared on the scene, he happened to be blown to the ground by Doom. The armor shell of the war machine was torn in many places, and sparks were crackling on the exposed circuits. He looked very embarrassed.

Tony waved his hands confidently: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, but from now on Iron Man will take over. The rest of you just watch from behind."

A very Stark statement. Although the people behind him sounded uncomfortable, considering how famous Iron Man was, a group of rookies didn't say anything.

Rhodes understood Tony's bad temper and didn't mind. He only reminded: "Be careful, Tony, this guy is a bit weird. The weapons in the suit have little effect on him, and his attack methods are also weird."

"It's your suit that doesn't have much effect on him." Tony corrected, "I've already told you that your toy suit isn't very effective. Now let me show you what real heavy firepower is."

Rhodes was not optimistic about his optimism. In his opinion, even if Iron Man's armor is stronger than him, it is only too powerful. The battle with Doom just now made him deeply feel the powerlessness of conventional weapons in front of the opponent. He didn't think things would be much better with Iron Man.

At this time, Doom had slowly gotten up and looked at Iron Man with squinted eyes.

"Stark." He said in a dark voice, "You are a little different from other idiots. Your idea about exoskeleton armor is very interesting. Maybe I can consider getting one too."

Tony, who is also a local tycoon in New York, has certainly seen Doom before, but he obviously didn't recognize Doom's current demeanor. Tony raised his palm: "Good idea, but let's do it in the next life. I think you may not have this opportunity in this life."

As soon as he finished speaking, the recoil light cannon roared out from the palm of Iron Man, like a hurricane spinning towards Doom. Doom's pupils shrank, and his figure flashed. His iron-green body moved out of the way as nimbly as a water snake. The recoil light cannon missed the target and immediately exploded an exaggerated huge crater on the building behind Doom.

The dark green cloak fluttered, and the iron-colored afterimage flew and sprinted, approaching in an instant. Endless electricity pulsed between Doom's palms, like countless sharp daggers.

He is fast, but the opponent is even faster! Almost no one could see what was happening - including Doom. He felt as if a red-gold shadow shook in front of him, and the next second the gold-titanium alloy knee hit his chin hard, making him dizzy due to the mutated metal skin. Almost fell down.

Followed by an unparalleled punch, Iron Man's elbow part was boosted, and the propelling flame gave his fist unparalleled momentum. The punch stirred up a whistling airflow and hit Doom's cheek, hitting him hard. He flew upside down.

Not only Doom, but also Colonel Rhodes, who was most familiar with Tony, was surprised.

He knew that Iron Man's armor was very powerful, but his previous impression that the equipment was powerful was its flexibility and the suppression of heavy firepower, rather than its strength and reflexes in close combat.

As the head of the military's weapons research and development department, Colonel Rhodes still has some real talents. Before today, he had never even imagined that armors like Iron Man and War Machine could actually produce such terrifying reaction speeds!

He and Tony hadn't seen each other for just over a month, so how could the other person's skills advance so quickly to such a terrifying level?

Realizing that his close range abilities were completely suppressed by his opponent, Doom quickly changed his strategy, distanced himself and began to attack using long range abilities as his main means.

But Iron Man's strength lies in his various mid- and long-range weapons. How can his simple electric discharge ability and the black magic that he has just glimpsed compare to?

There is almost no suspense in the whole process, and it may not even be called a battle. It is just an all-round crushing in terms of firepower and performance. Doom's lightning didn't even touch Iron Man's shadow, but the dark magic swirling around him had been blown to pieces by the recoil energy.

Iron Man flew in the air, and micro missiles and energy shocks fell alternately, exploding into a sky-high fire. Doom's figure broke through the fire curtain and flew out, embedding itself into the wall in the shape of a "big" with a bang, his head tilted and he lost consciousness.

it's over.

Although the scale is not large, there are quite a few superheroes involved in this storm. The Fantastic Four, who had just appeared, Spider-Woman, who is well-known to New Yorkers, and War Machine, who is a representative of the Air Force, were all completely suppressed by the new villain who called himself "Doctor Doom". However, after Iron Man's grand appearance, only less than half of them were defeated. The battle was resolved in minutes.

It looks like tomorrow's news has been written.

The New York police, who had been on the edge of being unable to intervene during the whole process, immediately jumped out and exercised their power when they saw Doom fainting. They quickly cleared the area, took away the unconscious Doom, and turned around to find these superheroes to take statements.

However, Spider-Gwen, who disliked dealing with the police the most, was the first to run away after finishing. Colonel Rhodes said that he was a military representative and was anxious to return to his life. His soles were on fire and he flew away. Stark was even more arrogant. He just took off and disappeared without leaving a word. Anyway, he has a professional public relations team to handle the follow-up issues. The police had no choice but to run to question the Fantastic Four who stayed behind to help clear the scene.

When the battle came to an end, Richard leaned back in his chair, turned to look out the window and looked at the line of fire left by Iron Man in the distance in the night sky, and couldn't help but think deeply.

Can't be wrong. Others can't find it, but he is very sensitive to this - the upgrade of Iron Man's armor is due to the improvement of energy technology. Stark had made some kind of upgrade to his arc reactor, mixing in some brand new ingredients, some kind of energy fragments that were very similar to Ultraman's light.

But how is that done?

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