The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 304 Divine costume! (Fourth update please subscribe!)

Mr. Odin didn't really like his son hanging out with a bunch of weirdly dressed guys on the earth all day long. In his opinion, the Avengers were just mortals, just slightly special mortals. From the perspective of the old man, this seems to be true. Superpowers and high-tech armor cannot improve the life level of human beings. In front of Mr. Odin, they are indeed just mortals who can fight a little.

But Thor's mother Frigga has a much gentler attitude. She welcomes her son's comrades regardless of whether he is a mortal or not. Frigga immediately arranged for people to entertain the Avengers, and specifically asked them to be arranged properly. Then she took Thor to the apse, saying that there were some important things that needed to be confessed.

"The Orochi is your father's brother." Frigga led him into Odin's treasure house and said worriedly, "He is almost as old as your father, but he acts more maturely... and more cruelly. Your father We sealed him but couldn't kill him because Asgard had established this rule from prehistoric times. If you want to kill him, you must kill yourself first."

Thor knew that this involved the prophecy that he must die with the serpent. The prophecy was born from a powerful magic that was too ancient to be traced, and even Odin could not undo it now.

In the Origin of Fear comics, Odin even wanted to sacrifice the entire earth as a sacrifice in order to break the prophecy and save his son's life, but he failed in the end. At the end of the story, Thor still died with the serpent as stated in the prophecy, but if there was a chance, Odin was willing to pay any price to save him.

"Then let him come." Thor said with determination and no fear. "Father defeated him once, and now it's my turn. I'm not afraid of any battle."

"I know you're not afraid."

Frigga sighed softly. When she came out of the treasure house, she already held a shining golden armor in her hands.

"When your father razed Ashheim and killed millions of lives infected by the fear of the serpent, it was this armor that protected him from the attack of the serpent. This helmet can withstand the scream of the serpent and protect him. A can reflect the divine power of the can't completely block it, but it's better than nothing."

She carefully put on the armor for Thor and held his helmet firmly, as if preparing to send her son off to study.

"Your father told many lies, but he all had his own reasons." Frigga continued, "The big snake is one of them. There may be more in the future... But that will have to wait until you win this one. Let’s talk about it after the battle.”

Thor nodded in understanding. It's no secret that when his father was young, he went out to fight against the sky, the earth, and the air. Odin's enemies in the vast universe were as numerous as the stars in the night sky, and he was mentally prepared.

"Is the Orochi really the father of the gods?" He asked the question he was most concerned about.

Frigga did not answer directly: "He can also be killed. It is enough for you to know this. Take this."

She quickly pulled out a long sword that shone brightly, its whole body exuding azure blue sword light, like a sharp weapon from the world. She handed the sword to Thor's hand: "This is a long sword made under the personal supervision of your father. Odin's sword, whose real name is Ragnarok, is a blade forged to end everything, and its transformation is a warning. And rumors are bigger than anything else in the world.”

Her description was so incomprehensible that Thor was confused. He took the sword in a daze but didn't understand a word. So Frigga added an explanation: "That is to say, this sword can kill the big snake."

Thor was stunned. Oh, this means, you should have understood it earlier. He didn't understand the mysterious and profound description before, but he was best at cutting people and hammering people.

Wearing the armor worn by Odin himself, holding Mjolnir in one hand and carrying Odin's Excalibur on his back, he came out of the treasure house already dressed like a god.

After arming her son to the teeth with the magic weapon, Frigga felt that it would be too stingy of them if they didn't show any signs when he came back to face his teammate Frigga who had come all the way to help him. So she waved to Thor and said, why don't you take your teammates to Nidaville and see what weapons the Dwarf King can get them.

Thor was naturally very happy. Seeing that the big snake seemed to have no sign of coming for a while, he took all the Avengers to Nidaville to collect equipment.

Although the dwarf craftsmen in the Dwarf Country all look like medieval blacksmiths, these dwarves have created quite a lot of artifacts. Not to mention anything else, Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet in the Avengers 3 movie and Thor's so powerful Storm Ax that he has no friends are all made by dwarves. This group of dwarves just took out a mortal grade "bronze long sword" or something like that from their blacksmith shop, and it would be an incredible weapon on the earth.

Thor, the prince of Asgard, personally came forward to ask for help. Naturally, it was impossible for the dwarves to send everyone away with a few bronze swords.

It is not difficult for the dwarves to make several individual weapons. The king of the dwarves personally supervised the work and completed four weapons in one or two hours.

As an archer, Hawkeye naturally got a high-quality bow. According to him, this may be the coolest bow he has ever touched in his life. The arrows he shoots are equipped with wind magic, and their accuracy and penetrating power are quite amazing. According to the description of the dwarves, even the big snake cannot completely ignore the power of the wind arrow.

Black Widow gets a spear. The widowed sister felt a little confused. She wanted to explain that she was not actually a spearman, but considering her position as a guest, she decided not to. Anyway, she is proficient in all kinds of martial arts and can handle everything equally well.

Colonel Rhodes, wearing War Machine armor, received a hammer that matched the color of his armor. The dwarves are particularly good at making hammers. Although Colonel Rhodes didn't like this weapon at first, he became fond of it after wielding it a few times and couldn't put it down for his new toy.

As for Dr. Banner, he got a very heavy battle ax. This thing is so ridiculously heavy that Banner, a docile doctor, can't lift it at all. He worked hard to hold the ax handle with both hands, and his whole face turned green...

Captain America declined the offer of a weapon. He felt that his shield was the most convenient weapon. It is true that the captain's shield is also a universal artifact that is anti-science and anti-physics. It is true that ordinary weapons may not be as useful as it.

In the end, Stark also refused the free weapons given by the dwarves. It's not that he looks down on cold weapons, but as a weapons master, Stark prefers to earn his own living.

So when a group of dwarves were busy making equipment for his teammates, he made a special trip to grab the dwarf king and asked: "Let me ask a question, have you ever made armor?"

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