The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 218 The Missing Braised Egg

If Proxima Centauri still can't see the problem with this silver weirdo, then she is too slow.

No chance of winning.

This was the conclusion she finally came to. If Black Dwarf couldn't even take a single move in front of the opponent with his strength, then there wouldn't be any change even if they fought side by side.

Dark Night Proxima was extremely surprised by the other party's powerful strength, but she didn't know that the other party was actually equally surprised.

Richard couldn't help but feel surprised when he looked at Black Dwarf, who was knocked away by his punch and hit the wall, groaning unconsciously. I didn't expect this guy to be surprisingly durable. He didn't even die on the spot even after being punched. It's amazing.

We cannot continue to fight like this. Proxima Centauri glared viciously at Loki who was stalling for time, pushed him away, stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled the Cube out of the device that contained it. The energy source was violently removed, and the entire device system buzzed with overload. Countless sparks jumped out from the cables, and the energy of the device overflowed, exploding in a circle of light blue energy shock.

Nexus temporarily left the half-dead Black Dwarf behind and turned her attention to Proxima Centauri, or to be more precise, the Cosmic Cube in her hand.

Loki hurriedly wanted to jump aside, saying that she and I are not the same group. If you want to hit her, hit her and not me. But unfortunately, his "teammates" did not give him a chance to express his opinion. Proxima Centauri grabbed Loki's arm, and the Rubik's Cube in his hand began to glow with a strange blue light.

She wanted to use the power of the Rubik's Cube to slip away.

Loki in Avengers 4 can directly hold the Rubik's Cube to exert his special ability to move in space. This trick was obviously taught by Thanos' people. So as one of the five Obsidian generals under Thanos, Proxima Centauri naturally doesn't understand this trick.

Nexus moved. The air wave exploded behind him like countless blades. Ultraman's body seemed to turn into a dreamlike light and shadow, and it seemed to disappear in an instant before the dark night Proxima Centauri. He raised his right fist high with boundless strength. rise.


There was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the punch was like a powerful TNT explosive being detonated. The entire base buzzed and trembled, and thick smoke erupted in the room.

Agent Coulson was far away on the edge of the OB, waiting for the movement ahead with his eyes wide open. After a while, the smoke screen gradually dissipated, and only Nexus' figure was left in the field.

Proxima Centauri, Loki, and the Tesseract have all disappeared.

Richard canceled the transformation and returned to his original form, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

It is indeed a cosmic cube that contains the power of space. Not only is it easy to escape, but it is also impossible to catch up. You can't even use the space ability casually near this thing. Maybe the Rubik's Cube gets upset and interferes with your space movement, and the next second you're working with the Red Skull.

Oh, and the black dwarf that had just been sunk into the wall also disappeared. Apparently Proxima Centauri deliberately took his teammates with him when he used the Cosmic Cube.

It stands to reason that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been obtained. Now they only need to take the Rubik's Cube and send it back to their hometown to present it to Thanos. However, Richard speculated that they should not be able to do this.

In the movie Avengers 4, it was shown that Loki can use the space teleportation ability directly by holding the Rubik's Cube, but in Avengers 1, he held the Rubik's Cube for so long but did not directly teleport away from the earth. Instead, he started to teleport while doing crazy things on the earth. Waiting for the Chitauri army to come to support.

If he could use the Rubik's Cube for interstellar teleportation, wouldn't it be the end of the world after getting the Rubik's Cube and just leaving?

Even if Loki's goal is to rule the earth, after he takes the Rubik's Cube and flies to Thanos, he can also open the portal from the other end and bring the Chitauri army. By that time, the Avengers couldn't even close the portal through the Rubik's Cube, and they really had to fight the swarm of Chitauri to their death.

But Loki didn't do that at that time, probably because he couldn't do it.

It may be that he has some restrictions on how to use the Rubik's Cube. There is a high probability that they can only move within one planet through the Universe Rubik's Cube. So just like in the Avengers 1 movie, it is very likely that the purpose of Obsidian and Loki is to create an interstellar teleportation portal and use the Chitauri army to invade the earth.

If this is the case, then there is still a chance for the Earth side to regain the Rubik's Cube.

Among ordinary creatures placed under the Eternals in the Marvel Universe, Obsidian Five's combat power is undoubtedly the top, but in Richard's opinion, that's just it. At least these Black Dwarfs and Dark Night Proxima Centauri are at the level of one punch in front of him, and they don't seem to be much different from those headless and faceless monsters.

Among these five generals, there was only one person that he really cared about.

A person who didn't get a chance to appear in the movie. Although his combat ability is the weakest among the five, he has the highest threat factor.

Superstar, the only telepathic person among the five generals of Obsidian.

Compared to the other generals who wielded swords and guns to fight and kill, this one with the mind control system was actually more dangerous. In addition, there is a scepter embedded with the Mind Stone in Thanos' camp, and her mental control ability will definitely be greatly improved.

In fact, in the movie Avengers 1, Richard was confused. Thanos clearly had such a powerful mind-controller. Why was something as awesome as the Mind Stone not given to her but given to Loki instead?

So in the end, Loki lived up to expectations. Not only did he not bring back the Cosmic Cube to Thanos, but he was also sent to Earth with the Mind Stone in vain. No wonder Thanos later strangled him to death when he saw him without saying a word. I'm afraid this guy had made up his mind to be a kid, and tricked Thanos into taking away Thanos' magic suit and deliberately gave it away.

Although he was very confident in Ultraman's mental resistance and had never seen any Ultraman brainwashed by mind control, considering that the opponent had the Mind Stone in his hand, Richard felt that it was still worth being wary of.

Richard turned around and walked to Colson, stretched out his hand: "Can you stand up?"

Coulson grabbed his hand and stood up, mumbling, "Thank you."

Coulson briefly explained to him what happened here, but in fact it was nothing special. Richard had already guessed it before he came. He came here after receiving an emergency signal from Lu Dan through the watch that was almost pawned. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the scene just now.

But then again, what about braised eggs?

Such a big thing happened, but as the director, he didn't even take the risk. Isn't this too abnormal?

An hour later, when SHIELD was searching within a few miles of the base, they finally found clues that seemed to be related to the braised eggs.

An armed helicopter bearing the Aegis eagle emblem crashed a few miles away, on its way to the base.

The pilot and an accompanying agent were still in the wreckage, but they were already dead.

However, I don't know if I should consider it lucky, but the director who was supposed to be sitting inside was missing.

The braised eggs were taken away.

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