The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 310 A world-destroying blow

The ultimate ray is the most powerful move possessed by Nexus in the red adult form. Normally, a qualified person can only release it once or twice during one transformation, except for the high temperature and destructive power it carries. In addition, it also has the property of breaking down and crushing substances at the molecular level.

Like most of Ultraman's ultimate moves, in order to minimize the collateral damage caused by powerful skills, the destructive power of the ultimate light has also been concentrated to the extreme. Generally speaking, it will only crush direct hits according to Nexus's wishes. target without causing massive damage. But if the restraints are let go and all its energy is allowed to explode unbridled, the ultimate light also has the power to destroy planets.

At this moment, the full power of this skill hit the big snake Jörmungandr without any reservation.

Blue light enveloped the giant snake's hundred-meter-long body, rolling up a blue storm in the space, just like a laser tornado rushing into the clouds. The dark clouds were dispersed the moment they came into contact with the light, and the bright sunshine shone warmly from the sky, plating this devastated golden city with a shining golden edge. Countless gravel and rubble around the big snake were sucked up from the ground and crushed into particles in the wave of light radiation.

The big snake roared violently, but still could not resist the wave of light. The giant python's body seemed to be swallowed up by the blue waves, and its entire huge body was suppressed.

When the energy is accumulated to the extreme, the light explodes like a blooming flower. The blue impact swept in all directions, smoke and dust rolled out, and the big snake's body was gradually decomposed and dissipated into ashes in the strong light.

No one could look directly at such a dazzling light, but when the light dissipated, only the remains of the snake body were left in the field. Broken scales were scattered on the ground, and the remains of the giant python lay quietly among the ruins and scales.

Is this...a win?

For a moment even Thor felt this way - the serpent had been killed, and he had truly been freed from the prophecy of certain death.

But Nexus still didn't let down his guard. Instead, he just raised his head and looked towards the high sky.

The dispersed dark clouds gathered back again, and the darkness swallowed up the light again, as if unwilling to be dispersed. The body of the giant python shuttled through the clouds, and the huge snake head slowly poked out from the black clouds. The snake's eyes contained resentment and anger as if it were an abyss.

The big snake is not dead.

He just shed a layer of skin.

The pressure this time was completely different from before, as if the god had become truly angry. Invisible pressure pressed directly on everyone's heart like a big stone, and an invisible aura enveloped the entire Asgard.

The big snake slowly opened its mouth.

The huge black hole looks like a bottomless abyss, and it also looks like an interstellar heavy cannon locked on the surface from high altitude. A trace of energy rose up from all sides of the entire land, converging towards the big snake's open mouth. It was the space of Asgard itself that was continuously charging the serpent. The majestic energy condensed into a spiral vortex in his open mouth, like a volcano crater, which accumulated to the edge of eruption in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Orochi didn't intend to do this, but the pain of the severe injury and the mental insult made him almost lose his mind.

He no longer cares about Asgard, and even his desire to regain the throne and revenge against Odin has been temporarily put aside. After the baptism of the ultimate light just now, the ridicule value of the red "god" in front of him has reached the level of Mr. Odin himself. He can't wait to completely crush this "god" in an instant, even if he has to drag the entire Asgard with him.

Richard's guess was correct. By this time in Asgard, Orochi's divine power was extremely close to its peak, and a full blow would most conservatively be enough to shatter the space they were in.

Surtur, the gigantic fire troll in Thor 3, was able to destroy Asgard with one blow, and Orochi can certainly do the same - and that's not all. When the majestic divine power was accumulated to the extreme in the mouth of the serpent, it even seemed to shake reality. The divine power of the Heavenly Father was spread to the nine realms through the connection of the World Tree, and even the other eight countries were affected. Visions and phantoms began to appear in the skies of the nine kingdoms. In some places, natural disasters such as floods and storms began to appear, while in other places, images of other countries were projected.

This is the wrath of a father of gods - the entire nine realms may suffer irreparable damage from this blow.

The fearless Asgard warriors put down their swords and guns one after another, and the Asgardian people who took refuge involuntarily walked out of their bunkers and looked up at the desperate image in the sky. Even Frigga clasped her hands and began to pray - but to be honest, she was not sure whether Asgard could survive this blow.

Mr. Odin still showed no sign of jumping out of bed to save the world. It seemed that this time he was really not pretending but that something was wrong.

There is no way to avoid it - there is no point in hiding from an attack of this level.

Nexus crossed his arms and gradually opened up the electric currents in front of him, pointing to the sky with dazzling light, and finally formed an L shape again.

The ultimate ray - two bursts!

This time the power was even more powerful than before. The energy in Nexus's body was running at full strength, and it was as if endless light blasted out from his arms, making the entire land eclipse.

The world-destroying impact brewing in the big snake's mouth also crashed down. Unparalleled purple light and ultimate light collided head-on in mid-air, and purple and blue light formed rings that spread over Asgard. The wild flow of energy is like a whip that is constantly whipping, and the scenes of the other eight kingdoms in the Nine Realms alternate in the sky like a slideshow.

The Ultimate Ray was suppressed several times, but was overtaken by Nexus' all-out bursts time and time again, and the stalemate was restored. To be honest, Richard himself had no idea how far he could resist, but he didn't think about it at all.

Now all he can do is try his best and push himself to his limits, that's all.

With the roar that resounded across the sky, the two energies seemed to reach the critical point of each other and detonated in mid-air, just like the most dazzling flash of light in the world. The backlash shook the big snake in the clouds, raising its head and roaring loudly, and also knocked Nexus heavily to the ground.

Nexus stood up slowly, breathing deeply.

He didn't even think of it, but he did it. A blow from the father of the gods that could overthrow the nine realms and destroy the heaven and earth, he actually blocked it.

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