Of course, that doesn't mean that outside of his gigantic state, Richard is just an ordinary person with no power.

First of all, in addition to becoming gigantic, Nexus, like most other Ultraman, can adjust his height and size during transformation. At present, Richard has discovered that his limit is that he can grow to a height of 49 meters, and can shrink to the size of an ant at the minimum - this is just the current stage, and the upper and lower limits may continue to increase in the future.

The smaller the size of Ultraman's form, the less energy required to maintain it. If he just maintains the size of a normal person, the energy required will be greatly reduced, but he should still be able to bear it in this form.

But even if it's just a human size, it's still Ultraman's power, and it still has quite terrifying strength - or rather, compressing the size is actually a way to save energy, and it has no impact on its own combat effectiveness. Although Sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, no matter how small he is, he is still Ultraman, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Even in the state of not transforming, Ultraman's physical strength in the human body is far beyond the limits of human beings. Richard found an opportunity to test it, and found that his current physical body also has Captain America-level physical fitness without transforming - and that's just for now. The degree of integration between his body and Ultraman's power is not high enough, so he only has this level of power for the time being, and even if he transforms, he can barely maintain his ordinary silver juvenile form.

In his previous life before time travel, Richard was a young reporter in China, and he quite liked the job he was doing. It was precisely because of this influence that he chose to join this industry again after time travel and rebirth. Only this time, he is no longer a young reporter on the front lines running news, but a boss in the office with the air conditioner blowing on and yelling at the boss.

Good journalism. Gabriel García Márquez said: Journalism is the best profession in the world. Although such a conclusion may be too subjective, Richard feels that he can understand it.

Marquez said that journalism is a passion that can never be satisfied and can only be unleashed when encountering reality. The purpose of journalism lies in disclosure and supervision, so that the world can always clearly see the truth as it is. What the news reports can often more easily dominate people's thoughts, promote correct values, and more importantly, they can guide people to think for themselves.

But of course Richard, who was a reporter in his previous life, also understood that there are taboos in news. After all, journalism itself is still composed of people, and wherever there are people, interests will inevitably be involved.

There are many situations where something is obviously right, but you just can’t say it out loud.

Sometimes many things are clearly wrong, but you just have to confuse right and wrong without conscience.

Even Richard himself had to admit that he had been part of the group. Sometimes when he finished writing a manuscript without conscience, he would even hate his own work, so much so that he never wanted to read it again after it was published.

But now, things are different.

Now, Richard has his own newspaper and a large team of reporters who are not afraid of power and dare to stand their ground under any circumstances. No matter what the content is, as long as his reporters dare to write it, he will publish it. From Hollywood stars to business tycoons, from top military officials to political bosses, the more senior people are, the more news they have to dig out.

"Daily Planet" has developed from its establishment to today in just a few years. It has now become one of the largest newspapers in New York City, and the net worth of the newspaper owner Richard Lee has also skyrocketed. The Daily Planet has also become the best-selling newspaper among citizens. The reason is simply because they dare to write and say anything.

As for those big bosses who are angry and angry after being exposed, will they take revenge?

Haha, you have traveled through time and become Ultraman, are you still afraid of this?

Then Richard thought he might as well be killed by a piece of tofu.

Just like the plot of the Marvel movie "The Incredible Hulk 2", last night a lieutenant colonel under General Ross was injected with Hulk's serum and transformed into a monster like Abomination. The sudden acquisition of that dreamlike and powerful power made Abomination go to his head. For a while, he really felt that he was invincible in this world. He rampaged through the streets of New York without restraint, defeating General Ross's troops head-on and causing untold losses.

According to the original movie plot, it was General Ross's old enemy, the Hulk, who came forward to deal with the problem. He fought an earth-shattering battle with the Abomination on the streets of New York, and was finally able to subdue the Abomination. But who would have thought that all that hatred went unchecked last night, and the whole street was about to be demolished by him. Hulk, who was supposed to be the protagonist of the story, still didn't jump out to save the world.

Richard didn't want to take action so casually. After all, his action would definitely be earth-shattering and would undoubtedly cause an uproar around the world, and the world may not be ready to accept an existence like him.

But the situation is that the hatred was demolished all the way along the street, almost reaching the door of his newspaper office. If he doesn't jump out and give Abomination a punch, the next one that will collapse will be his Daily Planet, which he has worked hard to run for several years.

But then Richard thought about it, this power has to be shown to the world sooner or later, it doesn't matter if it's sooner or later.

Richard actually doesn't have a heroic complex. Rather than running around the world like a firefighter all day long to save the world, he prefers to run his own newspaper quietly and live his own life. To be honest, he actually felt that it was strange that an ordinary person like himself would be favored by the light, because he felt that he was obviously not the kind of hero who would sacrifice himself to protect the world.

However, he felt that since he had obtained this power, he should still let it work. He doesn't plan to be a full-time superhero like the Avengers, accompanying some super criminals all day long to fall in love and kill each other. It would be like a cat and mouse game that will never end.

But if one day, a disaster that even those superheroes cannot resist comes to the world and to him. If one day the world really needs Ultraman, then he will fight without hesitation.

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