The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 20 If you do something, you will die

As soon as Richard's words came out, Viper was not calm at that time.

What do you mean?

I have no problem with Viper and his men being stupid, but why do you make it sound like I am the leader of stupid?

Viper's face turned dark at that moment: "Don't be too proud. I'm not that idiot like Viper. Our Green Snake Gang is different from the other miscellaneous fish you have dealt with before. If I were you, Mr. Li, I You will be wiser and think carefully about the conditions we offer."

Richard showed a surprised expression: "Are there other miscellaneous fish? Who? A drag racing party?"

Viper's face couldn't help but look even worse. Richard's words sounded like, What? I thought you were already the lowest gang in the city. So is there an even lower level in this city?

Viper slammed the table loudly, almost got close to Richard's face and said viciously: "Listen, Asian boy. I don't know who is behind you, and I don't care. You may not understand the rules, I I will tell you with mercy today. You must have heard of 'Silver Mane', right? He is a real big shot. Even in today's situation, there are not many people who can speak more clearly than him. And we The Green Snake Gang works for this gentleman, so you should understand it somewhat, right?"

Richard nodded thoughtfully.

Oh, it turns out you are the old man’s subordinates. You should have told me earlier. Do you believe that I have had tea with your boss before and talked about life?

Richard finally stopped choking him this time, and Viper took this as a sign that the other party was feeling guilty. Viper nodded with satisfaction, that was good, it had the effect he wanted.

"Very good, it seems that Mr. Li has also heard of our boss's name, so it will be easy to talk about what happens next." Viper found his rhythm and began to regain his confidence, "To be honest, no one in this city dares to talk about it." There are really not many people who mess with us. There are always some funny rumors recently, saying that that Kingpin can replace our boss’s former position and become the new overlord of New York. It is simply nonsense! I don’t care who that Kingpin is, but Even if he is sitting face to face in front of me now, labor and management would dare to slap him in the face and tell him who really has the final say in this city!"

This Viper was clearly just one of Silver Mane's minions, but his tone was as arrogant as if he himself was the big shot preparing to compete with Kingpin for control of the city.

This guy is pretending well, but...

Richard glanced at Wilson Fisk from the corner of his eye, and found that the fat man was still drinking red wine and eating steak slowly, with an attitude that it had nothing to do with him, just like a melon-eater.

After all, Viper originally came for Richard, not for him, and Fisk really wanted to see what kind of tricks this young Chinese man had that made Silvermane himself awed.

However, as one of New York's top criminal gangsters, Fisk's qualities are quite good. He was completely indifferent to such a gangster ignoring his authority in front of his face. This determination is worthy of praise.

Richard also didn't expect that this small Green Snake Gang would be so unrelenting. Did this just make you a headline? As for being so stubborn? Others who want to make headlines have not yet had the opportunity.

Richard had already begun to consider whether he should stop by Hell's Kitchen on his way home at night and get rid of the Green Snake Gang. Otherwise, it would be annoying to have them hanging in the back and harassing them all day long.

"Okay, Mr. Viper," Richard thought this title sounded really weird, but he didn't know what this guy's real name was, "I know we have some conflicts, and I'm pretty sure we can definitely coordinate a solution. A plan that is acceptable to everyone. But you see, I am having dinner with Mr. Fisk right now, and it would be bad if our affairs disturb Mr. Fisk. So you see if we can change the time."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the Viper looked at Fisk with an expression full of contempt and contempt: "Who is this fat guy? Does he have any business with me?"

Richard was so shocked that he couldn't even speak for a while.

Brother, isn’t it good to be alive?

Are all the gangsters on the road so cruel to me these days? Do you have to punish yourself to death?

Richard glanced at Fisk again. It was amazing. His face remained unmoved after being ridiculed like this. This endurance was truly admirable.

In Richard's memory, Fisk should be a super grumpy person? He remembered that Fisker was the kind of ruthless person who would smash someone's head with a car door if he didn't like it. How could he, Fisker, endure being humiliated in front of someone like this by a little-known gangster?

And if I remember correctly, "fat man" and "fat guy" are also taboos for Fisker. He especially hates people commenting on his figure. Everyone who dares to mention this to him usually dies miserably.

But even if Fisk endures it, this conversation has already involved him after all, and it would be inappropriate for him to continue pretending. So Fisk smiled and said to Viper: "Sir, I don't know what's going on between you and Mr. Li, but I believe there's nothing that we can't resolve peacefully. After all, we are all New Yorkers, and everything should be done in a civilized manner. way to solve it.”

"This is none of your business, fat guy." Viper sneered, "A peaceful solution? You are so naive and funny. I think you know nothing about this city. You'd better lick your fat mouth clean and move away. Move your big butt and get out of here while I’m still okay, what?”

Viper turned to the man who patted his shoulder with some dissatisfaction. I really can’t tell the time. Didn’t you notice that I was showing off?

The guy handed him the phone and whispered, "It's Boss Thorn, looking for you."

Viper was stunned. Thorny Tou is his immediate boss, and it was the other person who scolded him after the Green Snake Gang reported it. He still didn't dare not answer the boss's call.

So he had to stop temporarily and answer the call first.

"The boss with a sharp head? Me? I'm at the Misadi restaurant now. Well, yes, I'm with this boy named Li, and there's a fat guy named Fisk?"

As if being electrocuted, the Viper suddenly turned to stone.

The arrogant and domineering expression disappeared from his face, and Viper's entire face turned pale in an instant, and then became quite rich within a few seconds. Fear, despair, regret. It seems that no single word can accurately describe Viper's mood at this time.

This mafia boss who was so arrogant just now (at least that's what he called himself) seemed to have lost his soul in the blink of an eye. He said "Uh-huh, uh-huh, oh," and then hung up the phone, handing the phone to his younger brother stiffly and mechanically. Then he lowered his head and walked up to Fisk: "First of all, sir, I'm sorry, I, I"

Fisk waved his hand magnanimously: "It's okay, you can go."

"Thank you, thank you sir, I'll leave now. Disappear immediately. Get out of here immediately."

As expected, Viper kept his word and got out without any hesitation. Within ten seconds, he led all the boys out of the restaurant without a trace.

Richard looked at the direction in which they disappeared with pity, as if looking at a group of dead people.

If nothing else happens, these people may not be able to see the sun tomorrow alive.

Alas, why do some people just have to seek death? If you do anything, you will die. Have you never heard of such a wise saying?

Handicapped people + office workers have limited abilities, please update as much as possible ==

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