The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 207 The eggs are gone!

Flight is an ability unique to male MUTOs only. Although the female Muto is stronger and stronger, she has no wings and cannot fly.

Muto spread his wings and took to the air. As he rose into the air, he lowered his head to look at Nexus at his feet, snorting mockingly. That look was like mocking: Are you stupid, little boy? I can fly!

And when Muto watched the silver guy below him bend slightly, the airflow from the soles of his feet suddenly burst out, and he took off like a silver rocket and chased after him, his pair of red eyes almost stared straight.

WTF? Isn't this scientific? Why can you fly if you don't even have wings? ?

Muto's smile suddenly froze, and he quickly turned his head and began to flap his wings desperately, as if he had never flown so hard in his life.

However, it soon discovered to its horror that the unscientific weirdo behind it could not only fly, but also fly faster than it! It almost made him doubt the beast.

Muto doesn't seem to fly very fast, and Nexus can easily catch up with him at the speed of his young form. Seeing that he couldn't escape, Mu Tuo gritted his teeth and decided to give it a try. It flapped its wings, drew a long arc, turned around, accelerated its dive, and collided head-on with Nexus.

Without giving in, Nexus also faced them head-on. A milky-white air ring exploded behind him, and he suddenly accelerated and approached Muto. The moment Muto's insect legs fell, he ducked slightly to one side, and then hit Muto's head with a punch like a heavy cannon.

Mu Tuo let out a cry of pain, and his left forelimb, which was still intact, rushed towards him. Nexus blocked it with his left arm, and the arm blade and Muto's insect feet wiped out flying sparks. At the same time, he punched out with his right fist again, the punch penetrated the skin so much that Muto's internal organs almost moved out of place.

Finally, Nexus stepped out with his left foot and used the force to step on Muto's face. He rose up and was directly above Muto. He followed his body and spun around, and a spinning kick brought down the head with tens of thousands of tons of force. .

Like thunder exploding in the sky, transparent ripples spread from Muto's forehead the moment the kick hit. Nexus' side spin kick made Muto dizzy, and he lost all the strength to flap his wings. He fell from the sky with a scream, and the movement the moment he landed was like a thousand waves exploding on the calm sea. .

Muto had been beaten with multiple internal injuries all over his body, and his broken leg was still bleeding continuously. Now he was even more dizzy from the fall. After struggling for a while, he managed to stand up with his remaining legs. But he still stood unsteadily and unsteadily.

Although this beast is not weak in combat as an ancient behemoth, it is not an alien beast after all. It does not have that kind of super self-healing power. It would take at least ten and a half days to recover from such a serious injury.

Nexus landed lightly. He crossed his palms at his sides, thunder and lightning flashed between his palms, and began to charge up the power of Cross Storm.

As if realizing that his death was imminent, Muto tried his best to stand firm, let out a low cry, and stumbled towards Nexus and launched the final sprint.

But it was all in vain.

The moment Nexus crossed his palms to form a cross, a golden beam of light rushed out like a torrent bursting from a dam. The powerful impact of the light flow pushed Mu Tuo's body staggering out of the distance, and the violent impact burned its strong skin. Muto screamed and tried his best to wave his insect legs to resist the flow of light, but his legs instantly dissipated and melted under the powerful beam.

In the end, its skin was completely burned open, and all its organs were melted and crushed under the ultra-high temperature. The golden light was like a spiral spear piercing through Mu Tuo's neck with flesh and blood. It remained standing until the golden light dissipated, leaving a red-hot hole six to seven meters in diameter in front of it.

Half a second later, its legs buckled, its body went limp, and it fell down with a rumble, exploding into pieces with roars and flames.

Muto is not an alien beast. Once it dies, it is dead. There is no way to resurrect it, and there will be no Muto factor left that can be used to infect other creatures. As long as it dies, it is completely over.

In fact, to be honest, this MUTO was already lucky. At least he was killed by a well-known and well-known ultimate move like Cross Storm.

When it reaches the underworld and exchanges blowjobs with the dead MUTO in the legendary movie, it can be said that it died after eating a giant of light's hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius light ultimate move. What about you, brother?

Then Muto in the legend would say, I, I, I was stuck on the building by Godzilla's "Dragon Tail Swing" move, and was accidentally stabbed to death by the steel bar.

Muto's crisis has been resolved, so little Godzilla should be safe for the time being.

After the fierce battle and aerial pursuit, they had already left the base several miles away in a short time. After releasing the transformation, Richard flew back to the base wrapped in a ball of light, directly penetrated the wall and fell back into the storage room.

This little Godzilla was really obedient. Richard told it not to move and it really didn't move. When he came back, it was still lying there pitifully. Even its posture didn't seem to have changed. It was really difficult for it. .

When it saw "Dad" coming back, it barked a few times and hurriedly ran up to Sticky. I don't know if the little guy knew the big bug above was lying on the "dad", and it was called a affection.

With such a big mess at his base, Baron Strucker thought it wouldn't be long before he came back. When the old guy came back, he saw that his tower had been pushed down, everyone was dead, and a bunch of superpowers were so dead that no one was left. Even the egg in the storage room ran away by itself!

He seriously suspected that the old man might have a mental breakdown by then.

The entire base's server storage room was occupied by Muto, and it was unlikely that the surveillance video would be preserved. There seems to be no living person left in the whole place, and the base is located in such a deep mountain and old forest. When the Baron comes back, I am afraid he will have to figure out what happened to make this tragic situation happen.

Well, wait a minute, speaking of living people. Are there two people still alive?

Richard suddenly remembered that when Nexus had just transformed into a giant, did the brother and sister Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch happen to be down there? He happened to catch a glimpse and helped them block Muto. At that time, he was only paying attention to Muto and didn't pay much attention.

Looking back now, it seems that one of Kuaiyin's legs was pinned down at that time?

Anyway, it was just a little effort. Now that he saw it, he thought he might as well go and do this small favor for the brothers and sisters. Anyway, now that the Hydra base has collapsed, the brother and sister seem to have nowhere to go. If he takes the opportunity to fool around, he might be able to trick the twins into coming to his home. Isn’t this what the senior time travelers did?

A future top mage and a rare speedster in the Marvel system, what a bargain!

But it's a pity that this is just a thought.

Because when he thought about it and ran to the edge of the ruins, he found that the brother and sister had long since disappeared.

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