The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 214 Are you an alien? (Four more updates again!)

Lu Dan's dark forehead has more and more signs of "Well". It would be fine if someone else said this to him, but if it were the unscrupulous guy in front of him, he might actually pawn his super communicator after today.

Seeing Lu Dan's expression, Richard put away his watch with a smile on his face: "Ah ha, just kidding, don't be angry, Director."

After all, he was generously paid so much salary, so it felt bad to always be angry.

Luodan snorted.

If you really dare to pawn my communicator, believe it or not, there seems to be nothing I can do.

Luodan changed the topic and decided not to talk about this annoying topic. His expression became serious, and he turned to Richard and asked: "I have a question that I have always wanted to ask. It is a very important matter."

Richard couldn't help but be startled when he saw him suddenly becoming so serious: "What?"

Fury pondered for a while: "I asked Agent Coulson to ask you who you are. You said you are a human being, but you have gained special powers?"


"But the power you gained, that Ultraman... is an alien, right?"

Richard was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, you saw the movie we made?"

"I saw it." Luodan admitted.

Richard was surprised: "Director SHIELD is so busy, does he still have time to watch TV shows and movies?"

Think about it, Lu Dan is sitting in the director's office wearing a black trench coat, and the Ultraman movie is playing on a large three-dimensional floating projection screen with black technology in front of him. Lu Dan’s legs were crossed on the desk, eating melon seeds while watching Ultraman, with a cup of Feizhai Happy Water in his hand.

What a joy!

Lu Dan's face was expressionless: "Strictly speaking, this movie is an investment project of our SHIELD. As the director, I should understand the results. Don't interrupt. Just tell me, is that Ultraman really an alien? "

It doesn't matter if other people have seen this movie, but Nick Fury knows that the producer of the movie is Ultraman himself. So it was natural for him to wonder, are the stories in the movie pure fiction, or are they works of art based on his own experiences?

The alien beast The One that appears in the film is also recognizable, after all, he also participated in the previous decisive battle with The One. Although The One they were fighting had many differences in appearance from the one in the movie, his super self-healing ability and ability to swallow creatures to evolve infinitely were so recognizable that he could easily be associated with them. Could it be that the movie is based on it?

So since the alien beasts in the movie are real, doesn't it mean that the origin of Ultraman is probably not completely fabricated?

Richard looked at his solemn look and thought for a moment: "Okay, yes."

"So is your situation the same as the protagonist in the movie?" Lu Dan continued to ask.

"Not exactly the same, but similar." Richard said, "You can think of me as a carrier of light, a host, and we have become one."

"still have a question."

Luo Dan paused and narrowed his one eye.

"If you have merged with an alien, are you a human or an alien now?"

So this is his biggest concern.

In fact, it’s not surprising that Fury is so nervous, because nine out of ten aliens in the Marvel universe have bad intentions, which really makes people nervous. Although long-term cooperation and fighting side by side have allowed Richard to build a foundation of trust in his heart, he still hopes to hear the other party express his position personally.

Of course Richard knew what he wanted to hear, so he said: "The light that is assimilated with me is different from the one that appears in the movie. Ultraman in the movie still has his own consciousness, but the only thing that is fused with me is the light. . So you can also understand that this is just a pure force, and I am just the person holding the power. To be more accurate, it should be said that I am both light and human."

Luodan's expression became a little more relaxed and he nodded slightly, quite satisfied with the answer.

"Then there is one last question," he said. "Since he is an alien, does this Ultraman have others?"

Of course he cares about this, or rather he cares about this more than Richard's own identity.

joke! It is enough to defy heaven to have such a being in the world. The combat power of Nexus that he has seen is enough to sweep through any army and easily overthrow the regime of any country. If one day he suddenly wants to turn against the earth and the boss behind the scenes does not take action, human beings There was no resistance at all.

And what if there is actually another nest of existence like this?

Luodan thinks his heart may not be able to bear it

Richard hesitated and nodded.


Lu Dan's eyelids twitched.

"How many?" he asked.

Five? Or ten? Twenty?

Richard: "I don't know the total number, and no one has counted it. But considering that there are as many as an entire planet, I guess there are tens to tens of billions at least."

Luo Dan’s facial muscles twitched.

More, more, more? ? ?

"Are you talking about the kind of thing that is more than fifty meters tall, has tens of thousands of tons of strength, and can release nuclear bomb-level powerful rays with bare hands? Are there tens or billions of them?"

Don’t lie to me because I haven’t read much. Is the environment in the universe so dangerous?

"No, no, no, you got it wrong, Director Fury." Richard said seriously, "Ultraman is a very large alien race, and each individual will be different. Not all of them are over fifty. meters high, and under certain circumstances some people can even grow to 999 meters."

spiced corned egg:"."

"The strength of tens of thousands of tons is not complete. This also varies from person to person. Some people may have a strength of more than ten or two hundred thousand tons. And everyone's abilities are also different. Many Ultraman have their own unique super powers. Abilities, such as space travel, time reversal, telepathy, mental control, and telekinesis."

spiced corned egg:"."

"In addition, the statement of nuclear bomb-level light is too general and not comprehensive. The power of light techniques also varies from person to person. Weaker light may only have nuclear bomb-level power, but some Ultraman's light power should be enough to directly blow up a person. There is a planet that is comparable to the Earth, and a few high-end combat capabilities are even stronger..."

spiced corned egg:"."


"That's enough." Luodan said with a livid face.

He didn't want to hear it anymore, he just wanted to be quiet.

If he had thought before that he had to come up with a check and balance method to deter such a powerful race, now he has completely given up the idea.

If what Richard said was true, then they wouldn't have to struggle. That whole planet is inhabited by gods.

Continuing with the fourth update, brothers should give monthly tickets this time, right QAQ

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