Most of Marvel's Heavenly Father-level gods are still at the planet level. Generally speaking, they are one level behind the cosmic-level gods like the Celestials, but this gap is not absolute. For example, a god like Odin with the peak combat power of the Father can kill an ordinary god alone. It is not impossible to fight two or three gods at the same time with all the preparations and divine equipment in place.

Orochi felt that since Odin could do it, there was no reason why he couldn't do it. Just killing one or two gods would help him establish his prestige and convince everyone. When he overthrew Odin and returned to the throne of Asgard, it would be better to command the nine realms.

So a new question arises, where are the "Ultraman" who is regarded as the guardian by humans?

At this time, the absorption of Orochi's fear energy has completely reached the bottleneck, and its strength is probably stuck at the peak level of more than 60% and less than 70%. No matter how hard you work, you may barely reach 70%, but it is impossible to improve anymore.

Orochi's main methods of spreading fear have also been used up, and he realized that this Ultraman might be the biggest stumbling block in his next plan. If you want to take down Midgard, it is impossible to bypass this existence that is suspected of being a cosmic god, and as long as this guy is still in the hearts of mortals, it will be difficult for the fear to rise to a new level, and he will not be able to return to his peak.

In other words, as long as he can defeat their guardian beautifully in front of all humans, and then take the opportunity to exaggerate the atmosphere and spread a wave of fear, there is a high probability that he can directly recover to 80% to 90% strength in one breath, or even directly return to the peak!

Just do it. Orochi randomly captured two or three passers-by and searched their memories focusing on the name "Ultraman". Soon he got such a picture - a handsome-looking man with a bit of beard roared resolutely, and in a dazzling flash of light, he transformed into a silver giant more than fifty meters tall...

oh? Unexpectedly, this god actually exists in the form of being attached to a mortal?

So where is this mortal with the power of the gods in his body?

For the Orochi, who is connected to the human spirit of the whole earth, it is not too difficult to find someone who is sincere. Basically, it is just a matter of thinking. The Orochi locked the target's position in one thought, snorted softly, and the entire floating island immediately moved towards that direction under his thought.

The Orochi has been sleeping in isolation for too long, and its knowledge of Midgard is very limited. Everything going wrong since waking up has obviously made Orochi a little too impatient, otherwise he should have been able to imagine how an ordinary passerby could know so much? Most human beings have never even seen Ultraman himself. Apart from limited news reports, the only thing they know about this image is movies...

Poor Agent Grant Ward has no idea that he has been positioned as a level 100 super boss by a level 90 boss. Jörmungandr flew in on his floating island with great ambition, thinking that he was a brave man who was ready to leapfrog the level and challenge the full-level BOSS. Little did he know that the target he was targeting was a level 10 rookie who had just received a wood-chopping knife from the Novice Village...

Currently, Agent Ward is assigned to SHIELD's counterattack team, working with a group of agents to fight against the living dead. After continuously repelling waves of soldiers, SHIELD has gained a lot of experience. This group of living dead does not seem to be so scary in the eyes of the agents. Those zombies are actually just thicker-skinned and stronger, but they have no sanity and are not fast in their movements. They can only slash at them with rusty swords. They mainly just look scary, but they are not difficult to deal with if you are a little careful.

As time goes by, someone realizes something is wrong. An agent suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the sky outside the city's coastline: "What is that?"

The agents all turned to look, and they couldn't help but be shocked for a moment. They saw a huge black island hanging in the sky in an unnatural way, heading towards them like a floating carrier. The gloomy atmosphere was overwhelming, and the heavy pressure seemed to act directly on everyone's heart.

Before Agent Ward had time to realize what was happening, a dark green torrent crashed down from the sky like a waterfall. Terrifying shock waves erupted along the ground. The two sides in the battle did not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and everything was swallowed up by the impact. Seven or eight agents and a large number of living dead were completely annihilated in the energy torrent, and even their bones were burned to ashes.

The burly figure fell to the ground amid the energy impact. Orochi, who has recovered half of his divine power, has long since lost his old look. His hair has turned from white to black, and all the wrinkles on his face have disappeared. Ruchai's figure has become stronger as if it has been filled with energy again. He is wearing armor and holding a battle axe. He regained some of his majesty as a king.

"Shoot!" the agent commanding the scene yelled.

Although I don't know who this guy is, I know from the appearance that he is definitely not a friendly force. Since he's not a teammate, it doesn't matter who fires first!

However, the agents soon discovered to their horror that their weapons had no effect on the weirdo. All the bullets were eroded and melted when they flew one meter in front of the big snake. The green flames completely decomposed and melted the warheads. The impact of grenades and rockets were also intercepted at the same location, and even the Aegis' black-technology laser gun was scattered as if it had hit a transparent wall.

It is as if there is an absolute forbidden area with a radius of half a meter centered on the big snake, and nothing can penetrate it.

Orochi looked at the SHIELD agents indifferently and smiled contemptuously. He slowly raised his palm, and a faint mist began to surround him. The divine power is like invisible shackles imprisoned in everyone's heart, making people's hands and feet feel cold, their bodies numb, and even their brains are almost frozen.

Facing the God of Fear directly at such a distance, no human being can withstand such pressure. The big snake can directly arouse the deepest instinctive fear in anyone's heart, making it necessary to exert ten times the normal effort to pull the trigger against him.

This is oppression at the life level, which cannot be easily overcome by willpower. In the original work, even the most powerful superheroes gradually lost their fighting spirit when facing the Orochi, and the Avengers were once defeated by fear. Only Captain America, who is mentally determined to the level of cheating, can still be completely unafraid in front of the big snake.

The big snake landed lightly in front of Agent Grant Ward. He made a slight gesture, and everyone around him was blown away without any resistance at the same time, leaving only Agent Ward standing stiffly in front of him.

The big snake raised the tomahawk, and pointed the cold and sharp ax at the tip of Agent Ward's nose: "I don't care where you come from, but I am different from those bastard fish. I am not afraid of you at all! Come on, fight with me! Like a warrior If we fight the same, only one of us can leave alive!"

Agent Ward: "???"

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