The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 326: People are tough and can’t be broken down

Alien beast factor is not an unfamiliar word to most people present. Since the existence of the alien beasts was made public, the information related to the alien beasts has gradually become no longer a secret within SHIELD. Everyone basically knows that the alien beast factor can infect living things and transform any living thing in the direction of the alien beast, making it powerful, violent, and difficult to control.

So you can imagine the surprise of everyone present when Stark proposed this word.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Banner pushed up his glasses, "But I think they don't seem to have obvious characteristics of alien beasts. They seem to be a little more ferocious in appearance, and their skin may be a little thicker? But? They look like normal creatures, don’t they?”

"That's because the content of the alien beast factor is extremely low, so low that my armor couldn't be detected the first time it was scanned." Tony said, "But believe me, this is conclusive. The alien beast factor has transformed Their genes, their physical abilities have been increased, and their resilience is stronger than that of ordinary creatures - but they cannot protect against fatal injuries. Severe injuries to the heart or head should still be enough to kill them before their self-healing power takes effect, compared to It’s still far from a real alien beast.”

"Fortunately, it's not even close." Skye in the team muttered.

Although Coulson's team is full of chefs, except for the "hero" agent Grant Ward, who has been fighting on the front line all year round, everyone's understanding of the alien beasts still remains on the movie screen. At this time, they couldn't help but be nervous when they heard that the alien beast factor was around.

Fortunately, there is a saying in the world - mass production will lead to scum. The alien beast factors are dispersed throughout the island and seeped into various organisms, and the effect will naturally be greatly reduced. By analogy, its degree of enhancement is not even comparable to the group of humanoid alien beasts that appeared in Wakanda with a strength of about 0.8 of the US team.

"But why?" Stark asked, "Is it some kind of coincidence? Or is someone doing this deliberately?"

Realizing that this matter was not trivial, Black Widow took out her communicator and prepared to inform Nick Fury. As SHIELD's ace agent, she has a top-secret line to communicate directly with the director, and can contact Fury anytime and anywhere.

But when I turned on the communicator, all that appeared on the screen was darkness. A hoarse noise like electrical interference came from the loudspeaker, and the audio was in chaos.

"Communication has been interrupted." Black Widow turned off the communicator and cast a questioning look at Stark.

Tony pondered for a moment and said strangely: "I also interrupted. Strange thing, although there was magnetic field interference before, the communication was still normal. How come it suddenly... Wait what the hell, what is going on?"

Everyone's eyes focused on him: "What's wrong?"

"There are some special energy reactions." Tony frowned and said, "My sensors have detected some phase fluctuation reactions. Judging from the data fluctuations, it seems... somewhat similar to Ultraman?"

Everyone's expressions began to look strange.

"You don't mean to say that Ultraman is on this island, do you?" Skye asked.

"It's not impossible." Fitz held his chin and began to analyze, "We don't know anything about him yet. Maybe this island is where he rests? Maybe he usually rests here?"

Thor smiled dryly: "No. In fact, the Ultraman you are talking about is."

Brother Zhui was about to say that you all know that person, but then he thought about it and stopped talking. He remembered that Mr. Odin once said that he was a god of the universe, and gods were all born with a mission. For them, mission is equivalent to the wheel that drives life forward, and is even the basis for the existence of a god. And they often don't like to talk about their responsibilities with others.

Thor then thought about it and felt that since Richard had never discussed the identity issue with anyone, he might have his own motives, so he thought for a while and remained silent.

"No." Tony corrected, "I mean this kind of fluctuation is similar to the energy reaction released when Ultraman opens the special space. It is equivalent to opening up a subspace independent of reality in reality. .Although the reaction we detected now is very similar, it feels more like something completely opposite. To be sure, compared with Ultraman's subspace, all the parameters of this wave of fluctuations have changed from positive numbers. It becomes a negative number, just like the relationship between two sides of the same body."

A low sneer echoed in the sky, echoing eerily through the dense forest.

"Well said."

Everyone turned around following the sound, only to see a man in a black trench coat standing on a hillside not far away, with his hands in the pockets of his trench coat, looking down at the people below calmly.

The man looked at Iron Man and chuckled: "It seems that you do have some skills. Yes, you are now in a space completely opposite to the 'Meta Realm'. The entire island has now fallen into the 'Dark Realm', a A place where even light will be swallowed up.”

Tony immediately switched to various sensors and scanning devices for confirmation, and came to the result in a short time: "He is probably right. The vibration frequency of the space we are in has a huge change compared to normal, and the space in the space There is some extremely high concentration of energy. Perhaps even the space itself is made of pure energy."

"That's it." The man confirmed, "Continue to tell them, Stark, let them understand that this space has swallowed up all your remaining hope, and there is no way you can escape from here."

Thor took a step forward and raised his hammer: "Don't try to be a ghost, stranger, you are facing Asgard's God of Thunder now!"

The man glanced at him sideways and smiled contemptuously.

"You can try, God of Thunder, but you will soon know that it is in vain." He said lightly, "This is my domain, my territory. It is where I can avoid the sight of a certain guy. By the way, An experimental site for testing the transformation effects of alien beast factors. From the moment you step into this place, your fate has been decided."

"Some guy. Are you talking about Ultraman?"

Tony suddenly understood. He has a flexible mind. The alien beast factor and the dark space are like two sides of one body compared to the Meta field. Combined with the other party's words, it is easy to make associations.

"You are Ultraman's enemy, right?" Tony responded, "But you can't beat him, and you are afraid of facing him, so you huddle pitifully in this corner where no one cares about you?"

The man's facial muscles twitched, and he didn't know if he was right. His calm and elegant demeanor was a bit unsustainable.

CNM, haven’t you ever heard of it being tough?

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