The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 296 Jörmungandr (Third update!)

Under the dark sky and on the turbulent blue sea, two blurry afterimages fiercely exchanged offense and defense at extremely high speeds.

The battle ax in Orochi's hand is probably an artifact-level piece of equipment produced in Asgard. Not to mention its extraordinary material, the divine power contained in it is also quite astonishing. Just like the Eternal Spear created by the dwarves for Odin, this battle ax is obviously the exclusive weapon of the Orochi. Only the Orochi can fully release the full power of this axe. Every time the ax is struck, it will tear the space. The buzzing sound is inescapable.

Nexus used the blades on his arms to attack him at high speed. The arm blades and the heavy ax collided continuously, and each crisp collision was accompanied by a large number of sparks. Nexus' movements were nimble and swift, and his pair of arm blades combined with rapid attacks, the attack was like a dense rain curtain. The Orochi's heavy ax is calm, and every movement of the ax is sharp and angular. The divine power inspires a powerful force field, which not only defends itself watertightly, but also seals off any possible evasive directions of the opponent.

Although Orochi Kull was possessed by the giant snake in the atrium and has fallen, he is still an Asgardian at heart, and even his fighting style has a strong aura of the divine realm. Odin is also the same as Kull. He can obviously use spells to cause large-scale damage, but he just likes to attack people with axes and hammers. I don't know if they have some kind of rule that "the blood of all kings must end with the sword" or if it's simply because it feels better to fight someone in the face with a hammer and axe. Anyway, they have to fight hand-to-hand to determine the outcome.

Martial arts are a compulsory course in Asgard. As a man who wants to compete with his brothers for the King of Gods, Orochi's combat skills are naturally unambiguous. While the two sides were moving at high speed, the big snake used a trick. He struck out erratically with an axe, feinted twice and then lifted it diagonally upward from a tricky angle. The sharp battle ax passed through Nexus's waist and abdomen. Although the battle ax did not break Ultraman's strong skin, it still brought a burning sensation.

But Nexus took advantage of the moment when he swung the ax and reached out to grab the big snake's wrist. He twisted his palm to remove the strength from the big snake's hand, and then raised his knee and hit it. Tens of thousands of tons of force hit the bottom of the battle axe, and the sacred weapon of the big snake was immediately blown away and flew into the sky, drawing a beautiful line. The arc smashed into the distant sea.

The big snake roared angrily, and its five fingers were burning with dark green flames. Nexus waved his palm away and punched the big snake in the right eye socket. The big snake's vision went dark, and the severe pain brought a strong sense of dizziness, as if his brain had been hit hard with a meteor hammer.

But Orochi had excellent fighting awareness. While trying to control his balance, he blasted a torrent of magic forward with his left palm without even looking. The accurate prediction happened to block Nexus's pursuit. A ball of powerful divine power exploded in Nexus's chest and abdomen, stopping his castration. There was a faint glow on his silver body. White smoke.

"This is my territory, my home court!" The big snake roared, spreading its arms, and summoned the howling wind with its divine power. "I will no longer be defeated by anyone, not even you interstellar giants!"

The big snake's black hair was blown by the strong wind and flew like a flag. A whirlpool formed on the sea surface under his feet, and the seawater turned into a spiral tornado and rose up from the ground. Like two water dragons under the command of a big snake, it slammed into Nexus, drowning his body instantly.

The wind howled and the water filled the sky. Brilliant golden light shot out from the center of the water curtain, as if countless sharp thorns penetrated the irises of the water. The big snake's pupils closed, and the next moment he saw that the wind and water curtain were cut open, and a crescent-shaped light flew towards him through the air as if with the will to cut everything.

The big snake reacted very quickly, and with one lift of his palms, two balls of magic were blasted out. Heavenly Father's divine power and the crescent moon's light collided in mid-air, and the energies canceled each other out and spread in a circular pattern.

The big snake kept moving, and with an angry roar, it activated its dazzling light. The blue and green light seemed to turn into smoke and linger around him, wrapping around his arm and preparing a thunderous strike. Nexus has also completed his initial move, and the Cross Storm is ready to go.

The big snake struck out with both palms in the air, and the manic energy storm erupted, causing his long black hair to fly up and down. Nexus formed a cross with his palms, and golden spark-like light shot through the air.

Although the destructive effect caused by the cross storm released by an ordinary human body will definitely not be as significant as when it is huge, its basic attributes such as high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius and penetrating power are exactly the same. The light of the cross storm and the energy impact of the serpent were in a stalemate for five or six seconds before detonating each other, exploding a huge fireball in mid-air. The strong airflow stimulated by the energy collision was quickly poured into the sky. The seawater under the feet of both parties was quickly pushed away by the impact storm. The sea level was like a huge hemispherical pit dug out, and tons of seawater turned into waves and pushed flat in all directions. Got out.

The confrontation of the ultimate move does not mean the end of the battle. The air flow from the high-speed afterimage blew away the fireball. Before the flames dissipated, the two figures rushed to each other again, raised their fists and punched each other with all their strength.

There were two loud bangs like a lead ball falling to the ground, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

Nexus' right fist shattered the serpent's cheekbone, and the bone fragments pierced the facial muscles. The Orochi's punch full of divine power hit the red core of Nexus's chest. Nexus's chest felt tight and his breath stagnated briefly, but then the energy poured out, all of which came out through the right fist that hit the big snake's face. Golden light exploded violently on the big snake's face. The big snake let out a miserable groan and threw its head back towards the sea, its eyes and nose filled with blood.

The big snake fell into the sea with a thud, the water splashed down and the waves dispersed, and there was no movement for a while.

About seven or eight seconds later, a huge black shadow shot straight up from the depths of the seabed at an extremely high speed.

The huge body pierced through the sea water, rising into the sky with a scream that went straight to the clouds! It was a huge python that covered the sky and the sun. It was covered with pitch-black scales. Its body was thick and strong. It had burning snake eyes. It had sharp fangs in its mouth. It spit out snake messages while constantly Releases deep purple flames.

That is the giant serpent Jörmungandr in the Atrium, the super giant python that appeared in Ragnarok in Norse mythology!

It broke out of the water, like a dark arrow, and bit into the tiny point in the air with its bloody mouth. Nexus calmly watched the approach of the big snake. He clenched his right fist and began to accumulate strength, and his fist gradually became filled with a layer of light golden light...

In an instant, Ultraman's whole body was wrapped in light, and he quickly rose up at an extremely incredible speed, turning into a giant standing tall on the sky and the earth. The punch wrapped in golden light blasted out as if it was about to penetrate the space, and hit Jörmungandr's side of the face with an explosion-like roar.

Although the follow-up subscription failed to reach 300, the author still worked hard to deliver the third update. . .

The author is running out of energy, so please be sure to subscribe and get going!

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