The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 242 Cleaning Up (Third update!)

The moment Nexus blocked the front, all the Chitauri warships opened fire at once. The ferocious firepower swept towards the red body overwhelmingly. All the weapons of the alien battleship fired at the same time. The lasers and cannonballs formed a dense curtain of fire. A silent storm blew up in the vacuum, swallowing up Ultraman's body. body.

But it's all in vain. The blue light pierced the fire curtain and light effects, shining dazzlingly in the dark space of the universe. After layers of fire, Nexus stood like a mountain, with blue lightning flashes wrapped around his arms, as if he was preparing for a thunderous strike.

As he pointed his arms diagonally toward the sky, forming an L gesture, the flash of ultimate light was released from Ultraman's raised arms, instantly shining across the entire sky.

The intense and ferocious firepower of the Chitauri was suddenly eclipsed by this light, and the blue torrent penetrated the curtain wall of flames and bombarded against the rain of bullets in the sky. The ultimate beam hit the alien ship straight, and the solid shell only lasted less than two seconds before being melted through. The blue laser poured in like sea water, and the Chitauri screamed strangely and were swallowed up by the light. Their semi-mechanical bodies disintegrated on the spot and were scattered into countless particles in the dazzling torrent.

It was like a blow that penetrated heaven and earth, piercing through the other end of the battleship in the blink of an eye. The slender stream of light pierced the entire mothership like a javelin, and a blue shock wave spread from the center. The entire ship was torn apart by the tyrannical force and was engulfed by a rapidly expanding fireball until it was completely turned into cosmic dust.

But the remaining battleships took advantage of the opportunity when their companions were destroyed to accelerate and break through the fire curtain, breaking away from the earth's gravity. They ran at full speed as if lifeless, all engines activated, accelerated to the limit in the shortest time, rushed into the portal in one breath and disappeared, and a large number of shrimp soldiers, crab generals and transport ships followed closely behind and rushed into the portal. A large group of Chitauri arrived with great ferocity, and when they fled, they were all so panicked that they hated having two legs.

Nexus slowly lowered his arms and floated silently on the blue planet.

That's fine.

It is difficult to kill such a large number of Chitauri, but they are equivalent to the earth's microphones. Only those who have personally experienced the earth's battlefield will spare no effort to tell others how difficult this battle is.

At that time, they may describe it to others, saying that we experienced three hellish hours on earth before narrowly escaping from that terrible place. That is to say, our battleships were equipped with awesome equipment and escaped relatively quickly, otherwise we would have almost ended up there. Already...

Presumably, even after Thanos learns about the situation on Earth, he will have to think twice before he wants to cause trouble.

There were many accidents in the Battle of New York, including alien beasts and Faust's. After this series of battles, Richard had exhausted a lot of energy. To be on the safe side, he decided not to chase after him for the time being and to look for Thanos on the other side. Trouble. Not long after, the portal slowly disappeared and it seemed that someone had found the Cosmic Cube.

When Richard released his transformation and returned to the ground, New York had completely lifted the state of war. SHIELD has arrived and started cooperating with the military to clean up the war. Richard soon discovered the two artifacts, the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter, in the hands of SHIELD personnel near Avengers Tower.

So these two things were actually recycled? Who did it?

He was a little curious. He saw that the Avengers were fighting in the front the whole time, and even the ace agent Widow Sister was also playing damage with the group, so who took advantage of the group to go to the back row and steal the enemy's home?

He went up to inquire about it, and soon an agent told him that it was the beautiful blond witch who did it. According to the descriptions of the agents, the witch lady not only appeared with a Rubik's Cube and a scepter, she even dragged a super star who was unconscious like a dead pig. The wave of circling around and killing people was simply spiritual...

Richard was a little surprised.

Amora is so powerful?

Moreover, this guy ran away without even saying hello after finishing his work. He even turned around and gave away the divine armor that he worked so hard to get back.

What kind of spirit is this?

This is the spirit of monks from far away who can chant sutras!

It was very powerful, but it almost didn't sound like Amora herself. This woman was so full of bad ideas that she didn't know what her plans were this time.

But no matter what, she had done her best, and Richard thought it would be better to say thank you if he had another chance to meet her next time.

The scepter was temporarily recovered by SHIELD, but seeing the famous bald agent Sylvette personally leading the team to clean it up, Richard estimated that this thing would become a Hydra collection soon.

As for the Cosmic Cube, Thor insists that it is an Asgardian object. Later, Lu Dan and he had a little argument. Lu Dan said that humans have held this thing for a thousand years. Thor said that we had held it for ten thousand years before that. When we got the Rubik's Cube, you were the first The patriarch is afraid that he hasn’t had time to reincarnate yet!

In the end, Luodan made the same judgment as in the movie and returned the Cube to Asgard. When the board of directors blamed me, he plausibly said that I had followed God's will.

But that’s all for later. At this moment, Brother Hammer had just won the battle in New York and was extremely happy. In addition, his long-lost brother returned, and he had long forgotten about the Rubik's Cube. After a brief exchange of words with the agents who came to clean up the battlefield, the Avengers ran off to eat pizza.

Yes, at this time when New York is in darkness and all kinds of gods are showing off their magical powers, there is actually a pizza shop that is open in this city. Either the owner of this store is some kind of senior master who hides himself from the world, or things happened so fast that the owner didn’t even have time to run away...

The superheroes gathered around a round table, and Tony sat in seat C. He waved his hand to indicate that everyone could eat as much as they wanted, and I would treat you to this meal! So Hulk grabbed three boxes of ten-inch pizza in one go, saying that I would do it first, so you can do whatever you want.

"Hey, is it so lively?" Richard opened the door and walked in, "Can I join?"

The two parties were considered comrades in arms, and Tony was not polite, pointing to the vacant seat next to Hawkeye: "Sit down."

"Thanks." Richard sat down.

Tony said vaguely while eating pizza: "If you ask me, let's not go to work in the next few days. Let's take a week to a month off or something..."

"Sounds like a good idea." Richard smiled, "But before that I still have a little question to ask. When I was passing by just now, I found that the ball was taken off the roof of my newspaper office. Someone Do you know what’s going on?”

Tony froze while biting into the pizza. Unconsciously, he pictured himself piloting a troop carrier past the Daily Planet building, and the big guy behind him swiped the golden ball with his tail. scene.

Then he pointed at Thor with certainty: "He did it, I saw it."

Thor was confused: "Huh? Is it me?"

"Yes." Tony nodded, "That guy hit a transport ship on the head with a hammer, and the tail of that thing knocked off your decorations."

Thor tried to remember, but couldn't. After all, this city is so big and there are so many buildings. During the fight, he just went to hammer people, and he didn’t remember which building he knocked down!

But since teammates have said so, it shouldn’t be wrong, right?

So he sincerely apologized: "Sorry, I was negligent. I express my highest apology..."

At this time Loki jumped out and pointed at Stark: "Don't listen to his nonsense. This guy did it, I saw it!"

Hehe, I, Loki, am here and still want to fool my brother? There are no doors!

No one can fool my brother except me!

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