The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 302 Orochi’s next step?

SHIELD continued to search for the whereabouts of Orochi, and the Avengers, who had no other tasks for the time being, stayed on the mothership on standby.

Between the hammer and the living dead, the Avengers had no time to pay attention to the whereabouts of a lost Hulk, but now they finally have time. After taking out the Avengers identity card distributed by Stark and contacting him, he discovered that Hulk had escaped the control of Skyhammer and transformed back into Dr. Banner. He was currently sitting in a detention center in an unknown country in Eastern Europe.

Fortunately, Dr. Banner's voice sounded quite energetic and he was in a good state of mind. He said he was fine. He was already in the detention center when he woke up and had no memory of what happened before. But he said that all the brothers in the detention center are talented people, they speak nicely, and they don’t feel that bad...

Everyone was relieved that Hulk's situation was under control. Stark confessed to Lu Dan and asked SHIELD to help arrange for Banner to be brought to the mothership. However, Lu Dan firmly opposed the idea of ​​"attaching a walking gamma bomb to the mothership". After some negotiations, he reluctantly agreed to arrange for his subordinates to take Banner back to Avengers Tower.

Hulk's affairs were arranged, and it didn't take long for Captain and Tony to quarrel.

Due to the differences in their basic concepts and living eras, Captain America and Iron Man have differences in many places. It is true that they are friends who know each other best, but this does not change the fact that they cannot agree on many things.

The captain criticized Tony, saying that he was too impulsive and reckless in the previous battle, focusing on personal limelight instead of teamwork, which put the team in an unfavorable situation. But Tony disagreed. He felt that it was because of his radical actions that opened a gap in the battle, and he even felt that he should bear most of the credit.

To put it bluntly, the captain felt that he was always reckless in team fights, forcing his teammates to risk team destruction with him. And Tony felt that he was very capable in operating CARRY, but in the end, this ignorant old guy not only couldn't see his contribution, but also despised him for cheating.

As a result, the two started a series of daily fights with each other, and the scope of the topics became further and further. The captain said that Tony not only had a bad consciousness and no skills, but also had a disorderly life and a bad personality. It was like he was completely sick from head to toe. Tony was unhappy and immediately retorted, saying, "Don't think I don't know that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, have been flirting with the little blond nurse across from you all day long!"

The captain was stunned, wondering how Stark knew about his neighbor? With a thought in his mind, he looked towards the Black Widow, the only designated spy in the team. The widow quickly spread her hands and made an innocent gesture, saying don't look at me. I won't bear the blame...

The captain continued to retaliate, saying that you have no dedication and no heroism. You can do nothing but rely on armor. Without armor, what do you have left?

Tony took the move beautifully without thinking: "Philanthropist, billionaire, playboy..."

To sum it up, I can sum it up in one sentence: I am rich, but you are an old man who refuses to accept it?

The two of them quarreled more and more fiercely, and finally they simply ignored each other with long faces, rather like the kind of elementary school students who "won't play with you anymore." However, the other Avengers watched the whole thing with great interest, and no one had any intention of going up to break up the fight. According to Hawkeye, this situation happens once every three days on average. Everyone just takes it as a show of excitement. Anyway, at most, the two of them will automatically make peace with each other by tomorrow.

Richard was watching with amusement as he watched. The shield-iron quarrel was a famous scene, and this was the first time he was lucky enough to witness it with his own eyes.

He turned around and found Brother Zhui holding a hammer with a frown on his face. After thinking about it, he walked forward and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, we will find the big snake."

Brother Zhui smiled and said it was okay. He said, "It's just the way they bickered that reminded me of Loki. Loki and I often quarreled like this before..."

Richard nodded understandingly: "It's normal for brothers to quarrel."

"But I have never defeated Loki in a fight in fifteen hundred years."

Richard: "..."

"And now, although I begged my father to keep him in Asgard, he is still in prison, and we may never have a chance to quarrel again." Thor sighed softly, stroking his beloved Meowth Hammer, " In fact, Loki just likes to play pranks a little bit, and is not too bad. He also has a kind side. He is an excellent warrior, an excellent mage, brave but also careful, with a very sharp mind, and occasionally humorous …”

Richard winced. God is not that bad, aren't you praising him like a flower?

"Speaking of which," Richard suddenly remembered, "has Odin not woken up yet?"

Thor was stunned for a moment: "Heimdall should notify me if he wakes up, so not yet."

"Didn't you say that you can sleep for a week at most? After today, won't it be more than a week?"

"I don't know either." Thor was also puzzled. Speaking of which, it was quite sudden for dad to go to bed this time. Didn't he just sleep in the past two years?

Although I don't know the reason, it seems that Mr. Odin still can't wake up for the time being. So Odin is asleep and Thor is also on Earth, so Asgard seems to be weaker than ever...

Richard suddenly thought of something.

Wait, there are no big snakes anywhere on the earth. Does that mean... the big snake has left the earth?

Speaking of which, Orochi's original goal was not the Earth. In the Origin of Fear comics, the reason why he caused chaos on the Earth was actually Asgard. He just needs to rely on the creatures on the earth to continuously provide him with fear energy to restore his divine power. He can return to his peak state before going to settle accounts with Odin.

And now that Orochi has hit a wall one after another on the earth, and suffered heavy losses at the hands of Nexus and the Ancient One Master, is it possible that he will temporarily abandon the earth and go directly to Asgard?

Intellectually speaking, it shouldn't be. Orochi doesn't know that Odin is still sleeping. If he goes to Asgard to settle accounts with Odin in his current state, he will die. But considering that Orochi himself is also an Asgardian, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. After all, Barbarian never likes to think about the chances of winning a battle he fights...

If you guess wrong, forget it, but if this is true, then Jormungandr will be happy to find his dear brother sleeping in the palace when he rushes into Asgard. This wave will be settled immediately.

Thinking of this section, Richard immediately reminded Thor of this issue. Brother Zhui was so startled that he jumped up on the spot, cursing himself for being too careless. He hurried out and summoned the Rainbow Bridge directly on the deck, preparing to teleport back to Asgard on the spot.

The other Avengers were also alerted by his movements. After asking about the situation, they all expressed their intention to go to Asgard with Thor to fight without much hesitation. After all, they have been teammates for so long, and they share blessings and hardships. Once they heard that Thor was destined to die in battle according to the prophecy, the teammates were even less likely to abandon him.

So after some discussion, the Avengers decided on the spot to go to Asgard with Thor.

As for Richard, he decided to learn the spirit of the Supreme Mage first. Although Mr. Li is in good physical condition now, he feels that he should still pay attention to some restraint. If he does too many times, his body will not be able to withstand it...

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