The territory of Skull Island has been cleared, and most of the indigenous people on the island have passively accepted the fact that one-fifth of the island's territory has been occupied by outsiders.

In fact, this does not have much impact on the island itself. After all, Skull Island is such a large area. Whether it is indigenous people or animals, everyone will do whatever they want in the future, and life will continue as usual.

Skull Island itself is shrouded in fog all year round and is protected by a natural magnetic field. It is naturally a very hidden place. After Hydra lands on it, they will use their unique black technology to do some shielding work. It will be extremely difficult for the outside world to even discover the existence of this island.

The base itself is also classified as "highly secret" within Hydra, and those dispatched to the island are the most loyal Hydra elements - in fact, the one represented by Gideon Malik. Believers in the old school who maintain a high degree of faith in their ancestor, the "Hydra God".

Richard told the person in charge of the base that "the future of our Hydra is hidden" in this base, and your purpose is to guard our ultimate weapon! In the future, if it comes to the last moment and Hydra has to declare war on the world, then what you are guarding in this base will be our ultimate trump card!

The person in charge was very excited when he heard this. Woc, the boss actually left such an important thing in our care? What could that be? Super nuke? Energy weapons of mass destruction? Alien battleship?

The loyal head of Hydra had the thought of "protecting this weapon at all costs at the risk of his own life". And when he saw Richard appearing in front of him with little Godzilla, the little guy was holding two bags of potato chips and blinking his big eyes warily looking around, the expression of the person in charge at that time was probably like this: ( σ`д′)σ our Hydra's ultimate weapon?

Well, he didn't mean to be biased. After all, little Godzilla has grown a lot now and still has the courage he deserves. It's just that this guy doesn't seem to have the consciousness of "I am the ultimate weapon" at all. He is holding potato chips with a weak, pitiful and helpless look on his face, which really makes people feel unreliable.

"Don't underestimate it." Richard said with a smile. "Don't underestimate it. It's usually very docile. If you really piss it off, it will chew you all alive."

Since their "ancestor" personally gave the order, the person in charge certainly did not dare to neglect it at all. He decided at that time to enshrine this little monster as a little ancestor...

In Little Godzilla's living area, Richard also captured many other small animals on the island to keep him company. This way, the little guy would not be lonely if he had a playmate, but he could also exercise every day, killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that the group of little animals that were captured to accompany him are all dead dogs. They couldn't figure out what evil they had done in their previous lives, so that they were locked up with a Godzilla to play with him in this life...

Little Godzilla has been clinging to his father since he was born. When he realized that he was suddenly separated, of course he wouldn't do it. He even threw away the potato chips. He hugged his father's legs and screamed, refusing to let him go.

Dad, I was wrong. I will never pee in your shoes again, so don’t drive me away, okay QAQ?

It took Richard a while to get out of its little claws, and he couldn't help but feel speechless. Don't be like this, you are a Godzilla after all, don't embarrass your whole family, okay...

But in the end, when he left, he saw this little guy lying behind the glass, staring longingly, which made people feel a little pitiful. That scene makes people can't help but think of the beginning of a small class in kindergarten. The child who has been following you since birth is thrown into a completely unfamiliar environment and separated from his parents. The crying is heartbreaking...

But children have to grow up, and you can't keep them by your side forever. One day they must leave the warm nest and learn to grow up, sooner or later.

Richard feels that little Godzilla must go through such a step. If he can't even take the step of leaving himself, how can he become the king of monsters in the future?

There was no condition before, but now it is natural to let it eat something Godzilla should eat. Richard arranged a special channel to have a batch of nuclear waste brought in every month to replenish its nutrition. While feeding its belly, it also had to feed the natural atomic reactor in its body.

Of course, now that he discovered that it could absorb light, Richard decided to feed it a little more regularly to see the effect. Godzilla, who can shoot light energy breath, will be a good helper in the future whether he wants to fight alien beasts or dark giants.

Little Godzilla and the new base have been arranged, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

It's Gwen's birthday.

Richard couldn't help feeling that time was passing by so slowly or so fast. He felt like it was only yesterday that he met Gwen. The little girl had grown up. What a pity... Ah, no, it was. congratulations.

Gwen has become somewhat taciturn since she gained superpowers, and her social circle has become even more pitiful after coming to this strange world. Apart from Richard and Jessica, the main people invited to her birthday party were superheroes she knew from "work".

Anyway, Gwen's identity is no longer a secret in front of these superhero teammates. Except for Thor, who rushed back to Asgard to recover his life, all the Avengers' comrades were present.

But Stark was a little surprised when he learned the theme of the banquet: "What? She only came of age today?"

Richard smiled and said: "What? Did you have some bad thoughts?"

Stark rolled his eyes at him: "Sorry, I'm only interested in mature women."

This is the truth. Gwen was indeed quite beautiful, and the little girl's personality was very pleasing to him, but the women in Stark's eyes had always been mature women with bulging fronts and backs. Although he didn't know that Spider-Woman was originally a high school student, in Stark's eyes, she had always been just a child.

Besides, if he dared to think anything wrong about a child, Pepper might make him unable to get out of bed tomorrow morning...

Jessica on the side happened to hear it and came over to interrupt: "That's right, most men are interested in mature women. It's not like someone who thinks about underage every day..."

As she spoke, she puffed out her chest, as if emphasizing the word "mature woman" with her actions.

Richard glanced at the unfinished pastry in her hand expressionlessly: "Didn't you say you were losing weight?"

Jessica plausibly said: "If you don't eat enough, how will you have the energy to lose weight?"

As she spoke, she scooped up another piece of cake with a small fork and stuffed it into her mouth.

Anyway, she has an extraordinary physique and won’t be able to gain weight even if she eats for a while. We can wait until she gains weight to lose weight!

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