The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 184 A righteous gang fight (third update)

Including Nexus' ultimate light, all the firepower here was poured into The One without reservation. Thick black smoke rolled into the sky, and blue light waves spread against the ground. The area within a few dozen meters centered on the alien beast had been bombed to nothing, and the charred ground was covered with tree debris.

And when the dark smoke curled up in the air, the visibility gradually recovered, and when the huge steel-like body appeared behind the smoke screen, everyone was almost petrified.

The One, still hasn't fallen.

A direct impact of nuclear weapons, a series of strikes from auxiliary weapons, and then a heavy fire bombardment plus Nexus' most powerful move, the Ultimate Ray.

Such tons of damage still failed to kill this thing.

Alien beasts are originally Xiaoqiang among monsters, and the ancestors of alien beasts are even more frighteningly tenacious in their vitality. You can hurt it, blow its head off and destroy its organs, but you can't kill it.

The sound of pindrops could be heard in the headquarters for an instant. Everyone looked at the figure that seemed to have stepped out of hell through the screen, not even daring to breathe. Even John Garrett, as the commander, stayed where he was and did not issue any further attack instructions for a long time.

Yes, what other orders could he give?

Any attack seems to be in vain, because this thing is simply unkillable.

It's as if it doesn't have the property of "death" at all.

But such successive blows undoubtedly completely angered The One. The alien beast slowly opened its huge dark mouth, and blue flames began to boil in its mouth. With a roar, a light blue impact halo erupted from its mouth, and an impact shot diagonally into the ground, inserted like a sword blade, swept forward along the earth, and exploded a series of stirring dust close to the ground. .

The SHIELD's position is right in front, and no one doubts that the impact can evaporate the entire base and everyone inside within a second.

But that didn't happen.

Nexus stood in front of the base, crossed his hands, and opened a light blue circular barrier in front of him that looked like water iris. The blue impact of The One's breath hit the barrier mightily, causing Nexus to bend his arms slightly, but in the end he still held on firmly.

The battle plan didn't work, and if it continued like this, the shield would become a burden in the battle. Without hesitation, Nexus directly released the stage-moving light towards the sky again. The Meta Field quickly opened up, excluding everyone around him, and only dragged Ultraman and the Alien Beast into the field of light.

The One is a lot trickier than expected. Since Nexter's ultimate move, Evolved Ray Storm, successfully killed The One in the prequel movies, Richard originally estimated that the upgraded version of Ultimate Ray would be equally effective. But it seems that The One's evolution has far exceeded the level of his appearance in the movie, and he still managed to endure such a huge amount of damage.

But it is certainly impossible to say that it has no effect. The One had not fully recovered from the damage suffered by the nuclear strike before, and then suffered multiple bombings and an ultimate beam. Even if he did not die, he would have lost half of his life.

The advantage of The One is that it has unlimited physical strength. In other words, although it consumes a lot of blood, the blue bar can never be exhausted. Although Nexus' health bar is full, the two Metafields he opened in a row and an ultimate beam consume a lot of energy, and nearly half of the blue bar is consumed.

Both sides have blood on one side and blue on the other. Generally speaking, Nexus has a slightly greater advantage.

The concussion bombs and stun bombs haven't completely failed yet, and this is Nexus' best chance. He dodged two flame jets from The One in succession, flipped and landed on the back of the alien beast, and kicked its side hard with a powerful roundhouse kick.

The One swayed, roared angrily, and swept quickly with its tail. Nexus dodged in a small jump, closed the distance and fought closely, using fists and feet to attack The One before his senses could recover. He targeted the severely injured parts of the alien beast's body that had not healed, and beat The One until The One screamed dully.

The wrath of the alien beast is already approaching. Its right arm held Nexus's sweeping punch, and its left claw rose sharply, slamming it on Nexus' breastplate from bottom to top. Sparks flew from Nexus's chest, and his body shook. The exaggerated strange strength made his whole body seem to lose control briefly, and he flew more than two hundred meters into the air before neutralizing the momentum and hovering.

The One raised his head and glared at Ultraman in mid-air, and after a brief moment of preparation, the two jet-black wings on his back pierced out from under his skin like spikes, and opened up into steel wings with a splash. It flapped its wings and stirred up flaming red dust on the ground. The alien beast flew up from the ground and approached Nexus at an unswerving speed!

Huge red and black bodies intertwined, continuously clashing in mid-air at speeds exceeding sound. Violent sonic booms continued to sound in the sky of the Meta Domain, and shock waves visible to the naked eye exploded one after another.


Nexus punched the alien beast firmly in the face, and black drops of blood flew out, quickly disappearing in the high-speed wind. The One roared low, and while trying to flap its wings, its long tail quickly reached out from behind and wrapped around Nexus' throat.

It strangled Ultraman in its arms and clawed at his chest, but Nexus held him back with his forearms. The two sides temporarily stopped moving and were deadlocked in mid-air. The alien beast's tail tightened with all its strength, curling tightly around Ultraman's throat, and the violent squeezing made a slight noise.

"As a being of the same level as you and me, you would actually rely on the insignificant residents of this world?" The One's vague roar sounded in Nexus's ears, "It is precisely because of dependence on you that I am so weak! So! You can't defeat me, that's why you will be defeated by me! When all your light becomes my nourishment, you will slowly regret it in the endless darkness!"

Richard couldn't help but feel funny after hearing this.

It seems that even though he is the sworn enemy who fell in love with Noah and chased him all the way to the earth, this ancestor of the alien beast actually knows nothing about light at all.

The name of Nexus is actually a transliteration, which is Nexus in English. Literally translated, it means "next", and its meaning symbolizes the light of hope that is constantly being handed over and inherited. It is precisely because of this that it derived the meaning of "bond" in the original work.

Before, Richard had always felt that he had to deal with alien beasts himself, and he never expected anyone to help him in the battle. But now he realizes that he was wrong, or rather local humans like SHIELD and Iron Man told him this.

Who says Ultraman has to fight alone?

The essence of the so-called Ultraman spirit is "just gang fighting"!

Not convinced? Then why don't you also recruit a group of reinforcements to fight in groups?

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