The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 330 Breaking through the darkness

Avengers who could provide support also took action. The war machine was stretched to its maximum output distance, and bullets and rain of bullets were intensively bombarded towards Dark Mephistopheles II. But although his firepower is fierce, after all, they are all conventional live ammunition equipped by the military. It cannot even scratch Mephisto's skin. The greatest effect it can have is to affect the opponent's senses with the explosion of fire and gunpowder smoke. .

The beasts below were scattered and scattered. The Hulk, who had lost his purpose of venting, immediately moved his eyes to the dark giant, roared and jumped up.

If there's anyone in the Avengers who can pose a threat to Mephistopheles through sheer strength, it's definitely the Hulk. However, Hulk's situation is similar to that of King Kong. He has top-notch power but no matching skills. Normally, it would be fine to rely on attributes to crush and bully rookies, but when encountering an opponent whose strength is equal to or even far greater than one's own, this shortcoming will be magnified without limit.

Therefore, without any surprise, the only Hulk that came face to face flew out like a green cannonball and blasted into the ground with a loud noise that reached into the sky.

Thor, who had just rebounded in strength and was knocked away, was not seriously injured. He quickly flew up again with the hammer. A bolt of lightning struck Mephistopheles on the back at the moment when he was dealing with the Hulk. The blue electric light exploded into flying sparks on the back of the dark giant.

King Kong, who was next to him with a bruised nose and face, also took this opportunity to relax. Although this master is not good at teamwork, he also sees that it is obviously impossible to hold on to his throne as the King of Skull Island by himself. The gorilla is not stupid, at least it can see that it needs help to defeat this evil giant, so it rushes forward while the Avengers launch an attack and joins forces with them to attack.

So the next battle became with King Kong as the main force and other Avengers as auxiliary support. Everyone fiercely launched a siege on Mephistopheles.

That being said, in fact, the main function of King Kong is to act as a tank and take beatings, and others take advantage of the opportunity to deal damage, because it is the only one here with rough skin and thick flesh...

But it is obvious that we cannot win if we continue fighting like this. King Kong looked bigger, but from the beginning of the fight until now, he was suppressed by Mephistopheles in all aspects, as everyone present could see. The Avengers may be able to hold on for a while, but it is definitely a fantasy to defeat each other.

It was precisely because he saw through this that Stark did not follow his teammates into the rash.

He is thinking and looking for a solution to this dilemma, which is exactly the role he plays in the team.

This Mephistopheles previously said that the entire island was his territory, and that the entire island was dragged into a space called the "Dark Realm" by him. He also emphasized that no one present could leave here alive.

At first glance, this seemed to be just a common threat that any villain boss likes to talk about, but when Tony thought about it carefully, he felt that maybe it was not exactly like this.

Tony clearly remembered checking that there was no problem with the communication system when they first set foot on the island. Skull Island's own natural magnetic field interfered with the operation of some sensing equipment, but he specifically checked the server link with Jarvis in Stark Tower, and it was working well at that time.

It seems that from the moment Black Widow tried to contact Fury, they were cut off from the outside world.

why is that?

Is it because the dark giant doesn't want them to send information to the outside world?

Tony felt as if he had grasped the point.

So that's the key. This area is not only their cage and the main battlefield of the dark giant, it also has the function of blocking signals and hiding, because there are people outside that this guy is afraid of. Once the realm is lifted or even a crack is opened, there is a possibility that he will be discovered by that person.

Tony knew what to do.

The tail flames suddenly spurted out from under Iron Man's feet, and he rushed into the sky at full speed without saying a word. He ignored his teammates who were fighting fiercely with the dark giant next to him, and shot straight into the high sky like an arrow, approaching the border of the dark realm.

Tony had carefully studied the metafield, and he was very fascinated by the ability of this phase transformation to open up subspace. After comparing a large amount of data, he found that the space of light has a strong rejection reaction to darkness, and the reverse should be the same.

In other words, if there is anything that can fly through this subspace to the outside world, it is only light.

I have to say that Tony is indeed a genius, and his ideas are indeed correct. In the TV series, Nexus casually fired an energy beam "Particle Blade" that penetrated the dark field and flew to the outside world, and coincidentally hit the dark-faced Night Raid fighter.

Since acquiring the fragments of light, Tony has never given up trying to weaponize them and create stronger weapons. Now is the time when the results come in handy. The accessories on the back of Iron Man's armor were lifted, and one on the left and one on the right were placed on his hands. The hands of the suit were connected together by accessories and turned into a super-large-caliber cannon barrel, aiming straight at the bloody sky.

The arc reactor was operating at full power, and the moment the output reached 100%, all the surging energy was poured into the cannon in his hand along the transmission channel. The mighty light spiraled towards the sky, as if a milky-white lightsaber was piercing the sky. And out.

However, before his energy beam hit the boundary of the domain, another stream of dark light came straight from the ground and intercepted his light particle cannon in mid-air.

The power of light and darkness met in mid-air, causing a violent explosion. The fire expanded rapidly, and the hot flames and strong air currents rolled Iron Man down from mid-air.

During the battle, Dark Mephistopheles freed his hand to interrupt Stark's movements and snorted contemptuously.

Want to call for help? There are no doors.

However, he never noticed that not far from his feet, little Godzilla was lying on the ground in pain, holding his little head sickly and moaning, as if he was seriously ill.

"What's wrong with you?" Gwen touched its head, "Are you injured?"

When the beasts attacked just now, this little guy was so fierce that he jumped into the middle of a group of beasts and had the courage to fight ten of them one by one. However, it seemed that from the moment Dark Mephistopheles transformed, he shriveled up, lying weakly on the ground and moaning.

Jessica and Gwen were anxious beside them, but they didn't know what was going on. From the outside, it didn't seem to be injured. It just fell down as if it was possessed by an evil spirit.

Then they were surprised to see that little Godzilla's dorsal fin began to gradually light up white. The light climbed up its back like a battery charging indicator light until all the long dorsal fins on its back were lit up. The natural atomic furnace in its body was running rapidly, making a hum similar to that of a mechanical engine.

Mephisto's attention was drawn.

"What?" He stared at the sick little Godzilla on the ground in shock, "What is this?"

Others may not have noticed, but Mephisto reacted immediately.

That is light.

Just like the light he fears most, the light that should belong to Ultraman.

Mephistopheles raised his right hand, and dark energy quickly gathered, preparing to attack without even thinking. He didn't know why there was such a strong light in this creature, but that didn't matter. He must take this opportunity to kill this creature on the spot!

But when he was briefly distracted, King Kong, who had just been beaten back, pounced on him again. This gorilla has no other advantages, except that it is rough-skinned and thick-bodied and has a very high level of patience. It will not give up even after being beaten to a bloody head. King Kong used his thick arms to tightly hug Mephistopheles from behind, and Thor, War Machine and Hulk took the opportunity to hit him in the face.

Although he broke free a long time ago and knocked King Kong to the ground with a heavy elbow in anger, it was already a step too late.

Little Godzilla suddenly raised his head, let out a clear whistle, and his entire dorsal fin shone like never before. Strong light energy poured into his mouth along his back, turning into a dazzling light beam and rising into the sky, hitting the blood in the dark field. The force behind the sky continues unabated, running through all the way!

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