The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 268 The God of Hydra! (Third update!)

Gideon Malik's breath hitched for a moment.

Is it true? The Hydra god that their family has been searching for for so many generations has finally been found?

No, impossible.

Malik was conflicted. On the one hand, he wanted to believe that this was the great god that his family had spent all their efforts to find, but on the other hand, he felt that this was impossible. For thousands of years, batch after batch of Hydra soldiers have been thrown into the portal without even taking a chance. Why did this one come back today as soon as he said he would?

There is weirdness.

Malik decided to test first: "There are many people I want to find. Who are you?"

The man in black looked at him calmly, his eyes as still as water: "For thousands of years, you have sent countless people to look for me, hoping that I would come out to lead you and lead you to glory. Why, have you changed your mind now?"

Malik felt his heart skip a beat.

After so many generations of development, the original teachings of Hydra have long been forgotten by most people, and even some of the current Hydra leaders may not know the allusions to this "God of Hydra". The fact that the other party revealed this secret with his mouth showed that he was an extraordinary person. Coupled with his ability to knock down the guards and sneak into Malik's house without anyone noticing, Malik was half convinced at this time.

But he still had to confirm: "If you are really who you say you are, then you should have some special abilities. Forgive me, but I still need some proof..."

Before Malik finished speaking, the opponent struck the wall on the side of the sofa with a thunderous punch. There was a roar like the detonation of dynamite, and the choking thick dust filled the study room with the strong wind. The loud blast caused Malik's eardrums to hurt, his brain buzzed, and the terrifying cyclone almost overturned him.

Malik coughed twice in the dust, looked up, and was shocked to find that the entire wall next to the sofa was gone.

Could it be...really?

The old-school hydra turned his head stiffly and looked toward the couch. The next second, he felt a trance before his eyes, as if a figure flashed, and when he came back to his senses, there was no one on the sofa.

"I learned a little bit about it."

This time the gloomy voice came from behind. Malik turned around hurriedly and found that the strange man had unexpectedly ducked behind him, pacing leisurely with his hands in his pockets.

Malik was shocked. What ability is this? Super speed? Teleport?

The other party continued: "Your organization is really unorganized. It has chaotic management, lack of faith, and the soldiers have mixed abilities. It is simply a mess."

Malik didn't protest. At this time, he had half recognized the identity of the "Ancestor of Hydra", and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with being pointed at and scolded by his ancestor. Besides, what they said is indeed true. Now Hydra seems to be stronger than ever, but it is actually a mess. Everyone is dissatisfied with each other, and a full-scale civil war may break out one day.

But he still asked doubtfully: "Then there is another question. I saw from some literature records... that the ancestor of Hydra can occupy other people's bodies and seize other people's consciousness?"

The man in black - actually Richard - glanced at the old man.

This old man's intelligence work is quite good.

Richard certainly knew what their so-called ancestor of Hydra was capable of. This so-called Hydra God is actually codenamed Hive, the earliest alien transformed by the ancient Kree people on earth. Hive has long lost his body. His body is a ball of parasites that can occupy other people's bodies and seize other people's memories. It can constantly jump from one host to another to survive.

But since he decided to pretend to be someone else, of course he had already considered this.

Although it's not quite the same as a hive, he happens to be able to take over the body.

The old man felt his eyes flash, and the man in black in front of him fell down like noodles. A second later, the bodyguard who fainted at the door got up strangely, moved his neck joints gracefully, his expression was as cold as the black agent in the movie, and his whole aura was completely different from before.

Richard had long expected such an incident. The man in black was just a passerby he picked up at random. He had long been prepared to change the puppet.

"It's not bad." He clenched his fist and said calmly, "Your bodyguard's physical fitness is still passable, just so-so."

Although Ultraman's method of changing into a human body is a completely different skill from the parasitism of a hive in both nature and form, how could it be written so clearly in ancient documents? Malik took a look and saw that it was exactly the same as what was written in the literature! Can't run away, this is their Lord Hydra!

Father, mother, grandfather, ancestors, have you seen it? I have fulfilled your wish!

Malik was extremely excited at this moment: "Sorry for the disrespect before, but I really have to confirm your identity."

"Do you believe it now?"

"I believe it." Malik nodded repeatedly.

The old man hurriedly opened the study drawer and grabbed a "Hydra Power Distribution Map". He pointed to a bunch of circles he had drawn on the map and began to explain: "You see, this is Baron Strucker's base, and then occupying this side is Whitehall, and starting from this line and going over there is Viper. Madam Snake’s territory. We can go south along this line and capture it one by one starting from the base of Whitehall..."

Richard didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This old man has been studying in the study for who knows how long, and he has even written down the route for domination. Seeing how he was roaring in such a hurry, it was as if he wanted to grab this new thigh and rush out to kill everyone, punch Strucker and step on Whitehall, and maybe even catch Mrs. Viper back to warm her bed.

Richard waved his hand to dispel the old man's impatient thoughts: "Okay, don't be impatient for now, these matters need to be considered in the long run."

Malik nodded: "I'm too impatient."

In fact, he also understands this truth. You have to eat the meal one bite at a time and take things slowly and step by step. They, the conservative faction of Hydra, have always been marginalized within the organization. Compared with other forces, their strength is far behind. Dominating Hydra does not happen overnight.

But it doesn't matter. Now that the Hydra God recorded in the literature has returned, it is only a matter of time before he takes over the world!

At this moment, Malik suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask doubtfully: "Although I don't know whether I should ask this question...but is the 'shafrin' that Straker mentioned is you?"

Malik thought this was a reasonable conjecture. Coincidentally, just a few days after he sent a search and rescue team into the portal two months ago, news of the base's fall came from Strucker. The base system is paralyzed, the audio is cut off, and all personnel are wiped out. Who else can do it except the legendary and great Hydra God?

But he never expected that the other party would just smile mysteriously: "If I were you, I wouldn't call him by that name. Not everyone can call that gentleman's name."

Malik gasped.

From this tone, it seems that their Hydra God not only knows this Shafrin, but that he is far more terrifying than him?

Hiss ~ so terrifying!

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