The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 278 Sky Hammer (Third update!)

Yes, it is a Nazi base, the remaining survivors from the group of lunatics during World War II.

At that time, the relationship between Hydra and the Nazis was still quite close. Hydra relied on the Axis powers to obtain a large amount of money and resources for advanced weapons research. Its leader, the Red Skull, himself was a popular figure next to the Führer. However, as Hydra's power gradually developed, Red Skull's personal ambitions also expanded, until becoming a subsidiary could no longer satisfy his appetite. Therefore, he later severed the connection between Hydra and the Führer and formed his own school of thought. Conquer the world yourself.

But this base is the product of the period when the two parties were still cooperating. When the head of state heard from somewhere that there was a geomantic treasure hidden in Antarctica, which was like spring all year round and contained a large amount of treasure, the head of state was so moved that he spent a lot of manpower and material resources on developing Antarctica. This base was also used during that period. product.

However, after investing a lot of money and time in their exploration, they found nothing. Later, the head of state naturally gave up this tempting idea, and this base that lost attention gradually became the product of the Red Skull. But what the head of state didn't know was that the Red Skull also hid an artifact that didn't belong to the earth in this base.

Yes, that was the reason why this place attracted Richard's attention.

Skadi's Hammer is what the Red Skull discovered in Antarctica.

From the fact that it is a hammer, it is not difficult to imagine its obscure connection with Asgard. It is indeed true that Skadi's Hammer is a hammer wielded by the subordinates of Jörmungandr, the monster in Asgard's mythology, the "Serpent of Midgard". It is similar to Mjolnir, which contains divine power. Anyone who lifts Skadi's Hammer can also gain the power of the ice goddess Skadi.

The name of the snake in the Midgard world in the Marvel world is Jormungandr in its python form, but his real name is actually Kull, who is Odin's biological brother. Just like his brother Odin was born with the power of Odin, this guy also possesses the divine power that is inherited from birth. His divine position is fear. In his peak state, he is the same as the Father of Heaven like Odin, and he is also at the apex of the Nine Realms. The strong one.

According to Kull himself in the comics, he was supposed to be the God King of Asgard many years ago. He cursed Odin as a villain and plotted against him to take the throne, while he was sealed in Meade. The deepest part of a certain sea area in Gard is guarded by five sea snakes that guard the barrier. They will never be able to leave even half a step.

But Jormungandr's divine power was too powerful, and the magic spell used to seal it derived an extremely powerful prophecy. The prophecy states that only Thor, the son of Odin and the God of Thunder, can truly kill Jormungandr. Even Odin's ability cannot break this prophecy, so he naturally cannot kill Jormungandr. In the comics, in order to save his son's life from this prophecy, Odin even gave up Midgard, one of the nine realms, and asked people all over the earth to bury Jormungandr with him.

Richard estimated that with his current level of strength, a big move like Ultimate Ray should be able to blow up a planet at its maximum output, but Odin's full power is enough to destroy the entire Nine Realms in an instant. Which one is stronger? Weakness is obvious. And Jörmungandr is an opponent that even Odin cannot defeat, so it is definitely enough to attract his highest attention.

The Hammer of Skadi in the base in front of us is the key to Jörmungandr's escape and recovery. Its existence is much more important than the entire base and the Nazis lingering inside.

In this way, there was nothing to hesitate about. Since he had found the hammer, there was no reason to let it go. It happened that at this moment, the detection device outside the military base seemed to have detected the presence of the uninvited guests. Several automatic turrets suddenly appeared in the middle of the ice and snow, and Gatling gun barrels and dark muzzles were pointing in his direction. Struggled over.

The Nazis in this base seemed to have inherited the good habit of their predecessors who shot first and asked questions later. They didn't even ask about the identity of the person coming and just swept them away with a hail of bullets. The dense bullets crackled in the snow and exploded into a curtain of flying white snow. The heavy artillery left deep craters one after another. The smoke and white snow engulfed Richard's figure overwhelmingly.

The next moment, the smoke was torn apart by light.

That was a scene that these militants may never forget. The beam of light broke through the snow curtain, and the silver body materialized by countless particles in the light grew to a height of fifty meters in the blink of an eye. A silver punch struck down like a cannonball.

There was a loud bang like thunder, and the powerful impact exploded the snow, and the white snow waves spread along the ground like a huge curtain. Those turrets and Gatling gun barrels shattered instantly, and the ground was covered with vertical and horizontal ravines, extending all the way to the invisible base, interfering with the effect of the external optical camouflage, and the iron-black gate of the base began to disappear and appear.

Nexus tore open the iron-black door as easily as tearing a piece of paper. The various artillery tanks in the base were activated in a hurry, and the heavy artillery bombarded Ultraman's body that was stronger than steel, but it had no effect except for the special effects of exploding flames and black smoke.

All the Nazis stationed in the base were shocked. Most of them have been guarding this barren place all their lives. No one has attacked here for a hundred years. The long period of comfort has made them almost forget how to hold a gun.

Moreover, they were not very well-informed about this ghost place, and they were basically isolated from the rest of the world. Today was the first time they saw a being like Ultraman, who is now well-known around the world. A group of Nazis were frightened. Is this a punishment from heaven? Is it because we have been submissive for so long that God finally couldn't bear it any longer and sent people to come and mess with us personally?

The real pill for the Third Reich?

There are still some black technologies retained by the Red Skull in this base, but they are just a few rounds of energy guns and laser cannons. The only difference from conventional guns and cannons is that the light effect is different when they hit Ultraman. There is no use for anything else.

Nazism was not the purpose of Richard's trip in the first place, so he just dismissed these guys. Nexus broke through all the defense lines in an instant with three strikes, five strikes and two strikes. Whether it was his laser tank or light turret, it was all a matter of one fist. In the blink of an eye, the last surviving Nazis in the world were completely wiped out, perhaps symbolizing the official end of a certain empire that had endured for decades.

And what comes next is the point.

The last enemy was also confirmed to be eliminated. Nexus shrank back to his normal size and went straight to the sealed room in the deepest part of the base. With one punch, he knocked away the one-meter-thick metal door. A few seconds later, he was standing in front of the Skati Hammer, which was all silver and half of his body was sealed in ice.

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