The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 318 Travel in a group!

Seeing that the attention of the parents was attracted, Richard continued to boast, telling the story of how Gwen was diligent, studious, and enthusiastic towards others. He wished he could even tell the story about hanging his head from a beam, which made all the parents laugh. He was stunned for a while.

Soon someone was wondering: "Really? Why does it seem to be different from what our children said?"

Richard laughed at that time: "Of course, after all, he is not a singing and dancing star or a football quarterback. It is normal for children with excellent grades to be deliberately isolated sometimes. But such children often have a more mature outlook on life and thoughts. , will be more likely to achieve great things in the future. Alas, today’s children are not sensible. In fact, they should interact more with such outstanding children instead of chasing after some quarterback all day long..."

This is not entirely nonsense, this is indeed a common phenomenon. Who cares about academic performance in American universities? Those who do well in exams are all nerds. Only those idiots with simple minds and well-developed limbs on the school team will be popular among students.

All the parents nodded thoughtfully. It seems that this is the truth. Nowadays, teenagers generally like to pursue muscular men. They are not unaware of it. But will muscle help them find high-paying jobs? Obviously not.

For a while, everyone felt that this "parent" was right, and the parents of Gwen's classmates began to plan for their children to seize this last opportunity to have a good relationship with the girl on the stage. If someone joins a large company and becomes successful in the future, maybe he can gain some favors from his classmates...

At this moment, another parent suddenly asked: "By the way, who is your child...?"

Richard said with a smile: "Me? I am Gwen's parent, I am her brother. Thank you all for meeting me."

Parents: "..."

I didn't know it just now, but I didn't feel it yet. Now when all the parents look at him again, they can't help but think...

...How shameless do you have to be to brag about your own family like this?

However, these passers-by obviously don’t know Boss Li’s profound skills. As long as the situation warrants it, let alone bragging about his "sister", he can even brag about himself in front of others without blinking...

The graduation ceremony was over, and Gwen sighed softly on the way back. She said that this was the only high school graduation in her life. Her father should have been by her side at this time, but now she was trapped in this unaccompanied world. She never dared to imagine how her father was doing after his daughter had been missing for so long, whether he would be too sad, whether he could pick himself up and continue living, etc...

Richard had no other choice but to comfort her. He doesn't know how to break through time and space barriers yet, and the Marvel worldview is different from that of DC next door. Next door, DC wants to travel through the parallel world and find a speedster to run around and be done with it, but Marvel doesn't have many similar props here. As far as Richard knows, the only person who has developed a prop that can travel through the multiverse is the late-stage Dracula. However, it seems that Mr. Dracula is still worried about the daily expenses of the Bacchus Building...

Speaking of which, the big boss in ancient times probably had something to do, but now the big boss has become so lazy that he doesn't even bother to take care of matters within his scope of responsibility. If he goes to find her for this kind of thing, he will probably not even see her...

Dropping the topic for the time being, Richard made a special trip to buy a large bag of ingredients and prepared a feast to celebrate Gwen's graduation.

Little girl Gwen was very touched and solemnly thanked her when she sat at the table. Before Richard could respond, Jessica pouted beside her and muttered: "Shouldn't you express your gratitude? After all, you will have passed the shelf life in another month..."

Gwen: "..."

One day later, Gwen received a travel invitation from Stark.

In fact, this is a collective activity of the entire Avengers, and it was also Stark's idea. The Avengers fought against Orochi's army together, and even went to Asgard to fight a tough battle for Thor. After the battle, it was rare for everyone to go back to their homes, so Stark suggested that we take this opportunity to go out together. Find a vacation on an uninhabited island or something to relax, and at the same time enhance the emotions of the team members.

As an honorary member, Gwen was not able to go to Asgard to fight the Orochi with them, but she also received an invitation.

In the email, Stark also deliberately emphasized that "you can bring your own family or friends." The main reason was that he wanted to bring Pepper. After all, Stark was usually so busy that he rarely had time to accompany his secretary, a high-ranking female. This time he just happened to be out, so he simply took Pepper with him to go out for romance, thinking it was a group tour.

"Bring family or friends." Gwen thought about it and felt that she didn't have many options. So she asked the other two people in the family, and Jessica readily agreed - she would be willing to go as long as the boss approved the leave. Richard didn't embarrass her very much, and he casually approved the leave and let her go. Part of the reason was that the girl's bonus was deducted too cleanly, which made him, the boss, a little bit embarrassed.

But Richard himself declined the invitation. It's not that he doesn't want to go sightseeing with the Avengers, but that someone is simply lazy, so lazy that he doesn't even want to move...

What fun can there be outside? Isn’t it just a matter of looking at the mountains and water? Might as well stay at home and watch dramas.

Well, Richard admits that he is a sentimental person. But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t go, some guy can’t help but go!

So Richard ran to the yard and pulled out little Godzilla who was sleeping soundly. When the little guy was dragged out of the nest, his mouth was still dripping with saliva, and he looked sleepy as if he was saying, Huh? It's time to eat?

Richard handed the little Godzilla, which was heading towards the fat house, to Jessica and Gwen. This guy has been stuck at home eating and sleeping all day long. He should have been taken out to get some air and exercise. Anyway, Stark's travel target this time happened to be an uninhabited island, so he just happened to take him out to stretch his muscles.

I didn't know where I heard that the Avengers were going to go out as a group. A group of young people in the team that Coulson pulled up were clamoring and wanted to take this opportunity to meet those legendary superheroes. Reluctantly, Colson approached the widowed sister and asked if there was still room in the car. There is a group of us who all want to get on the bus.

The widowed sister readily agreed and said, of course, we just hadn’t started the train yet. Anyway, the big dog Stark was in charge of the entire trip, and Stark also said that the more people there, the better. So Ward, Skye, Fitz and Simmons also got on the bus with their leader Coulson.

When Gwen heard that everyone had gathered such a large group of people together, she made a thought and decided to bring her new apprentice with her. She knew that little Peter was a huge fan of the Avengers and he would not miss this opportunity.

Sure enough, little Peter was so happy that he almost fainted and hurriedly thanked his "mentor". He heard that he could also bring his companions with him, so he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Then... can I bring Gwen with me? She is my best friend..."

"No." Gwen said with a long face, "Absolutely not."

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