The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 324 He is really going to die!

"Skull Island?" Skye crossed her arms, "I hate this name, it makes people feel eerie."

"Is there such a place in the SHIELD archives?" Hawkeye glanced at Black Widow and Coulson, but the two senior agents also expressed with their eyes that they had never heard of it.

However, Black Widow said that she asked the director about this before setting off, but Fury didn't say anything. So she felt that there shouldn't be anything on the island that they couldn't handle, otherwise Fury would have given warning in advance.

Stark, Banner and the two young scientists were all very interested in the body of the prehistoric lizard, and they were still discussing whether they should take it back for study.

Gwen quietly listened to the discussion of several people and couldn't help feeling a little funny. She wanted to say that prehistoric creatures were not that rare after all. We had one in our yard, and it even got on the plane with us to travel this time.

Thinking of this section, she suddenly turned to stone, as if her whole body had been struck by electricity.

Yes, that little delicious devil of ours?

Logically speaking, it should be sleeping on the rocks next to the tent? Why didn't it react at all when there was such a big movement?

When Gwen asked Jessica, the latter's expression suddenly changed. The two hurriedly ran to the stone to see if there was any Godzilla there? The empty space on the stone has long been gone.

The two women looked at each other.

Did we lose the boss’s pet?

Remember the boss said that this little guy is a prehistoric creature and a world-class S-protected animal? Even if I don't go back and pack them up and sell them together, I can't afford it.

The two people hurriedly told others about the current problem, and the situation immediately attracted everyone's attention. After getting along with each other for the past two days, everyone has become a lot closer to this delicious and lazy little Godzilla. They are more or less traveling companions and have a certain affection for each other.

Stark made a classic and old-fashioned suggestion: "In this case, we will split up and divide into several teams, each of whom will be responsible for an area. This will make the search the fastest."

However, as soon as he said this, he was rejected by Skye, Fitz, Simmons and many others. The reason is very simple, because the destruction of the protagonist group in thriller movies often starts with a similar proposal.

Stark expressed disapproval. He felt that no matter how unfathomable Skull Island was, it only occupied such a small area. How dangerous could it be? If you don't talk about others, let's talk about Thor. If Brother Hammer really wants to show off his power, he can destroy the entire island with a burst of thunder.

But since so many people insisted, he just gave up on this idea that he considered himself a genius. In line with the principle of the minority obeying the majority, everyone finally decided to form a group to act.

When everyone looked for it, they found that this ghost place was really weird. Iron Man flew into the sky and spun around, and when he came down, his eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball. He said that there was some unknown magnetic field that interfered with all his sensing equipment, and all technological systems with sensory capabilities were malfunctioning. He speculated that it might be caused by some natural phenomenon on the island.

Captain America was leading the way with his shield, Iron Man was lighting the way beside him, and Hammer was walking at the end to look after everyone's backs. The group of people burrowed between the woods and shrubs, and the sound of broken branches under their feet could not be heard.

"Watch out!"

The moment Eagle Eye spoke out, several people noticed that a twisted spotted venomous python was sticking out of the water on the side. The spotted body was almost as thick as a thunder god, and its open mouth was enough to swallow a person alive. Its yellow snake eyes glared viciously at everyone, and showed its fangs. The moment the body jumped out, it seemed to turn into a colorful afterimage, as if it was a fatal blow!


Unfortunately, this king of the snake world, who was more than ten meters long, had just made half a move when his head was smashed to pieces by Brother Zhui on the ground.

Thor held the Meow Hammer and smiled at the two little scientists who were frightened out of their wits: "It's okay, don't worry, it's just a little snake. I've also beaten one that was ten times longer than it."

Seeing that the snake seemed to have been killed by Brother Hammer, the two scientists had the courage to come forward to check. Dr. Banner and Stark also joined in with strong interest. Although Stark is not a biology expert, as a scientist, he always has the nature to explore new things. Everyone was quickly attracted by this. The guy was attracted.

"What is this, an anaconda?" Fitz asked.

"I asked Jarvis to compare all existing public data, and there was no match." Tony said, "A completely new species."

Seeing that several people were about to develop their scientific research spirit and prepare to camp on the spot for research, Jessica came out in time to remind them that they still had a little monster to look for, so the scientists reluctantly abandoned the hammered beast. The "new species" that Brother killed instantly continued on the journey of searching.

But something even weirder is yet to come. After a while, a beautiful tiger popped out of the forest. Although it looked like a tiger from the appearance, it actually didn't quite match people's inherent impression of tigers. This creature is thirteen to fourteen meters long. Although its appearance is similar to that of a tiger, it looks much more ferocious, and it also has the color of a ferocious beast from myths and legends.

Like its other compatriots in the jungle, this giant cat is not friendly to outsiders. When it saw the crowd from a distance, it jumped out of the forest, roared and rushed into the crowd's formation. Along the way, it cut off a thick and towering ancient tree with a casual swing of its claws, as if to show off its strength. of muscle and strength to intimidate opponents.

However, this poor big cat didn't realize what kind of target he had chosen. I saw Iron Man raising his hand from a distance, and the tiger only rushed to a distance of more than ten meters when it was blown up by the recoil energy cannon. The big cat groaned twice, covered his head and slipped back into the forest without looking back.

Sorry to disturb you, farewell!

Tony was a little surprised. You must know that the energy power of the shot he just fired is not low. The tiger in this primitive jungle was able to eat one of his recoil cannons without dying on the spot. It could even jump up and turn around to escape. Is it because the species on this island have undergone some kind of mutation?

The things that appeared on the next trip became more and more strange. Everyone then encountered some super-large mutated spider and some extinct dinosaur that should only live in encyclopedias. The funniest thing is that when I passed by a lake, a giant squid that was more than twenty meters long came out of it. When it came out, it made an amazing noise and splashed with tons of water. However, it got a slap on the head from Thor. Immediately after the "hammer warning", he retreated back to diving in despair.

If the creatures on the island can communicate with each other through language, the news must have spread by now - there is a very strange group of humans on our island, very evil! Brothers who are fine, please don't hang out there, you will really die.

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