The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 273 The boss is a traitor?

Two days later, the Three-wing Building.

Comrade Crossbones returned to the Tri-Wing Building with a sore face. It was really not easy for this agent. He had to go all the way to Brooklyn, New York, to meet the American team for a run. While running, he listened to political commissar Luo's ideological education. Then after finishing the run, his boss called him back to the Sanquyi Building and said that there was something important...

Crossbones couldn't help but start to wonder if he had made a mistake on his recent assignment or if he had unknowingly offended his boss. Why did he always feel that Old Minister Pierce was deliberately targeting him?

I want to think about it, but the order must still be carried out. Returning to the Tri-Wing Building, when Crossbones took the elevator on the first floor, two agents in suits and leather shoes carrying briefcases came in with him and stood shoulder to shoulder behind him.

The elevator went up to the third floor, and three more agents walked in side by side, this time scattered in front of him and on his left and right sides.

If Crossbones hadn't realized the problem at this moment, then when several groups of agents came in on the fifth, seventh, and eleventh floors respectively, sandwiching him like dumplings, this Hydra elite Finally realized something was wrong——

——Is this someone trying to plot against me?

Crossbones was immediately angry. Who is he Crossbones? He has always been the only one who plotted against others, and no one else plotted against him. He has never been afraid of anyone in their SHIELD branch!

The moment the elevator door closed again, a bunch of big men started to take action. Crossbones' reflexes are not slow at all, and his fighting ability may actually be as good as ten. He immediately broke the bridge of the nose of a man behind him with a hard elbow, and then knocked out the front teeth of a strong man in front of him with a punch. Two more people came up, one from the left and the other from the right, trying to hug his left leg and right arm respectively. He kicked one of them so hard that blood spurted out on his back, and then beat the other one with a backhand punch to a bloody head.

But the Hydra general's counterattack only ended there.

No matter how awesome Crossbones is, he is just an ordinary person after all, and his physical fitness is there. The elevator was a narrow and crowded environment, and the opponent's position blocked his front, back, left, and right, making it impossible for him to display his exquisite skills.

Unlike Captain America, Crossbones couldn't use brute force to force his way out of this situation, so the only outcome was to be crushed by a group of strong men. The strong men were all over the place, some holding their arms, some holding their legs, and the rest took out magnet handcuffs and firmly attached his hands and feet to the elevator wall. After he was under control, everyone gathered around and started punching him. After three or two blows, his cross-bones were dizzy and he fainted with a roll of his eyes.

In fact, it's not just Crossbones, this is happening everywhere within SHIELD in the past two days.

Alexander Pierce disappeared within a day, neither at home nor in the office, and nowhere to be seen. Pierce's trusted cadre of elite soldiers were all in trouble. Some people were pressed down by a group of big men while riding in the elevator like crossbones. Some people were beaten up by a group of people who suddenly jumped out just after passing the corner. Some people were suddenly beaten by a group of people while sitting on the toilet. The big man kicked in the door...

Gideon Malik and John Garrett are working together. These two people have bribed all possible Hydra elements in SHIELD these days, and are fully prepared. They are waiting for this thunderous strike. moment. The core team that Pierce had worked so hard to build was dismantled in a day, and his close men were either arrested or disappeared. In addition, his whereabouts were unknown, and his power instantly lost the capital to compete with Richard. .

Then that night, an even bigger piece of news "accidentally" leaked out.

Our Hydra's respected and dedicated old Mr. Alexander Pierce actually betrayed the revolution.

Although this is unbelievable, as the saying goes, there is a picture and the truth. The video image information leaked out from unknown hands and was circulated in the hands of the majority of Hydra elements. The video recorded in detail the scene in which Mr. Pierce himself was talking in Nick Fury's office. Everyone clearly heard his words "Hydra still exists."

There is no shortage of experts in various fields within Hydra. Some relevant experts have specifically analyzed the authenticity of the video images and audio. All experts have categorically said that the video is absolutely authentic and has no forgeries. It seems that Comrade Pierce is a "Hydra" The title of "traitor" is well established.

This was so serious, the inside of Hydra simply exploded. The undercover agents rushed to tell each other, saying that they heard that our boss had quit and rebelled! So are we considered undercover Hydra or SHIELD agents now? Or are we actually double undercovers who were inserted into Aegis by Hydra and then inserted back into Hydra by Aegis?

As for the reason, it is actually easy to explain. There are many cases where a gangster went to the police station as an undercover agent and ended up pretending to be the police chief and did not want to come back. Maybe this is also the case for Mr. Pierce? He now wants a house, a car and a car, he has also been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he even has a few aircraft carriers that he can call upon. Under such circumstances, it seems reasonable to switch jobs to S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, a group of people that Garrett had already arranged jumped out to fan the flames and began to take the lead in cursing Pierce for being ungrateful and failing to cultivate the organization. To put it professionally, it was to create public opinion, and to put it informally, it was to set the pace.

Originally, Pierce's power within SHIELD was not weak, and it stands to reason that there should be many losers who would jump out to help him. Unfortunately, his most loyal losers are now all gone. As a result, those Hydras who were attracted by Garrett, who were originally neutral, and even some who were originally affiliated with Pierce's camp, began to follow suit and denounced him. For a time, criticizing Pierce almost became politically correct within Hydra.

But what I didn't expect was that Sitwell, the bald man who was originally Pierce's confidant, also scolded him quite vigorously. I have to say that this guy not only has no sense of moral integrity, but also has a strong desire to survive. When he sees that the wind is going wrong, he quickly switches sides and scolds his old boss more vigorously than anyone else. He said that the old man was not only ungrateful but also a lunatic. He was forced to copy the "Hydra Manifesto" a thousand times until his hands cramped and he still hadn't finished copying it...

Of course, there are still voices of opposition. Minister Lao Pi has worked hard in this position for so many years and still has quite a lot of connections. There are always good brothers who are willing to stand up and say a few words on his behalf to quell the opposition. But if you observe carefully, you will find that people who say such things often disappear from the world the next day.

As for Hydra being exposed to Nick Fury? piece of cake. Richard made a special arrangement. They deleted all the data on the connection between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. in Zola's computer. Even if Fury thought that Hydra might be planting spies in his backyard, he couldn't think of the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. It has been penetrated into a sieve.

Then he deliberately made some modifications before exposing Zola to SHIELD, leaving evidence of the existence of Hydra while emphasizing the power of Baron Strucker, almost directly comparing the existing Hydra in the world to Baron The equal sign is drawn. As a result, Fury's eyes all fell on the Baron, and it was foreseeable that the next life of Baron Strucker would not be easy.

If you think about it carefully, Straker and Nick Fury are white and black, one is blind in the left eye and the other is blind in the right eye. At first glance, they are a perfect match... Oh no, they are old enemies who love each other and kill each other. Richard said that they should just let the two of them play slowly, and their branch could continue to develop obscenely within SHIELD...

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