The death of Orochi also marked the disillusionment of that prophecy, and the extremely powerful magic that gave rise to the prophecy was cracked by an even more tyrannical external force.

This is the result of the cooperation of the powers of Odin and Ultraman. Perhaps only the combination of these two powerful forces can defeat such a powerful magic.

Thanks to this, Thor escaped his certain death.

The next few days were filled with celebration throughout Asgard. Winning the war was the greatest joy of their nation, but winning a tough battle that was almost impossible to win and Thor's narrow escape made this victory even more extraordinary.

The Avengers were also happy that their comrades escaped death, so they decided to stay in Asgard for a few more days to celebrate with Thor and learn about the alien customs. Stark was even more jealous of the advanced transmission technology of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, and couldn't wait to find out how it worked.

Although he was the MVP of this battle, Richard flew out of Asgard directly on the Wings of Stone after the battle. He is actually not very interested in this kind of rough drinking party, and he has stayed in Asgard long enough before, and he has already learned about the local customs and so on.

Of course the Eternal Spear has to stay. Although the old man took the initiative to lend the artifact this time in order to protect Asgard and his son, it definitely did not mean that he just gave away the magic gun. Without Odin's permission to use it, this gun would be nothing more than a sharp cold weapon in Richard's hands. It had almost the same effect as when he used Thor's Hammer to show off, and he could only take it back. Throw it in the study as a decoration.

Of course, the Avengers’ pile of magical costumes must also be left behind. Stark was quite reluctant to part with that divine armor. Although it was a pity that he couldn't bring it back to Earth, this armor that combined magic and technology still gave him some inspiration, and it was somewhat beneficial to the development of his subsequent suits.

Despite only having brief access to it, Richard felt he had benefited greatly from the Eternal Gun. Nexus's body was directly connected to the Eternal Spear. During the short period of time given the authority by Odin, he used his light to carefully explore the energy attributes of the Eternal Spear and the principle of attack release. Ultraman's light has almost universal compatibility, and most types of powers are compatible with Ultraman's light. If the gains from this battle can be integrated, Richard feels that there should be many enlightening parts that can be applied to future actual combat.

It's just that the super sleepy Odin himself didn't wake up until the big snake died. The old man's state this time was indeed a bit strange, and while everyone in Asgard was celebrating, they couldn't help but worry.

Richard returned to Earth, and the finishing work on Earth was almost done. Although the director was away, Stark's Disaster Control Bureau still dutifully completed the incident and cleaned up the mess.

The Disaster Control Bureau was responsible for cleaning up the battlefield and compensating for war damage. However, after a fierce competition between all parties, most of the valuable loot still fell into the hands of SHIELD. What about the military, FBI and large-scale competition? The entire consortium just followed SHIELD and got some scraps.

In short, Stark is responsible for losing money, and Luodan is responsible for collecting money...

Of course, none of the various forces will be satisfied with such a distribution result. These days, you have to wait in line for several hours to cause trouble for SHIELD. High-ranking generals and congressmen were trying to talk things out of Lu Dan one after another. Someone had gotten through to the World Security Council and tried to put pressure on Lu Dan through his superiors. However, they didn't accept this trick at all.

Later, even the epidemic prevention center came to ask him for help, saying that alien weapons and corpses were suspected to contain alien viruses and needed to be controlled, but SHIELD didn't care about them at all.

Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t do this kind of thing just once or twice, and they have long been used to handling braised eggs. The way to put it bluntly is in two words - pretend to be stupid!

What? Alien corpse? What it is? never seen it!

Not only was the braised egg satisfied with this result, but Richard was also very happy. Now he seemed to finally understand why Mr. Pierce had to retreat and appoint Nick Fury, a non-staff member of Hydra, as the director of the government, because this guy is really good at it!

Richard felt that he and Lu Dan were quite familiar with each other after working together so many times, and Lu Dan’s stuff was his. Hydra and Hydra can basically take the stuff that SHIELD has confiscated at will. As long as they don't go too far and empty out all the loot in a warehouse, they won't be discovered.

Apart from anything else, taking the pile of ancient Asgardian weapons picked up from the battlefield and studying them in the laboratory will definitely be of great benefit to our own weapons technology on Earth in the future.

After Richard came back, he flipped through his newspaper these days and was surprised to find that the report mentioned a certain street hero who "wore red and blue tights and flew around on the roof."

He found a few blurry photos and compared them... Oh, isn't this Spider-Man?

Xiaochong seems to be in junior high school now? Became Spider-Man so early?

It just so happened that Jessica was responsible for the report. When he went back to ask Jessica, he found out that it had been several months before Peter was bitten by a spider. It's just that under the strict supervision of his "mentor" before, he had never had the opportunity to go out on the streets to do justice. It was not until this time that the big snake happened that he decided to go out to defend justice on his own initiative. However, his "mentor" He seemed unhappy about his unauthorized actions...

...Of course, Peter's "mentor" must be Spider-Woman Gwen's classmate in high school.

Two days before Spider-Man got his superpowers, he ran out in joy and shared the news with his idol. He insisted on wandering the streets at night for more than a week before finally catching Gwen who was on routine patrol. He excitedly showed her his spider powers and insisted that he must be her follower.

Gwen was a little shocked at the time. I guess when I said you could become like me, it was really just a casual comment. Are you really just like me?

However, precisely because the other person was Peter Parker, Gwen naturally felt that he was her responsibility, so after careful consideration, she agreed to be his teacher. But she specifically emphasized that little Peter must not go out and run around until he is fully trained.

However, although Gwen has been in this business for a long time and can be regarded as an experienced veteran, after all, she is also a wild person and has not received any formal training. She had gained a lot of experience on her own, but teaching newcomers was a completely different matter. If we continue teaching at this pace, God knows when the little spider will reach the standard...

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