Paris, street.

This is a hellish situation.

The streets were broken and the houses were riddled with holes. The stone-gray armor was suspended in the air. He was holding a war hammer and his blue cloak was fluttering in the wind behind him. The broken road was filled with deformed warheads and shattered shrapnel, and torn armor fragments and skeletal remains littered the streets.

Mork the Fallen, he is the culprit who created this hell. The divine power endowed by the Sky Hammer makes him unstoppable among mortals, and its strange petrification ability also makes it difficult for anyone to resist its offensive. The army tried to organize a siege, but the last offensive a few minutes earlier had proved futile. The army position was easily breached by Mok, and all combat units were wiped out. The commander was turned into a stone sculpture on the spot, and was smashed into pieces by the monster's hammer.

Next to attack are some of Paris' local superheroes.

In this era where superpowers are everywhere, it is certainly not possible that only New York is constantly popping up superheroes. Although the stage of the MCU movies is all focused on New York, there are actually a large number of superpowers scattered all over the world.

But most of the superheroes in Paris are stragglers, and they are completely different from the organized and powerful high-end combat forces like the Avengers. A group of people surrounded the Fallen Believer for a long time but failed to deal any damage. Instead, a large area was turned into a stone statue. Mok fought one against a hundred, and even though he was under heavy siege, he remained calm and even behaved as if he was enjoying the game, not noticing these resistances at all.

The Lords of Sky Hammer are all connected to each other, and Mok can clearly sense the situation on other battlefields. The two Muggle teammates he dropped in Moscow and Washington both landed in boxes and were in vain for the Earthlings to press their eggs in a few times. Although the Boundary Breaker in New York was slightly more powerful, he was also beaten by the Avengers at this time. I went to the stratosphere and am still floating there. Looking at the overall situation, it seems that only he, the fallen believer, has done his job best, and the fear energy spread by the other scumbags combined is not even half as much as his.

Mock couldn't help but get more and more excited when he realized this. After they finish this battle, their status in the mind of the great Orochi will definitely improve. Maybe when Orochi seizes the time and takes the position of God King, he will be appointed as some kind of CEO when he is in a good mood. . By then, Mok will definitely be able to achieve great success and reach the top of the Nine Realms. A wonderful life will be beckoning right in front of him!

Thinking of this section, Mok couldn't help but become more and more excited, and he even became more energetic in hammering people! He felt as if he had become the master of the nine realms, becoming the right-hand man beside the snake to rule the world, and he immediately felt so proud.

All the heroes on the streets of Paris were dead and wounded, and most of the rest were covered in paint. What kind of climate was that? But the armor of the Fallen One didn't even have a scratch on it. The emotion called fear hangs over the entire city like a dull cloud. Collapsed houses, shattered streets, and petrified corpses can be seen everywhere, silently spreading suffocating darkness.

Mork smiled grimly, looking at the remaining heroes in front of him who were still gritting their teeth to support themselves.

He could have defeated them all easily, but he didn't.

He wanted these earth heroes to experience deeper despair and fear, break their will, squeeze out the last bit of fear from their spiritual power and give it to the serpent, and then let them die.

The dark clouds in the sky were suddenly pierced.

The beam of light pierced straight down from the sky and crashed onto the ground. Ultraman's silver body fell suddenly, trampling the road to pieces.

All the heroes on the field were stunned.

Although the body shape seems to be reduced in size, this seems to be that... Ultraman?

No one could say why, but at the moment when Ultraman fell, everyone felt slightly relieved. The fear quietly dissipated little by little, as if the sun was slowly tearing apart the dark clouds from the other side and shining sunlight on the desperate land again.

Of course, Mork was also aware of the decrease in fear energy. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Nexus, swung the war hammer in his hand, and made a vague sound in his mouth, which seemed to be using some ancient alien language.

He didn't recognize who it was across from him, but he didn't care.

He is Lord Skyhammer Mok Fallen Believer, one of the eight most powerful servants of Orochi. He will overcome any obstacles in the world and pave the way for his master to return.

Anyone who dares to stand in the way will die!

The blue skin flew up, and the figure of Mork Fallen Believer disappeared instantly. The stone-gray sky hammer dragged a long crack on the ground, and was lifted high along with the splashing gravel. The majestic divine power suddenly erupted the moment the hammer was struck down, and a faint light attached to the surface of the war hammer. The divine power was enough to instantly petrify and crush any living creature it came into contact with!

Nexus punched the Fallen One in the chest.

The sky hammer stopped in mid-air.

Mok Fallen Faithful remained frozen in place, and subconsciously glanced down - he saw that the armor on his chest was penetrated from front to back, leaving an exaggerated bloody hole in his chest. A large amount of blood and internal organs were scattered all over the ground from the back of the hole, and the scene was shocking.

The divine power flows away like a tide, and with it the vitality he regained by attaching himself to the host. Mok's eyes widened and he fell on his back. The moment he fell to the ground, he realized that his dream of reaching the top of the nine worlds and becoming a winner in life might have to wait for the next life...

A thunderous blow brought an end to the battle. Everyone in the audience was still in a state of confusion and even forgot to cheer - what? Is this the end?

The fear slowly dissipated. After completing his goal, Nexus did not stop. He jumped into the sky with a clear shout and turned into a golden light that shot towards the sky and disappeared.

At this time, the Aegis floating carrier.

"Sir! Ultraman has defeated the enemies in Paris and is now rushing to... No, he has arrived at the red tank and is now fighting against the red tank..." The female SHIELD agent in front of the console reported and stared at Looking at the screen, he couldn't help but say with joy, "...Oh, sir, Ultraman has subdued the red tank! The nearby SHIELD troops are heading to the target location to prepare for mopping up, and Ultraman has left the battlefield... Oh my god, he It’s really amazing!”

The young agent's face was flushed, and he couldn't help but look like a star-struck girl.

Luodan coughed twice and pulled his subordinate back from his star-chasing state: "Be professional, agent. Report the situation. Where is he now?"

Lu Dan feels that he must pay attention to strengthening the ideological education of his own agents in the future. He has found that many of his people have begun to have a tendency to think in an Austrian way, especially those young agents. This made Lu Dan very unhappy, and he always had the illusion that his things had been robbed.

Even since Captain America was abducted to play the role of Ultraman, even his hardcore fan Coulson has recently started to become an Ultraman...

"Oh oh." The little agent blushed and hurriedly adjusted his state, "Ultraman is now... now flying to low-Earth orbit, just on the trajectory of the remaining two meteorites! He seems to be preparing to intercept the last two meteorites. hammer!"

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