"Boss, you are right." Reporter Hotch Lavis stood in front of Richard's desk and said mysteriously, "There is indeed something wrong with Ross."

This is not nonsense. Of course I am right. What else do you want to say? Richard sat in his chair with his legs crossed, gesturing for him to continue.

"I've been checking out a lot of things about General Thaddeus Ross these days, and I feel like I've found quite a bit." Hodge suppressed his excitement and said, "Remember what I mentioned to you before, General Ross has jurisdiction over How many laboratories? Every year, the military allocates huge sums of money to his laboratory, but its research projects have never been made public. But just after the monster rampage in New York, all his laboratories were announced to be closed."

"Do you think there's a connection?"

"There must be a connection, boss!" Hodge said excitedly, "I also checked. A few years ago, Dr. Bruce Banner, an authority in domestic physics, was recruited to General Ross's laboratory, but then he No news. But guess what I found now? Witnesses from the State University of New York said that just a few days before the monster caused trouble, they saw Banner in New York! Himself!"

"Oh." Compared to Hodge's excitement, Richard seemed completely calm.

Seeing that none of this surprised the boss, Hodge was not discouraged and continued: "This is not over yet, boss, I also found more exciting news. I also found several witnesses who told me about the New York incident. A similar incident actually happened at the state university a week ago. They said there was a green Bigfoot and a bunch of crazy people who brought armored vehicles and cannons to the campus.

The army tried to capture the Bigfoot but failed. I think there is a 90% chance that that team is General Ross's army. That Bigfoot must be the same as the monster in the New York incident. It was something that old man Ross created. "

After he finished speaking, he waited expectantly to see his boss's reaction, but he was disappointed again.

What he said - quite literally - Richard had known in a previous life. Isn't this the plot of the movie "The Incredible Hulk 2"? How could he not know this as a time traveler?

But what about the evidence?

He didn't send these reporters down to check out these rumors that he had already heard. What he needed was evidence that could be published in the newspaper.

Hotch took a deep breath: "Think about it, boss, who knows how many of these things those guys in the army still have? What on earth did they use the funds for? Don't the people deserve to know the truth? "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Richard nodded, "So, do you have any video information about the story of 'College Bigfoot vs. the Army'?"




"The informant's name?"

"Can't tell."

Richard spread his hands: "Then what do you expect me to publish in the newspaper? Readers need facts, not conjectures. You are no longer a rookie, Hodge, I thought you should understand."

"Of course, I know the boss." Hotch was a little embarrassed, "But this Ross is really not that difficult to deal with. This old man is very cunning and can't catch any loopholes at all."

"Stop beating around the bush, just tell me." Richard waved his hand and interrupted him, "If you really have no way, then you should be thinking of a solution outside now instead of coming to the office to complain to me. Tell me, you Plan, what else do you want?”

"Well, that's it, boss. I made a few calls and managed to contact some people in the military through some connections. Someone promised to set up a line for me so that I could meet some people in important positions who had nothing to do with General Ross. People with different philosophies. If you're lucky, maybe someone will be willing to reveal something."

"You mean military secrets." Richard pointed out directly.

"Isn't that what I do, sir?" said Hotch.

Richard nodded slightly.

No matter what the "military secret" that old man Ross called, it was definitely not a good thing. From what I know about the character of Richard Rose, that guy may not be very good at defending his country, but he is definitely top-notch at poking trouble. If Ross is left alone like this, he might one day fiddle with some red giant, yellow giant, blue giant, blue giant, etc. in the laboratory, and he will be able to form a giant team in a while.

If he could be dismissed by a sentence of military secrets, then Hodge wouldn't be a reporter for the Daily Planet.

"I have to go to Washington for a few days, sir," Hotch finally said bluntly.

So having said all that, in fact, this is his real purpose - to reimburse the air tickets.

Richard crossed his legs: "Economy class."

"Give me a business class seat, boss?"

Richard said nothing, just looked at him with a sneer.

"Okay, boss, just economy class."

After sending Hodge away, secretary Stephanie followed closely to the boss's office. She placed the black tea that Richard asked for on the table and reminded: "You have a dinner invitation tonight, sir."

"Oh? With whom?" Richard took a sip of black tea.

This is not surprising. Once a person's fame and social energy have accumulated to a certain level, he will naturally have to deal with various social interactions.

"With Mr. Wilson Fisk," Stephanie said.

Richard couldn't help but be stunned.

Wilson Fisk? Which Fisker? A New York City crime lord?

Others may not know the inside story, but as a time traveler, Richard knows it all. Wilson Fisk appears to be a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, but his true identity is one of the largest criminal tycoons in New York at this stage, known as "The Kingpin". According to the original storyline, Fisk in the future may even sweep away all his competitors and become the true sole ruler of the New York underworld.

Of course, the people who know the true identity behind the code name "Kingpin" are only a few people whom Fisk trusts. To most citizens, he is just an amiable entrepreneur who has everything to do with the criminal world. Unbeatable successful people.

"Why should I have dinner with Fisk?" Richard frowned, "Find a reason to refuse, just say that I am very busy and have very important things to do."

"Mr. Fisk just sponsored our newspaper with a large amount of money." Stephanie reminded, "A very large amount of money."

Richard sat up straight.

"Tell me the time and place of dinner, and tell Mr. Fisk that I will be there on time."

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