"I think that Lord may be familiar with Baron Strucker. If he is willing to come forward, it will not be too difficult to get the Baron to give up the dragon egg..."

Richard felt a little confused.

Wait a minute, isn't Baron Strucker the leader of Hydra?

The guy in Avengers 2 who locked up the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver twins and was kicked unconscious by Captain America?

Richard felt that he was becoming more and more curious about how the rumors about Shaflin had taken root and sprouted, and how they were related to Hydra again...

Seeing that he had almost said it, Murakami immediately took out the photo and handed it to Richard: "This is the photo we got."

In fact, Richard has no interest at all in dragon bones and eggs. First of all, the dragon bone can only be used to extend life and cannot really make people immortal. Secondly, he does not necessarily need to use this thing to become immortal.

But since everyone had it on his face, he still took it and glanced at it.

Then he was stunned for a moment.

It was indeed a rather large egg, white and round, with some weird lines on the shell. Although it’s hard to judge by looking at the photos, preliminary visual inspection suggests that he is no smaller than an adult man. This weird and huge egg is indeed very reminiscent of a dragon.

But Richard thinks this egg looks a bit familiar. It feels like I've seen it somewhere before.

In his mind, he quickly recalled the miscellaneous comic book movies he had watched in his previous life, and then he seemed to think of something...

It shouldn't be... right?

Richard changed his mind. He felt the need to confirm with his own eyes whether the egg was what he thought it was, and it was a big deal.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and asked, "So where is the egg you mentioned?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be interested, Murakami hurriedly said: "It was just transported to a top-secret base last week, and we have been paying attention to its movements since then. We are very sure that it has not been moved yet. As for that base The address...is in Sokovia.”

Richard's eyelids twitched subconsciously when he heard the name of this place.


...It’s a place with a story.

The Hydra base in Sokovia happens to be under the jurisdiction of Baron Strucker. So either the Baron has more than one base in Sokovia, or this base is exactly the one that appears in the movie - the one that was uprooted by the Avengers, and the Baron's city gates are wide open and waiting at the door with a white flag waving.

So according to the plot of the movie, the Scarlet Witch and the Quicksilver twins should also be imprisoned here, but it's still far from the time of Avengers 2, and the scepter containing the Mind Stone is not yet in the hands of the Baron. The brother and sister The two of them may not be here at the moment. (The movie sets the witch as being born 12 minutes later than Quicksilver)

But it doesn’t matter, Richard wasn’t there to get familiar with the characters in the original work anyway.

With the specific location provided by Murakami, it is quite easy to sneak into this Hydra base. Considering that Agent Ward may have revealed his Ultraman identity to Hydra, and he was too lazy to cause trouble with Hydra unless necessary, this operation was still focused on infiltration and investigation.

He just wanted to make sure that the egg was what he thought it was, and come out with just one look, without alerting anyone or causing any trouble... Well, if things went well.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, this base was the one that appeared in Avengers 2. Its location is located among deep mountain forests, and the complex terrain makes it easy to defend and difficult to attack. Coupled with a series of black technology equipment such as energy weapons and energy shields in the hands of Baron Strucker, any army that wants to storm this base will have to pay a high price.

But of course, the exception is those superheroes who can fly, resist and deal damage. The Avengers make Strucker's high-tech base look like mountain bandits armed with guns and robbing homes...

This base is heavily fortified, but it's not bad for Richard. He lurked half a circle around the base and caught two agents who were alone on the way back to the base. He quickly and silently knocked out the one behind him and possessed him without even noticing.

Richard pretended to be the agent and got in easily. He also took the time to look at the agent's ID. His name was Jobs Gates, and he was a very wealthy name. Then look at the certificate and title, Operations Specialist, Level 5 Agent.

It should be said that it is an organization that is indistinguishable from SHIELD. It has actually copied SHIELD's bureaucratic classification system. This is like the head office discovering that the management system of the local branch is good, so the boss at the top decides to implement it throughout the company with a wave of his hand. So Hydra also learned from SHIELD and started to implement some kind of agent classification system.

However, he remembered that Aegis could barely be considered a senior agent until level six. Those below level six were basically small fish and shrimps, and in the show they were all at the supporting level. And this majestic Jobs Gates is only at Level 5. I’m really sorry for his domineering name.

Closer to home, Richard now entered the Hydra base with this face on his face. These two agents may have just returned from some field mission and were eager to report. Anyway, the teammate in front led the way with a dark face and said nothing.

This operation was unlike the last time he broke into Ross's base. SHIELD had prepared a full set of strategies and maps for him, and he just had to follow the map. But the Hand is not as powerful as Aegis. He is unfamiliar with this place, and his eyesight goes blank as soon as he enters the door. The entire map is dark and he has to explore by himself. So he decided to keep quiet for now and wait until he found out the situation before he started taking risks.

Following the agent in front of them, they entered an office. A man who looked like a commander seemed to have been waiting for them here. The man stood up, pointed at the two of them, and cursed loudly. He was slurred and emotional. Richard couldn't hear what he was cursing, but it sounded like he was probably doing things poorly or making some major mistakes.

Richard just smiled and listened. Just scold him if you want. It's not him who's scolding him anyway, and he's not in a hurry. After this guy finishes scolding him, he can go out and do things freely.

But I didn’t expect that it wasn’t over yet. The man had enough scolding, walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back, and then stared at the two of them for a moment with a hair-raising look.

"You know what to do, go ahead on your own."

Richard looked confused. What? How to do?

The old man next to him saluted solemnly, then turned around and went out. Richard didn't know what was going on, but he followed his lead and followed him out.

He soon knew what this was going to do.

The man walked straight into a room that looked strange and dimly lit. The shelves around the room were filled with all kinds of cruel torture instruments that often appear in spy movies, and there were two electric chairs in the middle.

A man in a white coat gestured to the two of them while playing with his mobile phone, as if to say, sit down wherever you want and choose a position that is comfortable for you. It looks like a barber preparing to cut your hair.

The agent guy in front did not hesitate to choose an electric chair and sit down. He also consciously put on his anklets and helmet. He even looked at Richard with a strange look, as if he was wondering about himself. Why doesn't this teammate sit on it?

Now of course Richard saw what this was going to do. He was shocked at the time - are all Hydra agents so enlightened now?

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