The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 307 The hammer was lifted again

Sharp screams echoed over Asgard, and buildings collapsed one after another in the swirling dust. The big snake Jörmungandr is entrenched in the towns. When it screams, it erupts with terrifying sound waves to suppress everyone. Each blast emitted from its mouth is enough to burn at least three to five buildings into ashes.

The Avengers wandered around, but Thor, as the main force, still charged at the front. The long and full burst of divine power had already put a considerable load on him. His arms had begun to ache, and every cell in his body felt like it was being squeezed dry. Every time he summoned Thunder, he had the illusion that it would be the last time.

But Thor didn't stop. He was knocked away again and again, jumped up again and again, and swung his sword with all his strength. He tried not to think about how much damage his attack had caused to the big snake, or whether the big snake could be defeated. He just tried his best to attack before he fell.

Thor was hit by the serpent's powerful tail in mid-air. He groaned, raised his head and shot down, his body plowing a crack of more than a hundred meters on the street above the building.

The nerves were in severe pain as if they were being burned, and a strong sense of fatigue came over me like a tide. Thor tried to stand up with his long sword, but he struggled to get up halfway before bending his legs and kneeling back to the ground.

"Your efforts are meaningless! I will destroy you, retake Asgard, and kill my hateful brother...even if I have to pay for it with my life!"

The big snake roared dullly, and its two eyes seemed to be ignited with scarlet flames. Two parallel lasers flew towards Thor through the air. Thor, exhausted, was unable to dodge and could only let his body be swallowed up.

However, when the laser was fired, there was no scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere. The ray shot by the big snake passed through Thor and hit the building behind it with a bang, blowing up a large number of houses with a series of dull explosions.

What the big snake hit was just a phantom.

Thor, who avoided the fatal blow from the serpent, subconsciously turned his head and saw his good brother Loki landing lightly, dressed in gold armor, wearing an antlered helmet, and holding the spear in his hand. He glanced sideways at Thor and hummed softly: "Look at you, my dear brother, look at your miserable appearance... You really can't do it without me, right?"

Thor was surprised: "Loki? Why... aren't you in prison?"

His first reaction was that his brother had escaped from prison again, which sounded like something Loki would do. But Loki snorted: "It was our mother who let me out. She knew that a big fool like you would definitely suffer without my help."

He said, extending his hand to Thor. Of course, Loki also knew the prophecy between his brother and Jörmungandr. Although he felt that he had always hated his brother, he still seemed uncomfortable when he was about to die.

Thor held his hand happily and stood up, feeling as if his whole body was full of strength again. Thunder flashed in the sky again, and strong winds spontaneously whipped up around Thor, causing his bright red cloak to flutter and electricity to surge through his body.

"Then come on, Loki, let us fight side by side again!"

Thor said and shouted the slogan "For Asgard" again, and rushed forward with Odin's Sword. Loki wanted to say that I'm a mage and I'd better stay back. However, he seemed to be infected by his indomitable momentum and couldn't say it out. In the end, he followed his brother and charged with his spear.

The atmosphere was perfect, and everyone in the audience was inspired by the tireless Thor, and they attacked harder.

The big snake was wrapped with a tail carrying over 100,000 tons of divine power and bombarded it down, falling into a square formation of Asgardian warriors and killing a large area instantly. The foundations were broken, the houses were cracked, and countless brave soldiers didn't even have a chance to scream. They were blown to pieces by the shock wave on the spot.

Captain America, who was standing at the edge of the queue, was also blown away. Although he had an invincible vibranium shield to resist, he still fell and suffered a bloody head. But the captain didn't know how to write the word "fear" at all, and he quickly got up again. When he stood up, from the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of Mjolnir, which had been shot down by the big snake, and was embedded in the ruins beside him. With a thought in his mind, he grasped the handle of the hammer by accident, and raised the hammer above his head with a force on his arm.

In an instant, another thunder and lightning struck, and a dazzling blue light enveloped the captain's body. Thor's hammer recognized him, gave him the power of Thor, and instantly raised his various physical qualities to a level similar to that of normal Thor. With Thor's Hammer in one hand and vibranium shield in the other, the captain jumped up and flew towards the big snake.

The Avengers were okay, all Asgardians went directly to Sparta. What the hell is going on with that mortal? He can lift Mjolnir with just a hair, right?

The biggest surprise among them is Loki. What he was thinking was, why the hell did my brother’s hammer get lifted again? How many people had lifted my brother's hammer when I didn't know it?

Normally this would be a major event that would shock Asgard, but today no one had the time to worry about whether to hammer or not. For the current situation, the US team's lifting of Mjolnir is undoubtedly a significant increase in their combat power. It is equivalent to adding a major output combat power. After all, before this, the US team has been throwing it with the soldiers. javelin……

But that's still not enough to change the situation.

Orochi is too powerful, and it is not even an opponent that the Avengers can defeat by changing a few divine costumes and blasting their seeds. Thor's Odin's Sword and Hulk's ax both left multiple criss-crossing wounds on Jormungandr's body. However, the wounds were actually very shallow and far from fatal. Although Captain America's Thor's Hammer and Iron Man's energy blast can cause considerable interference, they cannot penetrate the Orochi's indestructible scales.

The big snake's body tumbled and knocked away Hulk and Thor, and a screaming sound wave knocked away Iron Man and Captain America flying in the air. Following him instead of pursuing him, Snake Eyes stared straight at the golden palace behind him.

"Asgard is mine," he said. "Brother who took everything from me, be prepared to pay the price you deserve!"

Jörmungandr opened his mouth, and dazzling purple flames seemed to boil in his mouth. It was as if the particles floating in the atmosphere of Asgard were invisiblely drawn towards his mouth, and eventually brewed into a huge purple fireball, ready to come out at any time.

There was a roar that penetrated the sky, and an unprecedentedly powerful torrent of impact flew towards the golden palace behind. Thor shouted, but there was nothing he could do. The aftermath of the magic blast shattered the houses and trees along the way, and the air waves aroused blew all the debris away.

No one would doubt that this impact was enough to penetrate the entire palace and evaporate everything in it.

Until a golden beam of light crashed down from the sky like a waterfall, blocking the path of the magical impact.

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