The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 321 Uninhabited Island

Is Venom cowardly? It feels that it is not a coward at all. This is called judging the situation and is the embodiment of a smart person!

The reason why it stays on Earth is because it feels that it can do whatever it wants on Earth without being restricted like on its own planet. It didn't come all the way to Earth just to work for a freak who could punch it into the ground! Isn't that just looking for trouble?

But just as it finished expressing its opinion, it saw Richard looking at Eddie with a half-smile: "What, Brother Venom is not happy? Do you have any objections to me?"

Venom took a deep breath - WTF? Can he still hear me?

A good man doesn't suffer immediate losses, and a good symbiote doesn't suffer immediate losses either. Venom immediately changed his mind: "Eddie, I thought about it carefully and I think accepting this job will be of great benefit to both you and me. I think you should think about it carefully..."

Eddie looked down upon his new companion. He finally figured it out. This guy looked tall and mighty on the outside, but he was actually a coward. He was a typical guy who was afraid of meeting someone more ruthless than him...

Venom had no objection and things were settled quickly. The boss nodded in person, and all formalities such as submitting resumes and interviews were waived. Richard made a phone call and explained that Eddie would be able to go to work at the newspaper tomorrow.

This little twist and turn did not affect Richard's mood. Riot was completely killed in one blow. Richard arranged for someone to come over and deal with the half-dead Drake, while he continued to take a leisurely walk.

This is already the second day that Gwen and Jessica traveled with the Avengers.

He couldn't say why, but he always had an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness, but he couldn't tell where it came from.

At this moment, on the other side of the world.

It is now the second day since the Avengers tour group arrived on the uninhabited island. I don’t know where Stark found such an island that has maintained its original ecology. There is no trace of modern technology on the island. As far as the eye can see, it is full of lush woods, the mountain peaks are surrounded by hazy mist, and the sun shines from behind. The other side of the island penetrates the fog, bringing a hazy beauty.

Everyone agreed that vacationing here was a great idea. The Avengers picked up an open space near the beach and landed. A group of passengers packed lightly, put on their prepared swimsuits and rushed to the dreamy sunny beach.

"Fitz, why are you making such an expression?" Skye poked her little scientist teammate, "Be happy, we are here for a vacation."

"It's nothing, it just reminds me of a lot of old movies." Fitz said grumblingly, "Usually there will be either dinosaurs or prehistoric giant crocodiles coming out of this primitive jungle."

Skye looked at him with a funny look on his face: "What are we afraid of? We are with the most powerful heroes on the earth now. If some prehistoric beast really appears, won't it be over if we release Hulk?"

When Fitz thought about it, it seemed to make sense. Thinking carefully about the protagonists exploring the primitive jungle in those horror movies, it seems that there are indeed no Avengers among them. If some prehistoric giant crocodile really showed up, wouldn't Hulk go up and tear it off with his hands and that would be the end of it?

"Fitz? What are you doing there?"

The little scientist came back to his senses and saw Simmons, dressed in a cool and beautiful swimsuit, standing in the sea water on the shore and waving to him. The little scientist was ready to make a move, and his uneasiness about unknown creatures was instantly forgotten, and he ran forward and started playing happily.

This time even Gwen changed into a one-piece women's swimsuit. Richard, the Avengers, and most of the superpowers here don't care much about concealing their identities, and subtly, Gwen doesn't care that much either. Thinking about it carefully, she is not from this world anyway, and her only friends here are Richard and Jessica. Neither of them cares about identity issues, and Gwen seems to have nothing to hide.

After failing to catch Gwen in her swimming pool last time, Jessica would not let her run away easily this time. In just one face-to-face confrontation, Gwen, whose hardware conditions were completely backward, had to lose. The little girl was so angry under Jessica's fierce offensive that she felt that not all of her nutrition these days had been replenished to Godzilla.

Gwen turned her head away angrily, determined to ignore Jessica.

If you can't afford to offend me, can you still afford to hide?

However, Gwen turned around angrily and took just two steps, when she ran into the widowed sister wearing a hot bikini. The image of the widowed sister was really... hard to describe. In short, it was just a large patch of white flowers, which made Gwen dizzy for a while.

At this time, Gwen was beaten to residual health by Jessica. At this time, she was caught off guard and bumped into the widowed sister. She subconsciously looked down at her pitiful size, and a long string of bright "-10086" words seemed to appear above her head.

The widowed sister asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Is that the one here?"

Gwen waved her hands feebly: "I have nothing, I just want to be quiet..."

This time even Jessica couldn't bear it. She even couldn't help but want to go up and say, girl, don't be depressed. In fact, you are not young at all. It's because your opponent is too strong, it's not that you are too weak...

The Coulson team had a commonplace conversation about Ultraman - this may actually be considered normal when a team has a majority of Ultraman chefs.

From the perspective of numbers and personal persuasion, Agent Ward, who is on the opposing side, is obviously not an opponent of the affirmative side. In the past, the result of every debate was that the affirmative debaters used a series of high-level arguments from science, cosmology, human development, social psychology, etc. On the other hand, he was killed completely, and the correctness of the statement "Why humans need Ultraman" was explained from various angles.

In fact, Agent Ward is not particularly disgusted with this view, but because he is one of the few people who knows him, he always feels uncomfortable whenever he sees his teammates blowing off that shameless person...

But this time is different. This time he can take the opportunity to recruit some foreign aid to add weight to his side.

A group of young people ran to ask the captain for his opinion. Captain America thought for a moment and said seriously and solemnly: "I can't say this with certainty, because everything has two sides. We still have no definite evidence to prove whether Ultraman is an enemy or a friend. But as far as I am concerned, , I want to believe that he is our friend. I believe that his arrival is of special significance, and he is indeed inspiring..."

Stark, who was making love to Pepper Potts, heard this topic and took time out of his busy schedule to interject: "For once, I have to agree with this old antique. What he said does make sense. No matter what Ultraman's purpose is, , but the fact is that he has helped us more than once, which cannot be denied."

Needless to say, Coulson is a die-hard fan of Captain America. Since Captain America played Ultraman in "Devil's Trial", Agent Coulson's trust in Ultraman has also increased. reached a very high point.

What was also unexpected was that Dr. Banner actually came out and said a few words: "Ultraman... I'm not very sure, but after all, we have fought side by side many times, I think he should be fine. But Hulk seems to be special. I like him, I have never seen Hulk be so close to anyone else..."

Agent Ward: "..."

It's over, it's over, what's going on in this world?

Could it be that I am the only one left in this world who is not an Austrian chef?

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