The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 222 So many people?

Of course, a group of aliens have never seen a local specialty like Godzilla, but there are not many animals in the universe that can hit a black dwarf star with their heads.

However, they don't know that the thing in front of them is actually only two weeks old. When it grows up, five obsidians combined will not be enough to fill the gap between their teeth.

Little Godzilla's "Iron Head Kung Fu" inflicted 1,000 damage to the enemy and 800 damage to himself. The Black Dwarf was knocked away, but it was also so disoriented that it couldn't find its way to the north for a long time.

But it also knows that this is a fight, and it cannot lose no matter how much momentum it loses! So it forced itself to be calm, tried hard to steady its frivolous steps, raised its little head as hard as it could and roared with all its strength. It really looked like a rudiment of a king.

Jessica patted it with empty eyes: "Hey, you are facing the wrong direction, the enemy is here."

Little Godzilla was confused. ah? Got it wrong? Then I'll do it again later.

It turned its head and changed its direction, and roared again with its teeth and claws. However, in fact, its claws had just emerged and its teeth had not yet grown fully, so its intimidation was only that...

Hostile people: "."

So it turned out to be just a joke?

But no matter what, the innate power that little Godzilla just showed is real, at least you can't completely ignore this combat power. The other party also realized that the situation would be very bad if this continued, and they had already encountered obstacles one after another before the real master came.

This cannot continue.

The superstar who has been on the fringe of OB is finally ready to take action. Originally, she wanted to save her energy and prepare to defeat the key target with one blow, but if she didn't take action now, she might not even be able to get past the soldiers guarding the door. Then the five Obsidian generals would stop messing around in the interstellar in the future.

She doesn't intend to use the psychic scepter, but even so, her own telepathy ability cannot be ignored. It is a complete nightmare for people who don't know how to defend themselves mentally!

The superstar walked off the stage, and before his abilities were activated, Jessica and Gwen in front felt a chill in their hearts for no reason, as if the alien woman's sight could penetrate everything and clearly see the deepest secrets in your heart.

The super star's eyes were filled with darkness, and his abilities were activated quietly.

With just one thought, she could break through the psychological defenses of the two opponents in an instant, and defeat her opponent without a single blow.

Countless strong men have been defeated by her ability, because this is telepathy, an unreasonable and domineering ability.

But she didn't get this momentary opportunity.

The light green stream of light seemed to appear out of thin air, accelerating and hitting the side of the super giant. This sneak attack was extremely covert, and the superstar was concentrating on preparing to release a mental shock. How could he have expected such a change? The superstar was unprepared and was blown away by the impact, his graceful demeanor was gone, and he fell to the ground in a mess.

A petite cackle sounded out of thin air, and light green ripples appeared in the space. A woman wearing a green crown and a charming dress landed lightly, looking at the superstar who was knocked to the ground with mocking eyes.

Loki's eyes almost widened when he saw the person coming.

Isn’t this really cute Amora?

What are the witches of Asgard doing here?

Amora's eyes fell on Loki: "Didn't you say you wanted to be the God King last time we met? What are you doing here?"

Loki suppressed his blush and looked away.

No big girl, you got the wrong person. That's not me.

The superstar glared at her fiercely: "You are looking for death, Asgardian!"

Her mental power was unleashed without reservation, sweeping towards Amora like an invisible frenzy. But although Amora doesn't have telepathy, she is known as the "Charming Witch" and she has quite a lot of research on spiritual magic. How can she control it so easily? The superstar kicked up an iron plate and was unable to do anything to her for a short period of time without the support of a scepter.

At this time, the three generals of Obsidian had no upper hand at all. A certain paddler whose presence had been infinitely close to zero since his appearance immediately entered the field of vision of several people.

The superstar turned his head fiercely: "Aren't you going to take action?"

Loki saw that the situation was now reversed, and the five Obsidian generals seemed to have no more benefits, and he felt that the time was almost ripe. So he spun around, stretched out the sharp knife in his hand, and suddenly stabbed Proxima Centauri, who had retreated beside him. The latter waved his gun away, took half a step back and glared at Loki coldly.

"what you up to?"

Loki stopped pretending and immediately jumped in front of Jessica and Gwen. He said loudly and forcefully: "Listen up! Although I am no longer an Asgardian, I will never sit back and watch you. Do evil on Midgard. I will fight until my last breath!"

It doesn't matter what Loki's true thoughts are in his heart. What matters is that he has now taken a stand in front of all witnesses on both sides. After all, it’s just a few nice words. He, Loki, the God of Lies, has told too many lies in his life?

Jessica and Gwen looked at each other.

Who is this guy? do you know?

Sounds like he's still a teammate?

"I've told the master a long time ago that you can't be trusted." Proxima Centauri stood up and twirled the spear in his hand. "Since this is your choice, then go to hell!"

She kicked her steps, and her figure was electric. The shadow was approaching quickly like a flexible snake, and the spear followed the shadow, heading straight for Loki's throat.

Just as she was about to come into contact with Loki, at this moment, like a bolt of lightning falling from the sky, the roar of thunder sounded, the blue thunder tore through the clouds, and fell vertically with an afterimage, just at the moment before the two parties came into contact. It fell right in front of Loki.

It was like thunder coming to the world, a smoke screen mixed with lightning and shock waves erupted. Dark Night Proxima rushed towards Loki with a gun in his hands. Before he could make a move, the man was blown away by the impact, and his whole body was electrocuted with black smoke rising.

Loki subconsciously raised his arms to protect his head. When he lowered his arms, he saw that his old brother was wearing armor and holding a divine hammer. Under his feet was an exaggerated giant crater that had just been stepped on. His bright red cloak was fluttering in the wind behind him, looking majestic.

Thor, the god of thunder, was holding his hammer, with electricity all over his body, glaring at the opponent like a lion ready to go: "If any of you dare to come up and try again, Thor, the god of thunder, will fight him!"

The three obsidian generals looked more and more puzzled. Who is this earthling named Richard Lee? Why are all the gods jumping out to guard the door for him?

Now even the prince of Asgard has popped up, who is next? Mr. Odin himself?

Since Mr. Odin once fought against all the gods in the interstellar world when he was young, Asgard is really well-known in the interstellar world. As Odin's eldest son, Thor is even more famous. He jumped out of nowhere and the three Obsidian generals lost most of their fighting spirit.

"We withdraw."

Dark Night Proxima Centauri commanded in a deep voice, and the light blue light immediately enveloped them all, leading them to disappear without a trace on the lawn in the blink of an eye.

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