
Like the sound of a heavy hammer hitting metal, Nexus hit Mephistopheles hard in the face with an uppercut. The dark giant tilted his head, paused, and then received another dull knee blow to the abdomen.

Nexus' energy was poured into his right fist, and light gathered from the space in the Meta Domain, wrapping the red fist in a flame-like form. Before Mephistopheles could calm down, a more violent super punch hit him in the face. The giant stuck to the ground like a broken cannonball and flew backwards. The ground along the way was tossed with gravel and scattered, and it flew more than a mile before stopping.

But just as Mephistopheles stood up, domineering golden light fell from the sky. He didn't have time to think about it, and he hurriedly jumped into the air, and the light of the cross storm exploded under his feet. A huge charred crater was blasted on the reddish-brown ground, and dust rose up to a height of more than ten meters. Although Mephistopheles avoided direct damage, the aftermath still brought severe burning pain.

While Nexus launched the Cross Storm, he sprinted at full speed without stopping, quickly shortening the distance between the two sides. Mephistopheles retreated and at the same time raised his right arm, the devil's claw shot out streams of purple-black light. Nexus blocked with one arm, and the dark energy was converted into light at his wrist. As he threw it, he was thrown back along the original path like a blue lead ball.

The energy of light exploded in front of Mephisto's chest, and the dark giant fell down with a groan. When he fell, it stirred up a hundred meters of dust, just like Lucifer falling from heaven.

The outcome has been decided. At this moment, Mephistopheles had temporarily lost his mobility, and the constraints of the Meta Domain also made it impossible for him to escape anywhere. Nexus landed lightly, and after completing the initial charge, his arms formed an "L", and the ultimate light was released directly.

Mephistopheles made his last stand. He raised his hand and released a dark energy shield to resist, but the barrier formed in a hurry was impossible to block the impact of the ultimate light. The unstoppable light tore the darkness into pieces, and the stream of light roared out and hit Mephisto's body head-on.

The dark giant raised his head and opened his arms, as if to embrace the light that shattered his body. His indestructible body began to be shattered, every particle that made up the body was scattered, and the dark power and his life were also dissipated in the impact of light.

However, just at the moment when he was about to be knocked down and crushed, Richard felt as if he heard... laughter?

Yes, that’s laughter. He was sure he heard correctly. It was some kind of crazy and twisted laughter that seemed to be a little triumphant.

"Very good, very good. Such a powerful light is simply unbelievable!" Mephistopheles opened his arms and laughed, "This is the right way, only in this way can it be worthy of being swallowed by darkness! I can't wait. Just wait, next time , things won’t be as simple as this.”

Richard was suspicious.

next time? What's the meaning?

This thing is almost broken into molecules, where will the next time come from?

Despite his doubts, he didn't stop. The light of the ultimate ray continued to be output until Mephisto's body was broken into molecules, completely shattered, and disappeared into thin air in the meta realm.

While Nexus took down Mephistopheles, the battle between Ancient One and Orochi also came to an end.

There is nothing to say in terms of victory or defeat. Although it has taken a long time for Gu Da to master the game, but if she can't defeat Orochi, who is only 60% level and dissatisfied from the beginning, then she may really need to retire early.

Orochi has basically been getting beaten since the beginning of the fight. It was burned by fire, frozen, struck by lightning, and flooded... In short, it basically ate all the spells it could eat.

After being beaten all over his head, Jörmungandr was finally forced to accept the fact - this big bald man is a bit difficult to deal with and cannot be beaten!


Although the mirror space is very convenient, it cannot trap all kinds of enemies. Both the Meta Realm and the Mirror Space have upper limits on what they can withstand. A BOSS of Orochi's level naturally has its own set of means to get out of trouble. Jörmungandr swallowed three or five spells with his butt, took the opportunity to break through the space and ran out, running away desperately.

Richard released the Meta Domain, returned to human form and landed back on the floating island of Orochi. Orochi's island and the city of fear are still there, but he himself has disappeared.

Gu Dashou said frankly that the big snake escaped and she was unable to handle it because of her limited abilities. Richard said politely that it was okay, thank you for your hard work, master, but he was talking nonsense in his heart.

A half-assed Heavenly Father Snake with only half a tube of blood. If you really don’t have the ability to keep him, then your employer will shave his head tomorrow!

Richard suspected in his heart that the old bald man might still be paddling on purpose. It is explained in the MCU movie that the Ancient One draws energy from the dark dimension to survive, and has been trying to resist the erosion of darkness for hundreds of years. Now she is almost unable to hold on, so she is becoming more and more reluctant to show her true abilities.

In Marvel, no matter how good your magic is, you still have to pay a price, even if you are at the level of the Supreme Mage. It's like a loan, except you may have to risk your life and soul to repay the debt.

As for some of the reasons, it may be related to Master Gu Yi's vision.

Most of Marvel's mages are the kind of activists who want to report on the second update if the King of Hell wants them to die in the third update. Including the Ancient One, they also believe in fate (of course, this may have something to do with her ability to peek into the future). Perhaps she felt that the Orochi was an enemy destined to be defeated by Thor, and it should not be hers to take action.

It's hard to say whether Richard is right to think so. After all, he doesn't have the vision of the Supreme Mage. Maybe her approach may indeed be more reasonable from the overall perspective.

But he doesn't care about that much. Anyway, he is just a mortal and has no transcendent vision. No matter what predictions he made, if he got the chance, he would definitely beat the big snake to death, the kind that would make the molecules unable to get up again after being blown away.

I just don’t know what Orochi will do next. In the Origin of Fear comics, Orochi has been thrashing the sky, the ground, and the air since his resurrection, all the way to the bottom of the World Tree, until Thor came with a bunch of Avengers who had all cheated on him and suppressed him. The story That's all. But in this incident, there was never any mention of what kind of backup plan Orochi would adopt after being beaten away...

Just as Richard was thinking, he suddenly heard a thunder sound in the sky. He looked up and saw dark clouds over the island and thunder rolling. A dashing afterimage fell from the sky, and Thor, the God of Thunder, swung his war hammer like a windmill and crashed to the ground, shouting: "Thor, the God of Thunder, the son of Odin, the most powerful Avenger, the Mighty God of Asgard, is here! Oh Orochi, come and fight me!”

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