The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 198 Just wait a little longer

After listening to his question, the two female tenants looked at each other and looked at each other, but no one answered.

So Richard's eyes first fell on Jessica.

He didn't ask directly, he just patted his head and said, "Hey Jesse, what the hell... my memory is not very good lately, but do you have a manuscript that you are still holding back on? Isn't it about time you showed it to me?" ?”

Jessica was shaken and her expression was a little stiff: "Boss, you know... you are threatening..."

"What did you say?"

"...It's nothing." Jessica whispered, "I said boss, you are so handsome."

"I just like to hear the truth." Richard nodded slightly, but before Jessica could relax, he changed the subject again, "But you haven't answered my question yet."

Jessica was helpless: "It's nothing, boss, really. You believe me."

Richard looked at her askance.

Hey, do you believe this?

Seeing that his teammates seemed to be unable to bear it, Gwen also spoke out at this time: "Boss, we really have nothing. Although Jesse is not very reliable, he often speaks ill of you behind your back, and often slacks off and skips work while you are away. , but this time she told the truth..."

Jessica's eyelids twitched and she glared at her viciously.

Just speak for me. What does such a long prefix mean?

I never noticed it before. It turns out that you girl looks honest and well-behaved, but in fact, the golden retriever is black inside when you cut it open! Are you trying to trick me so you can monopolize the boss...'s house?

Richard said "Huh" and looked at Gwen a little strangely.

Gwen actually spoke for Jessica. Since when did these two girls start venting their anger through the same nostril? What happened when I wasn't home?

Forget it, he wasn't that boring anyway and had to break the casserole and ask the truth. Since they didn't want to say anything, he didn't force it. Anyway, 80% of it is just a little secret between the two girls, so it’s not a big deal.

He never expected that the next day he would know what the little secret of the two girls was. What was even more unexpected was that he was actually the protagonist of the matter.

The next day at dinner, the two girls brought a large round box covered with a piece of cloth to the table. Jessica reached out and lifted the cloth, and Gwen lifted the lid, revealing a huge birthday cake inside.

Richard was stunned.

To be fair, this cake actually looks quite ugly. The cream is not spread evenly, the fruits are not neatly decorated, the letters "Happy Birthday" on it are also crookedly written, and there are even two slices of raw tomatoes missing from the top, which makes people put off at first glance...

But what is visible to the naked eye is that this cake was not customized outside, but made by two girls who put their efforts into it.

Then Richard suddenly remembered that today was technically his birthday.

In fact, after traveling through time travel, he no longer cared about birthdays. After all, he came to this foreign land all alone, and there was no one to celebrate with him. It was lonely to celebrate a birthday alone, so he just let it go. To him, his birthday is just a number written in a file, and he will forget it as time goes by.

He really didn't expect that in this world of time and space, there would be people who would remember his birthday.

He glanced at the two girls in front of him, one large and one young, and chuckled involuntarily.

These two girls...

To be honest, it feels pretty good.

It feels like home.

Richard touched his nose: "It's a shame you guys still know my birthday..."

"Of course." Jessica puffed up her magnificent breasts, feeling a little proud, "I'm a professional."

Gwen whispered: "Actually, it was clearly reminded by Twitter..."

Jessica's face darkened: "No one will think you are mute if you don't speak. Can't you just be a quiet insect on the side occasionally?"

Gwen argued: "Spiders are arthropods, not insects. I learned it in junior high school biology..."

Jessica chuckled. Why are you talking so cryptically? Doesn’t it mean that I didn’t pay attention in junior high school?

Then let me tell you, sister, I haven’t listened to lectures since elementary school...

"You two are really thoughtful." Richard smiled and said seriously, "Thank you."

Gwen waved her hand: "No. Mr. Li, you really take care of us. We are all grateful, but we have been unable to do anything. This is the least we can do..."

Jessica murmured in a low voice: "Yeah, I just tend to be partial. I can't walk when I see underage girls..."

Richard smiled: "What did you say?"

Jessica immediately put on a sweet and moving smile: "I say boss, you are so kind. You are the most fair and upright person I have ever seen."

Richard nodded again.

This girl is obviously not ignorant. I just don’t know why I always like to test like crazy on the edge of salary deduction. Is it for the pursuit of excitement?

Richard glanced at the colorful and messily painted cake in front of him. Although he was very touched by the two girls' thoughts, looking at this really didn't whet his appetite...

"Well, since it's my birthday, can I make a small request?"

Gwen and Jessica looked at each other.


"It's just this cake...can I not eat it..."

Gwen: "..."

Jessica: "..."

Well, of course it's just talk. After all, the two girls have been working hard for several days, so they still have to give this face.

Don't tell me, although this cake isn't very attractive, it actually tastes pretty good. At least Richard doesn't feel dissatisfied with it.

While the three of them were eating, the doorbell rang suddenly. Richard stood up to answer the door, opened it, and found that the visitor outside the door turned out to be Murakami, one of the two remaining fingers of the Hand.

Murakami saluted very politely: "Hello, Mr. Li. I am taking the liberty of visiting you. I am not disturbing you, am I?"

Although he was surprised that this guy came to his door, the Shouhe had been very polite to them since the last time they dealt with them, and even occasionally helped their newspaper reporters when they encountered some minor troubles in the investigation. What. Although these were insignificant favors to the rival association, they still showed their friendly attitude.

So Richard politely let him in, and then returned to the table.

"Who?" Jessica asked with a mouth full of cream.

"Just a friend." Richard pointed to the sofa casually, "Sit down."

Murakami smiled and waved his hand: "No need, I can just stand."

"That's okay."

So Richard sat down at the dining table by himself, leaving Murakami standing aside and continuing to eat the cake: "Then stand still for a little while, I will finish eating soon."

Murakami: "..."

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