To be honest, this was something Richard didn't expect at all. Brother Hammer made a big hole in his garden with a thunderbolt. Although he felt unhappy, he could only forget it. After all, he couldn't go all the way to find Mr. Odin to ask for compensation, right?

But what I didn't expect was that the old man actually took the initiative. Before he, the real owner, said anything, Thor appeared at his door holding the Cosmic Cube.

But if you think about it carefully, Leodin in the movie does not seem to pay much attention to the Infinity Stones. The Rubik's Cube had been left on the earth for more than a thousand years. Mr. Odin only turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it. He didn't even send anyone to look for it seriously. Later, after the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was brought back, the old man just threw it in the warehouse to eat dust, with no intention of using it at all.

Richard thought that with Mr. Odin's ability, it would be impossible not to know how to use this thing. Besides, Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet was made by Nidaville, the hometown of the dwarves. Odin wanted to get a real Infinity Gauntlet. It shouldn't be difficult, but he just got a fake one and used it as a display in his warehouse.

There is also the ether particle that is the carrier of the Reality Stone. Thor fought desperately to snatch it back from the Dark Elf, but Odin turned around and gave it to the Elder Collector of the Universe on the grounds that it was too dangerous to put the two stones together. This shows that Asgard actually doesn't care much about the Infinity Stones. As long as it is safe, it doesn't matter whose hands it is.

Richard didn't know how to use the Cosmic Cube for the time being, so he didn't want to take it out of consideration for the friendly relationship between Earth and Asgard. But since the artifacts were delivered to his door with free shipping, there was no reason not to accept them, so he accepted them without much pretense and thanked Thor who came to deliver the equipment.

I won’t be able to use this thing for a while, and I’m afraid it will be remembered if I keep it at home. And this thing will continue to radiate gamma rays, just like its own GPS positioning. It can't be stuffed in a safe, right?

But this is also a small problem. Richard directly took out his gun to summon the Stone Wings, and threw the Cosmic Cube into the Stone Wings. Then he waved his hand, and the Stone Wings immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the sky.

Hehe, now you, Thanos, are going to try to find the space gems? If you can find out all of this, then the labor and management will change their surnames and be destroyed on the spot!

This is equivalent to occupying the latrine and not taking a shit. Although he doesn't know how to use the space gems, as long as the Rubik's Cube is hidden in the Wings of Stone, Thanos will never be able to collect all six gems in his life.

Even more than that. The reason why the six Infinity Stones are powerful is that they can form a positive cycle. Each stone has a linkage effect with a stone in its corresponding position, and the Power Stone is the total energy source of the Infinity Gauntlet.

In other words, the placement of the Infinity Stones must strictly follow the established order, just like Thanos did in the movie. Power, space, reality, soul, time, mind, none of them in the wrong order will work.

And now that Richard has taken away the Space Stone, it is equivalent to digging a big hole in this positive cycle. He has also cut off the four locations from the Space Stone back. In other words, even if Comrade Thanos finally collects the five gems after all the hard work, the only ones he can use will be the Power Stone.

The lofty ideals and ambitions of Thanos, the chief member of the Universal Family Planning Commission, have not yet begun to be implemented, but at this moment, visual inspection has already strangled them in the cradle...

He was lucky, probably because his manor was relatively far away from the city center. This time, no one from the large, dark group of New York Chitauri hit his manor...

...Oh no, it should be said that it was just bad luck. If the Chitauri came over and blew up his house with a few cannons, then he could ask for more compensation and build a bigger and better one. What a pity, what a pity...

What makes people angry and funny is that little Godzilla didn't even notice that such a big thing happened. This little lazy guy lay down in his nest and slept the whole time, unaware of the various gods flying around above his head.

It wasn't until the battle was over that all the gods went back to their homes. When Richard came home to take a look, the little guy yawned lazily and crawled out of his nest. He ran up and squealed and rubbed against him twice. It means I'm hungry again and want to eat...

Seeing little Godzilla happily munching on a piece of ribs, Richard couldn't help but feel melancholy. If this continues, does this guy feel like he's going too far? He eats and sleeps all day long, and if he goes on like this, he will look more and more like the canine that everyone loves. Will he simply become Godzilla's fat nerd in the future?

He felt dangerous.

This won't work. This potential trend must be killed as soon as possible. Richard looked down at the cute foodie, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

Gotta train!

After all, he’s a Godzilla, so he at least needs to know how to bite people, right? Otherwise, wouldn’t it really become a mascot in the future?

As if he noticed something from his master's sight, the body of the little Godzilla who was eating meat trembled, and a chill ran down his spine for no apparent reason.

I don’t know why, but I always feel something bad...

Jessica and Gwen both came back soon after the war, more or less decorated. From their disgraced looks, it is not difficult to guess that they had also gone to New York to help fight in the war.

On the first day, everyone was very tired when they got home. They only expressed condolences to each other and said a few words before going to rest.

Most of New York was blown away, and the city's normal operations were undoubtedly paralyzed. Now that the city is in ruins, no one can go to work or go to school. A Chitauri transport ship like a salted fish is lying on the teaching building of the school where Gwen is studying. The students will not be able to go back to school for a while.

So they became more relaxed these two days. After dinner the next day, the three of them went to New York City for a stroll to see the current situation in New York.

In fact, there is not much to say. The whole of New York can be summed up in one word: chaos. Everywhere you go in the city is a mess, people are still busy searching for survivors, and the number of casualties is rising.

The official statistics have not been released yet, but you can guess that the data must be very scary. Not only the citizens of New York, but the US military also suffered heavy casualties in this battle. There were corpses buried under almost every collapsed building.

In addition, security has become a big problem. The state of New York is now close to a wasteland, and the law enforcement system is also in complete chaos. A large number of criminals took to the streets hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

After the war, the Avengers all went their separate ways, so the burden of maintaining law and order was handed over to street heroes like Daredevil and Luke Cage. Gwen often went out to help during routine patrols every day. Maintaining order, but for such a large scale, their efforts are only a drop in the bucket and have limited effect.

No one expected that the person who finally stood up to maintain order during this lawless period was none other than the criminal leader Jin Bin.

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