The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 261 Turning the Impossible into Possible (Third update!)

The pain spread violently, as if even the bones were being spread apart by scorching waves of fire. The impact of the undercurrent hit his side like a heavy hammer, causing flying sparks to explode on the armor on Nexus's upper body, causing him to kneel on the ground.

The blue crystal on his chest turned from blue to red, flickering and extinguishing with a crisp sound.

Dark Faust succeeded in one blow and couldn't help but sneered proudly.

"Face reality, man of light." He said, "Look at this space, this place. This deep darkness that can swallow up even the most dazzling light is the most original portrayal of reality! The society created by human beings Dirty darkness, sin, greed, and injustice permeate every aspect of the world. No one can escape this reality. Everything will eventually be eroded and assimilated by darkness. Only this darkness is eternal. As a light, you are basically There is nothing you can do, you can't do anything, you can't change anything. In this field, even your light will eventually turn into darkness!"

Richard listened to his long list of negative energy speeches, which sounded very awesome and villainous, but when he thought about it carefully...

"I said," he raised his head and asked with mental strength, "are you jealous of me?"

Dark Faust froze.

"Jealous?" He sneered, "Your light is about to go out and you are going to die. What is there to be jealous about?"

Richard looked at him for a moment and said calmly: "Actually, even though you said that, you also long for light, right?"

Dark Faust's voice deepened: "Light? What is there to desire for this kind of thing? It is just a fragment that brings people the phantom called hope."

As he spoke, he lowered his body weight, gathered some strength, kicked his feet fiercely, and shot out like a scarlet arrow!

A storm of mental power swept over, bringing Faust's low roar: "The so-called light is simply weak in the face of absolute darkness, just like reality!"

He punched out, gathering the dark aura that was everywhere in the entire space. The dark energy turned into a cyclone visible to the naked eye and surrounded Faust's fist, stirring up a dark vortex in the space. The air waves hit the rocky ground like sharp blades, and the broken stones followed the air flow. Splash.


Earth-shaking vibrations erupted in the space, and the substantial black impact swept across the ground. The earth in the dark realm was shaken apart, and vertical and horizontal cracks divided the ground into several pieces.

Faust could hardly believe his eyes.

Infused with all his strength, he drew the ultimate darkness from this field, and a blow that could destroy even light was actually received by the opponent so lightly and deftly.

Nexus raised a palm lightly and took all of Faust's heavy punch and the majestic dark energy. White smoke was slowly rising from his palm.

Then under Faust's stunned gaze, Nexus swung Faust's arm away lightly, thrust out his left fist, and hit the dark giant's abdomen directly. Faust held his belly and stepped back again and again, looking at him in confusion.

"Why?" Faust couldn't help asking in a deep voice, "Why do you still have such strong power in this field? Why do you just refuse to fall?"

Richard couldn't help but groan inwardly.


Because of Jessica, because of Gwen, because of the lazy little slut in his manor, because of all the people he cares about and cares about, because of the things he owns and wants to protect in this world...

...he had not thought of any of the above.

P, where do you get so many lofty reasons? He refused to fall because he refused to accept it, it was as simple as that.

Is light weak in the face of darkness? Is hope just a beautiful illusion that will eventually fade away?


It's like people like to blame the devil for all the mistakes they make. Many people cheat, steal, and murder, and eventually argue that it was all Satan's fault and that they were just bewitched. But the truth is, no one can take responsibility for the mistakes you make, and you are just willing to fall down to make it easier for yourself.

Maybe this world has its dark side, but that doesn't become a reason for you to give up your efforts. Everyone always has the opportunity to do their best to become better, and blaming others is just an escape from reality.

However, Richard had nothing to say to a guy who had fallen into darkness and turned into a puppet of the devil. He didn't think that Faust's puppet could change his past and turn to the light by just talking.

But he can take a stand and let the guy know how ridiculous his views are.

Didn’t you say that darkness is destined to devour light?

Then just keep your eyes open for me.

Nexus crossed his arms in front of him, and his whole body began to glow with brilliant golden light. It was an extremely sacred and extremely intense flash of light, just looking at his body was like looking directly at the sun itself.

Faust, who had a body of darkness, began to feel bad. This light was too dazzling for him. He raised his hands to protect himself and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"What do you want to do!?" He asked loudly, "Do you want to use that ridiculous light to drive away the darkness? That's impossible! Your little light can't illuminate anything at all, and you can't protect anyone, even You can’t save yourself!”

Nexus paid no attention. He let out a low roar, and light flowed like surging blood through his limbs, and his body shone like never before.

The timer's flashing frequency is gradually increasing, which is a warning of increased energy consumption. But Nexus didn't mind at all and just continued to increase his efforts. His mind was clear, and instead of feeling weak, he felt more powerful than ever.

Dark Faust was almost petrified, almost unable to believe what he saw before his eyes.

He saw the golden light taking root tenaciously in the dark realm, like grass squeezed out of the cracks in the rocks. He saw the rocky earth melt away and be replaced by beautiful reddish-brown earth. He saw the blood-red sky fade, and the colorful aurora hung on the horizon.

He saw the darkness being dispersed, and the golden light filling the earth.

Faust was stunned and felt as if his body was stiff - and that was not just because of the negative impact of the field of light.

Nexus used light to transform darkness, and used his own light to force the dark realm back to the meta realm.

Logically speaking, this is simply impossible. Throughout the entire Nexus TV series, this has never happened before. Ji Yaquan has never done it, Chishu Rei has never done it, and no capable person in Nexus has ever done it.

But Richard did.

The red giant stood on the ground in Meta's domain, panting gently, and the indicator light on his chest flashed off rapidly.

Turning the impossible into possible, maybe this is what Ultraman should do.

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