The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 205 I recognize my father


Little Godzilla shrank his head and rubbed against Richard, his tail wagging and his whole body shivering.

There is no doubt that Muto came for this little guy, and out of some racial instinct inherited from ancient times, little Godzilla also noticed it.

Muto and Godzilla are irreconcilable natural enemies. Just like what was shown in the 2014 movie, Godzilla, who noticed Muto's awakening, traveled thousands of miles across the ocean to come over and press him. Maybe there was a MUTO living nearby, and the little Godzilla immediately rushed over after smelling the broken shell, and he moved quite quickly.

It stands to reason that the racial struggle between Muto and Godzilla, two monsters native to the earth, has nothing to do with Richard. Besides, Muto is destroying Hydra equipment and eating Hydra agents, so there seems to be nothing wrong with it. Originally, it didn't seem to be a problem for him to just slap his butt and leave, but...

Richard looked at the pitiful little monster with its wilted head and sighed softly.

Okay, who can make people recognize him as the father...

Richard took out the Evolution Truster and touched little Godzilla's head.

"Just stay here and don't move around. I'll go chop up the bug above and come back... Hey, don't keep hugging me. Let go."

It took Richard a while to get out of the little guy's claws, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

As a Godzilla (even though he is still young) who is supposed to be powerful and dominate all beasts, he was so scared by a mere MUTO. This kid is really a shame to Godzilla...

Little Godzilla finally let go of his claws, but he still howled pitifully, like a lonely child abandoned by adults.

Richard touched its head. I don’t know if it understood what he meant, but it still lay down obediently.

Now that you are a father, you should wipe your child's butt.

Richard took a step back, turned around and raised the Evolution Truster. White light drew out of the sheath like a sword, and the intense light enveloped his body, turning into a ball of light that rose into the sky, penetrated the roof and flew into the endless night sky.

Muto walked between the broken Hydra bases, burning flames and metal debris wherever the giant insect feet walked. Buildings collapsed, flames burned and jumped on the ruins, the remains of turrets and tanks were scattered everywhere, and mutilated corpses were everywhere.

But it actually doesn't care about any of this. It just casually destroys troops and dismantles bases, that is not its purpose at all. From the beginning to the end, it only focused on one thing, that little thing that had just emerged from its shell. Human beings had not been taken seriously by it from the beginning.

Of course, it didn't pay attention at all. There was a pair of boys and girls in the ruins sixty or seventy meters away on its path (almost a few steps away for its size).

Brother and sister Wanda and Pietro have bad luck.

Different from when they appeared in the movie, the twins' abilities now are only at the level of "being able to use them", and their development and proficiency are really limited. Pietro in the movie had the weakness of lacking stamina and being out of breath after running a few steps. In the end, he was so exhausted that he was even shot by a Quinjet machine gun and died, setting a record for the first speedster to die by gunfire in the history of American comics...

Not only is this flaw more serious at this time, but his super speed is not as fast as when he debuted in the movie. Because of this, when the ceiling collapsed, he barely had time to push his sister out, but one of his legs was crushed under tons of rubble.

Super speed also brings the ability to accelerate self-healing. Pietro can recover from such injuries quickly, but the problem now is that he can't move. Wanda tried to use her "psychic power" (she thought it was telekinesis) to lift the ceiling, but it was obviously too difficult for her now.

Muto was still approaching, and every time the huge insect feet fell, death seemed to be one step closer.

Wanda was sweating profusely but still didn't give up trying. But how could Pietro not know how valuable his sister was? The current Wanda is not the Scarlet Witch who can blast purple sweet potatoes in the future. Now she can't even lift a table. How can she lift such a heavy thing?

Seeing Muto approaching Pietro step by step, he was also very anxious, and he just kept trying to dissuade him: "That's enough, hurry up and leave!"

Wanda ignored him and continued to try hard, refusing to go away no matter what.

"Go, Wanda! Please, go!"

Pietro's impression of his sister was that she was afraid of strangers, had a weak personality, and rarely had any opinions. This was the first time that he saw a side as stubborn as a stubborn little cow in his sister.

Until the end, she seemed to be convinced that she could not save Pietro by herself, so she removed her superpower, looked directly at Pietro and said word by word: "We agreed to leave together, less No one can."

After saying that, and ignoring Pietro's loud shouts, Wanda turned around and raised her head to face the giant creature that had already arrived in front of her.

Muto stopped, his crimson evil eyes squinting as he looked at the two little ones below. Wanda's face was pale, and her heartbeat was beating like a symphony orchestra reaching its climax. But her frail body stood in front of her brother without taking a step back. Her red hair was blown by the hot wind blowing through the ruins, and her back already had a vague heroic spirit.

The little witch's eyes seemed to become hotter, and an unprecedented dark red light flashed in her clear eyes. Red ripples seemed to appear out of thin air, surrounding her body like water.

It was as if some power buried deep within her body was gradually awakening.

Muto seemed to smell a hint of threat from this small and frail girl, and suddenly opened his mouth and screamed strangely. It raised its right front foot high, hovering under the dark night for a moment, then suddenly cut through the air and fell straight towards the petite body at the sole of its foot.

Pietro roared, but his voice seemed to be swallowed up. He had superhuman speed and reaction, but he could only watch in pain as the forelimb swung down like a death scythe, imagining the scene of his sister being shattered to pieces for him.

From the moment they lost everything, Pietro decided to protect his only remaining relative at all costs, even if it cost his life.

But in the end, he became a burden and could only watch her die for him.

As long as he can save his sister's life, he is willing to give anything.

At this moment, as if his prayer was heard, light appeared in the dark and deep night.

Both of them closed their eyes involuntarily under the bright light.

The next second, when they opened their eyes again, a miracle had happened.

The silver giant held the raised insect foot with one hand. The golden light all over his body was gradually fading, and his mountain-like body stood firmly between the two people and Muto.

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