The two giants attacked and defended at high speed in the air, and the thunderous roar could even be heard from the ground thousands of meters away. The Chitauri held their guns for a long time and were at a loss, just waiting for their boss to give the order.

Commander Chitauri is also extremely pained now. It stands to reason that they are still in a state of war, and both warring parties are still at war with each other on the battlefield. They should continue to fight, but after the alien beasts, Faust and Nexus appeared one after another, I always felt that this battle was on the sidelines. The key points have been missed by a thousand miles.

At this moment, the two gods are still fighting on top of their heads, and the sky is dark. Compared with that, I feel that their little fight below seems a little less interesting...

But there is no way, they still have to do the work they should do. Who gives them the task?

The atmosphere in the field became tense again. Both sides tried their best to ignore the constant roars coming from thousands of meters above their heads. They had their arrows on the string and were ready to pull the trigger again at any time...

Then the black afterimage suddenly broke into the battle.

No one reacted immediately until the cold gun shadow swept across and the red blood splashed like a spring. The necks of the two human leaders who were clearly standing in the middle of the position were cut at the same time. They remained standing with guns until they fell on their backs. Their eyes were wide open and they were completely unaware of what was happening.

The dark figure flashed past the military formation, heading straight for the on-site commander at an inhuman speed. The spear pierced with a spiral cyclone, as if it was carrying a will that penetrated everything. The commander turned back in shock, the shadow of the gun in his pupils quickly enlarging, as if it was a death sentence.


The vibranium shield was delivered in time to stop this overbearing shot. The commander narrowly escaped death and staggered back half a step in shock. Captain America leaned over to grab him, swung his shield across the air, and made a clear collision with the gun.

The figure of Proxima Centauri, which was moving at high speed, paused briefly. She frowned and couldn't help but glance at the captain, as if she was surprised by this human's superior strength and skills.

But she is more confident in her own strength. Dark Night Proxima Centauri was about to change his tactics and attack again, but a sharp arrow shot through the air at this moment. Proxima Centauri was extremely alert, and without hesitation, he quickly retreated and jumped back lightly. The arrow from Hawkeye on the high platform stabbed diagonally into the floor, and the gunpowder carried by the arrow exploded.

Dark Night Proxima had just taken two steps back, and Black Widow had already taken one step in advance to block the direction of her retreat. The ace agent intercepted an energy gun from the Chitauri.

These alien firearms are basically fool-proof operations. They don’t require unlocking, verification, or even safety. They can be picked up and used immediately. Black Widow fired several shots at the opponent. Proxima Centauri waved her spear to deflect two of the attacks, and then retreated to avoid the remaining shots.

At this time, Proxima Centauri was greatly surprised. At this stage, Thanos has never had any contact with the Earth, and Proxima Centauri's understanding of the Earth and humans is limited to "backwardness" and "weakness." But this fight is nothing like that!

She is a majestic five-year-old obsidian general and one of the few duel masters in the universe. How can she be thrown on the earth like a "passable" second-rate master? Just pick up a cat or a dog and you can go back and forth with her, and you can have a good reputation with her. Press and rub her.

Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye cooperated tacitly, forcing Proxima Centauri out of the array in a few clicks and jumped to the open space outside. Iron Man had already calculated her landing point with the help of Jarvis, and the recoil technology cannon in his palm had already locked the location of her landing.

It was so precise that the moment she landed, the recoil light cannon was already out of her hands. Don't look at it in the movie. The recoil cannon of Iron Man's suit seems to be incapable of killing an ordinary person, but that's because he usually limits the power to suppress the output. If the firepower is fully activated, it can blast the human corpses to pieces on the spot. .

At this time, there was no sense of humanity when facing alien invaders. He directly used 60% of the power for this shot. Let alone a humanoid creature like Proxima Centauri, he can blast through even a Tiger tank with one shot.

Accurate preview, with computer assistance, leaves no room for Proxima Centauri to exert its speed advantage. But just when this energy cannon was about to hit a fatal blow, an even more exaggerated giant shadow fell from the sky and blocked Proxima Centauri in the dark night. The big black man fell to the ground with a bang, and the ground exploded under his feet. The recoil energy cannon hit the opponent without reservation, but that person didn't move at all.

Black Dwarf slowly stood up, surrounded by black smoke. He held the heavy battle ax and squinted his eyes. The recoil cannon left only a shallow mark on his body.

"What?" Tony was surprised, "How is that possible?"

He knew best how powerful the recoil energy cannon was after several enhancements and upgrades. Not to mention living things, there were very few metals on the earth that could withstand the energy impact just now. Is it possible that the alien's skin is harder than most metals on earth?

Black Dwarf carried the ax and glanced at several people, his eyes unable to conceal his contemptuous attitude.

Although he was easily killed by the silver weirdo before, Black Dwarf estimated that there was only one guy on earth who was beyond comprehension. His Black Dwarf star has been fighting with Thanos for so many years and his self-confidence is deeply ingrained. If a few random people on the earth are as awesome as that silver weirdo and can hold down his Black Dwarf star and beat him, then it would be better for their Dark Order to retire and disband. Let the people on earth conquer the universe.

The war machine kept its distance, took off and began to suppress the black dwarf with firepower. The rain of machine gun bullets pressed down intensively, accompanied by the explosion of micro missiles one after another.

The flames violently licked the black dwarf's skin, and countless flattened and deformed bullets splashed onto the ground. The black dwarf stared hard, roared like a beast, kicked his feet and jumped up, and the block beneath his feet shattered under the strange force.

"Rhode be careful!"

Tony yelled, turning around to help, but Black Dwarf moved too fast. Although he was a hundred meters away, Colonel Rhodes had no chance to react. Black Dwarf raised his knife and dropped it, and the machine gun barrel on the war machine's shoulder was immediately broken into two pieces. A strange force penetrated the entire armor, and the chest of the war machine was deeply deflated. The body drew thirty or forty meters away at high speed against the ground, and the steel shell dragged out a long string of sparks along the way.

Black Dwarf hummed disdainfully.

So weak.

This is normal. On Earth, the existence of such a BUG is already serious. How could there be a second one...

Bang! ! !

There was a muffled sound, and a big green fist hit Black Dwarf's cheek, so hard that his head tilted and half of his face sank in. Saliva filled with blood stars spewed out from his open mouth involuntarily. .

Like a fired cannonball, Black Dwarf's bulky body flew out, shot through the wreckage of an overturned bus on the road and flew hundreds of meters away.

The Hulk rubbed his huge fists and said angrily: "You're so weak."

(Thanks to the book friend for the 10,000-dollar reward for being such a annoying little bitch!)

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