The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 240 Watch me beat it back

"Sir, there is a high-energy UFO approaching."

Tony Stark, assisted by Jarvis, was the first to be reminded. Less than a minute after the Chitauri withdrew, a huge shadow pressed down from the sky like an endless dark cloud.

Chitauri super battleship.

This group of aliens did not give up. On the contrary, they finally put all their efforts into taking the earth seriously. They realized how ridiculous their previous idea of ​​being able to easily take over the Earth with a few vanguard armies was, and finally showed their true combat power.

The only praiseworthy thing about the Chitauri is that they have a large number of people and are not afraid of death, so many people like to hire them to do some dirty work that they are inconvenient or unwilling to do. But in terms of combat effectiveness, a group of mercenaries is certainly far worse than the regular armies of interstellar civilizations. Taken together, their combat effectiveness can only be said to be at the bottom.

But even if they are at the bottom, their mothership at least has the ability to interstellar shuttle and the ability to fight in outer space. This is the reason why they can mock the earth's technology even though they are at the bottom.

In the system of the Marvel Universe, it is actually difficult for an individual's combat power to reach its peak in the universe. After all, this is a world view dominated by technology. Excluding the immortal bosses at the level of the Celestial Gods and the Elders of the Universe, and the Father-level gods like Odin, excluding the messengers of Galactus, and the few cases on the earth who can even drive and hang in seconds. , among the conventional creatures below the god level, the most powerful and infinitely close to gods are the Eternals to which Thanos belongs.

However, even those Eternals who all have Hulk-level monster strength and whose physical abilities have reached the peak of biological bodies can only be defeated in an interstellar battle. Captain Marvel can dismantle spaceships, but she can only dismantle small battleships that don't even have outer protective shields. Thanos, the self-proclaimed overlord of the universe, is so powerful that he has no friends. To roam the universe, he still has to develop an army and fly a spaceship.

This is why Marvel's alien civilizations are so awesome, but they always have to be beaten by the Avengers when they fight in groups, because most civilizations don't pay attention to individual combat capabilities at all. When wars begin between major civilizations, a fleet of planetary battleships are dragged out to bombard them, and star-killing weapons are all basic equipment. Like Kree, Skrull and Shia, the three most famous empires in Marvel's universe, the top mothership is said to be able to destroy even the gods.

Although the Chitauri are not impressive, even the most conventional space weapons are enough to defeat the eight main roads of the earth at this stage. Even if they are so shabby that they don't even have a Star Destroyer Cannon, one shot must at least have the power to destroy a city.

At this time, the main gun of the mothership in the sky had poked its muzzle downwards, and the huge black barrel pointed directly at the dilapidated New York City below. Golden energy is brewing in it, as if it is accumulating the power to destroy the world.

Others haven't realized what's going to happen next, but Stark's face in the Iron Man suit has become increasingly ugly. The readings fed back from that heavy cannon were racing like crazy, as if silently telling a devastating fact.

"Preliminary estimates suggest that the direct damage from that shot would be enough to evaporate the entire New York City, sir." Jarvis said.

"What about indirection?"

"It's hard to predict. But there's a chance that subsequent damage could destroy the American continent."

Tony's eyelids twitched.

What kind of damn weapon could have such terrifying power?

No matter how talented Stark is, he is still limited by the environment and the times, and his vision is still at the level of the earth's armed forces for the time being. This alien weapon was beyond his current understanding.

But one thing he knew was that he couldn't let the cannon be shot down no matter what.

Tony conveyed the current situation to everyone around him as concisely as possible, and everyone was shocked after hearing his warning.

Faced with this life-and-death crisis, no one had any reservations, and the army had no time to ask for instructions from their superiors. All firepower that could reach that height was poured out, and all remaining rockets and missiles were launched. Intense firepower hit the outside of the battleship from all sides, and gorgeous fireballs exploded one after another without leaving even a scratch.

Iron Man, War Machine and Thor flew as close as possible. Iron Man's full-power cluster light cannon hit one of the battleship's turbine engines, seemingly shattering an armor plate, but the impact was minor. The war machines poured out intense firepower, but most of them were only blocked by the hulls of the battleships.

Brother Hammer raised his hand and swung the hammer from a few hundred meters away. His output was the most powerful among the three. Thor's hammer, wrapped in lightning, roared out like a blue dragon, denting the armor of the battleship from below, and exploded with crackling thunder. It was completely dark, but after all, I still couldn't penetrate it.

Even Loki tried his best and threw a powerful spell down below, but it only blew twice on the outer shell of the battleship, and then there was no movement.

The human side used all their trump cards, and in just ten seconds all the firepower they had was blasted forward, but it was useless.

Nothing could stop that main gun from firing, nothing could prevent disaster.

The heroes, warriors, gangsters, citizens of New York City, and even everyone in front of the cameras around the world were all focused on the light that was about to deliver the verdict.

They worked hard, and they were only a little short of the last step, almost a tiptoe jump away from success.

But they still failed.

The shining beam of light hung straight down from the sky at this critical moment.

Having rushed back from an unknown number of miles away, Nexus' red body appeared directly under the fully charged main gun in a burst of bright light. The radiance emanating from his body instantly stung everyone. Can't keep my eyes open.

Seeing Ultraman's return, Tony Stark's first reaction was not encouragement or joy, but almost instinctive anxiety and worry.

"Get out of the way!" he shouted through the loudspeaker. "It's too late. The opponent has already charged up. Even you can't bear it!"

Afterwards, he felt strange when he thought about it. Speaking of which, he clearly didn't know who the other party was, or even where the other party came from or what kind of creature he was, but at that moment he was worried about the other party from the bottom of his heart, as if they were old comrades who had known each other for a long time.

The distance between the two parties was not too far, and Richard, who had super hearing, certainly heard it. He was a little relieved that this big dog was still worried about him. It seemed that saving him twice before was not in vain, but the other party obviously underestimated him a little too much.

Isn't it just a city-destroying cannon?

Watch me knock it back.

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