The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 256 No need to take action

Monitoring the energy of the dark giant is actually similar to the principle of monitoring the vibration waves of the alien beast. In the TV series, whether the dark giant or the alien beast appears, the instruments in the Night Raid team base will react immediately.

The technology tree on the Aegis side is definitely completely different from that of the Night Raid team based on alien technology, but Aegis has also achieved somewhat similar effects with its own unique black technology. Although Wakanda's technology tree is very crooked, its level is still there after all. Richard only needs to briefly explain the characteristics of the alien beast's vibration wave, and it is not difficult to detect this reaction.

In fact, as long as Richard himself is in Wakanda, his human body radar should be able to sense it. The reason why he uses Wakanda technology is just to be on the safe side. The threat of Dark Faust's own strength is not too big, but the trouble with these guys is that they may not attack head-on. If they play dirty, it will be a bit troublesome.

So no matter what, Richard must leave Faust in Wakanda once and for all. He is squatting here to guard the body now, and he will not leave as long as Faust does not come out.

It soon proved that the method he pointed out was indeed effective. Just half a day later, Wakanda's detector actually captured the corresponding vibration wave response of the alien beast. However, to Richard's expectation, what appeared this time was really the vibration wave reaction of the alien beast, not Faust.

So he was right when he casually said that there was more than one alien beast in this area. It was said that Cao Cao had arrived, but only about ten hours later another one appeared...

In any case, this made his words more credible in the minds of the old king and others. The old king intended to show him his own fighting power, saying that since this matter happened in our country, it should be resolved by us personally. You don't have to go to the front line to fight, you just need to consult and provide some tactical guidance.

The old king thought to himself, since the weapons of the "Victory Team" outside can kill alien beasts, then there shouldn't be anything we can do with Wakanda's technology, right? The old king was quite confident in his weapons.

Richard agreed with a smile. Since others specifically asked him not to take action, he might as well just sit back and relax a little bit with peace of mind. Anyway, he happened to be very curious about the level of Wakanda's weapons, so he took this opportunity to observe them today so that he could be mentally prepared in the future.

Wakanda still attaches great importance to the crusade against the alien beasts. The old king sent the current Black Panther T'Challa to personally lead the team. Although T'Challa is still far away from inheriting the throne, the old king couldn't wait to give him the Black Panther's seat early. I don't know if it was because the old man was out of shape and couldn't fit into the Black Panther's battle suit. …

Richard flew with them to their destination, almost right above where the alien beast's vibration wave came out, but he didn't even see half of the alien beast's shadow.

Naturally, everyone asked Richard, the "only designated expert on the biology of alien beasts". Richard frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Some alien beasts can move underground, and some may disguise themselves as humans. Anyway, Let’s land and take a look first.”

Naturally, the black people had no objections. T'Challa gave the order and the plane slowly landed into the jungle below.

The dark clouds had obscured the sunshine at some point, and it seemed impossible to see even one's fingers in the jungle. The Black Panther led the team, and everyone held their breath cautiously. A group of nun-like bald black women held spears to protect the Black Panther, and the team moved forward to explore the camp step by step.

Black Panther is extremely familiar with the jungle, and as an enhanced person, his sense of smell and senses are also first-rate, but even so, his judgment of the surrounding situation is not as accurate as Richard's.

A weak vibration wave is slowly approaching from the jungle around the team.

Richard glanced over slightly and frowned slightly.

Something is coming.

The Black Panther was a little slower, but soon realized something was wrong. He gestured for everyone to stop, and stared calmly into the darkness of the jungle.

The figure gradually emerged from the darkness.

They were black men with distorted faces, with ferocious facial features, and empty eyes that seemed to be filled with pure hunger and murderousness.

Just from the first sight, Richard was convinced that these people were dead. They have been infected by the alien beast factor and turned into humanoid alien beasts, like walking corpses with enhanced physical strength. They have no thoughts and only act by instinct or following orders.

The black panther turned his head and cast a questioning look at him. Richard explained: "They are already dead. They are just puppets of the alien beasts. There is no way to reverse this process and can only eliminate them."

Black Panther nodded. He shouted something in Wakanda, and all the surrounding Guards immediately stood ready, grabbing their spears and preparing to fight.

As the first humanoid alien beast screamed and rushed into the square formation, the battle officially began.

The combat effectiveness of Wakanda's Guards is quite good. They are a nation that advocates force. Every one of them selected into the Guards is an outstanding one. In addition, they are blessed with unstoppable vibranium spears. They are generally average. They may not be their match in hand-to-hand combat.

The people infected by the alien beasts are not ordinary people. Their physical abilities have been strengthened to varying degrees. Even the weakest soldiers have at least 0.8 of the physical abilities of Captain America. It's just that they're just athletic, and their bodies are far from invulnerable. On TV, the Night Raid Team can kill one with one shot of the tranquilizer gun. This shows that the recovery ability is not too strong. The Vibranium Spear of the Guards here is quite lethal to them.

Taking all factors into consideration, the fight between a group of humanoid alien beasts and the Guards was actually quite manageable. As the leader of the team, the Black Panther was even more unstoppable. He broke through head-on with his vibranium suit, but a group of walking zombies couldn't do anything against his iron skin.

It was not a big problem for the Black Panther to lead his guards to fight a group of soldiers. Richard didn't take it too seriously. He just paddled behind to observe the exquisite skills of a group of Wakandan warriors.

Until a guy with a different style jumped out of the jungle. The man had a broad build, and compared to others, he could have been compared to others. Even in the Wakanda tribe where muscular men roamed everywhere, it was quite rare.

What's more important is that the vibration waves released by this guy are completely different from others. The intensity of the vibration waves on his body alone exceeds the sum of all other miscellaneous fish.

Richard couldn't help but take another look at him, and found that the other person's fierce eyes were staring directly at him.

Is this alien beast?

He was thinking about it when the man was walking towards Richard's direction step by step. Regardless of the reaction of the alien beast's vibration wave, all the Guards soldiers he met along the way, regardless of their strength, were slapped away by him. The elites holding vibranium spears did not even make a second move in front of him. Opportunity.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to have the slightest interest in these Wakandan warriors. He just sent them flying and ignored them, but he didn't kill them.

It seems that paddling experience can only go so far.

It seems that even if it is not a humanoid alien beast, it should be a small BOSS, which cannot be defeated by Wakandan soldiers. However, just as Richard took a step forward to fight, the future King, the Black Panther, stretched out his hand in front of him and said in a very mysterious and pretentious master tone: "No need to take action. You can just take a look." , what it’s like to fight Black Panther, our guardian of Wakanda.”

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