The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 252 Where did Chai come from? (Fourth update!)

Nexus and Faust are engaged in aerial battles all over the world, with figures flying and brilliant light effects, which really scares old men and women from all over the world. Previously, the Battle of New York was broadcast live around the world. Everyone in the world saw the scene where Nexus knocked back the main cannon of the alien mothership with one fist, causing the mothership to explode on the spot. This was a horrific destruction to this great god. Everyone knows something about it.

As for the dark giant who was fighting him on the opposite side, although it looked like he was being chased all over the place in the picture, considering that he had traveled half the world without being defeated, his strength must not be too weak. Go ahead…

At this time, Dark Faust's heart was filled with ten thousand legendary beasts and mud horses galloping past. As a mysterious villain who is supposed to take the initiative, it is really frustrating to be chased half way around the world. When the two sides chased each other over Africa, he couldn't help it anymore, turned around and yelled with mental strength: "You're not done yet, are you?"

Richard said to himself that I was also helpless. Do you think I am tired of chasing you? But isn’t it what you said where there is light there must be shadow? Then if there is shadow there must also be light. Why are you so angry?

You're making it seem like I'm a villain who's pressing every step of the way to make people cornered...

Faust was tired of being chased and could only complain a few words. Although he only obtained the power of darkness and did not know the backstory of the love and murder between Noah and Zaki, he also knew that his darkness and the light of Ultraman behind his butt belonged to the opposite camp, and the contradiction between the two parties was inevitable. To reconcile, one party must eliminate the other.

Richard's pursuit was also very difficult. Although he has indeed been suppressing Faust, the speed of this guy is not the same as his own. It is not difficult to catch up, but it is difficult to catch up and kill him at the same time.

If you can open the Metafield to trap the opponent, there won't be so much trouble, but against the dark giant, you can't open the Metafield randomly. Originally, he had the upper hand now, but if the Realm of Light was infected by darkness and became Faust's home field, it would be funny if he couldn't beat the opponent.

Finally, Nexus finally caught the opportunity to entangle Faust while flying over Africa. At this time, Faust's physical strength seemed to be beginning to run out. His arms clumsily lifted his two fists, and his body was already beginning to shake a little.

Nexus punched him hard in the abdomen, and at the moment Faust bent over, he raised his hand and struck his shoulder hard with the knife. Faust grunted, and his body was shaken. His reaction was a moment slower. He raised his palms to block, and then Nexus kicked the timer on his chest hard, causing him to somersault and fall downwards.

Faust rolled several times before barely regaining his balance, and the dark timer on his chest began to flicker on and off. Although the Dark Giant has nothing to do with Ultraman, the manufacturer may have put a decent timer on his chest based on the concept of making a complete set of copycats. When the Dark Giant is about to burp, it will It will flicker on and off.

For example, it is like this now.

Faust raised his head and saw that not far above his head, Nexus had already shown the ultimate light hand gesture, with blue lightning flashes surrounding his arms, brewing a daunting blue light energy.

At this distance and angle, all the directions he could move were blocked by the ultimate light, making it impossible to dodge. Faust did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly gathered his energy and concentration, mobilizing all the dark energy in his body to prepare for the attack. He stretched out his fists in front of him, opened the purple lightning, gathered rich and powerful dark energy, and roared out like the purple lightning tearing open the sky!

The ultimate light!

Dark aura!

The two killers, one light and one dark, collided in the air. The moment the light skills collided, it seemed as if the world was eclipsed! Blue and purple energy intertwined and rushed up to the sky, like the Optimus Pillar piercing the clouds and straight into the sky, even the atmosphere was blown open a huge gap.

The spilled light violently stirred the air, forming a super strong cyclone flying around the earth. A dazzling fireball exploded at the contact point between light and darkness, but it was obvious that the dark side was suppressed, and the flames swept towards Dark Faust driven by the energy flow.

A miserable groan sounded in the air, and after the energy of the ultimate light was consumed more than half, it finally tore apart the dark halo with overwhelming force, and rolled up Faust's dark body with scorching flames. The dark giant was engulfed by light and flames, like a fallen demon falling at high speed under the flames. After landing, a burst of fire exploded into the sky, and the fire curtain flew more than a hundred meters high.

Nexus floated in the air, looking directly at the center of the fire curtain from a bird's eye view.

MD, this guy can really run.

Richard couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

Although it exploded with astonishing force just now, Faust's ultimate move canceled out most of the power of the ultimate light. The remaining energy was enough to cripple the opponent, but it was definitely not fatal. On the contrary, Faust took advantage of the cover of the mixed explosion of light and dark energy and took the opportunity to escape through another space to escape.

But this is quite helpless. Richard has used all the output he can hit, and even thrown out the ultimate light of his ultimate move, but there is still a trace of blood left to kill...

Faust's current state is quite difficult even if he is not dead. In this state, he cannot run very far. The only option is to change back into human form and blend in with the nearby local residents.

It's hard to say because it's not clearly shown in the original work, but we can't rule out the possibility that Faust is also possessed by other hosts, so it's really hard to find him.

But it doesn't matter, Richard said that he is patient, and as long as Faust doesn't come out, he can always stay here with him. Anyway, if Faust wants to slip out of this place, he has to use his own strength. As long as Richard stays nearby and doesn't leave too far, he will be able to sense the moment the other party uses dark power. At worst, he will have to play cat-and-cat all over again. mouse.

What Richard has to do now is a bit like keeping corpses in some RPG online games. He slashed someone to death and then squatted next to the body and held guard with a big knife. As soon as the person pressed the resurrection button and resurrected in place, he would immediately kill him with another knife to the head.

However, after chasing for so long, he didn't pay much attention to where it was flying to. It was only now that he started to look around to see where he was...

At this moment, inside the Pentagon.

"Report! The reactions of the two giants have disappeared! The strong energy impact they released interfered with the electromagnetic signals in the area. The signals are lost and cannot be traced!"

A group of big guys suddenly became anxious. Who won the battle? Are you still fighting? Will it fly back again after a while?

So someone immediately asked: "Then where was the last place they disappeared?"

"The location is in Africa...Wakanda."

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