Casillas can now be regarded as Dormammu's number one henchman. If he is still wielding swords and guns all day long without even a decent ultimate move, let alone Casillas, even Dormammu's old face will not show up. put.

In the movie "Doctor Strange", Casillas used a devastating spell that could destroy a temple instantly. It's just that according to the convention in the Marvel system, magic has a price. The more powerful the magic, the more powerful the price. Even the use of black magic is no exception.

Casillas is using this kind of spell now. Even if it is listed as a forbidden spell in the black magic book he stole, the load on his body and the possible backlash are inestimable.

But he did not hesitate, because he had such a hunch——

——Facing the person in front of you, you can't hold back at all. You have to use all your strength from the beginning to knock him down completely.

Casillas shouted loudly, raised his arms forward, and a huge transparent magic ball suddenly rushed towards him. The realm of the mirror space changed again, and all the surrounding buildings and ruins were pushed aside to both sides, as if trembling to make way for the ball of light. Invisible air currents swept along the street, the spaces on both sides cracked like mirrors, and dust rose up from the ground.

Richard stood still, feeling the terrifying energy coming out of the sphere with a calm expression. He slowly raised his arm and aimed the energy blast gun at the spinning magic ball. Countless blue light particles began to converge towards the black muzzle of the gun.

With one shot, the blue laser seemed to transcend space, suppressing all other colors in the world. The energy impact spread from the muzzle, the ground was shattered, and the smoke was blown away. The domineering beam of light was like an arrow piercing the clouds. The transparent magic ball was blasted through, and seemed to be broken down into countless air currents under the powerful impact, forming a hurricane and blowing away.

The collision of two masses of energy was like a sudden explosion in mid-air, and the impact of the explosion swept towards Casillas. The mage's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised his hand in front of him to summon a barrier to resist, but the barrier burst apart a second later. Casillas was knocked off his back and blood spurted out from his throat.

Casillas's body was in severe pain like thousands of knives being twisted. The damage caused by the explosion and the pain caused by the backlash of the forbidden technique hit each other alternately, causing every nerve in him to suffer.

But he suppressed the severe pain and sat up, trying hard to control the twitching muscles on his face. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Who on earth...are you?"

This is indeed his biggest concern.

Who is this guy? Where did such terrifying power come from?

He, Casillas, sold his body and soul in exchange for such powerful dark power, but the other party just waved his hand and casually neutralized his full blow. Why?

This process seems complicated, but in fact Casillas only played against Richard for two rounds, and the process only happened in an instant. And even in this short period of time, nearly half of the group of sidekick mages A, B, C and D have been beaten by Gwen and Jessica. The remaining half were also frightened after seeing their boss being beaten. , stupidly holding up swords, guns and clubs, standing there in a daze at a loss.

It was just Casillas, Richard didn't take it to heart at all. Anyway, as long as he doesn't summon his master Dormammu, then the word "threat" has nothing to do with it, and no matter how much trouble he makes, it won't cause trouble...

...Wait, something is wrong.

Richard frowned slightly, suddenly feeling something from this closed space.

Besides these rookie mages, something else came in.

Richard could feel the slight vibrations in the space, and some kind of distorted and uncomfortable energy that was slowly eroding into this space that was independent of reality. A chill gradually seeped in and spread coldly. The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, as if a calm lake was quickly frozen.

Others did not have Richard's keen senses, but they were more or less aware of the changes in the environment. Especially Casillas, the dark mage showed a fleeting look of panic, and then his face sank.

"It's really haunting," he said through gritted teeth.

Richard glanced at him a second time.

oh? So this guy seems to know what is happening now?

But soon everyone knew it.

The scene in the mirror space began to change again. This spell is different from home skills like Meta Field, the mirror space does not only follow the wishes of the caster. In the movie, Doctor Strange summoned a mirror space, but the venue turned out to be convenient for Casillas. And when Gu Dashou personally came to the rescue, the entire space began to obey her command again.

The current situation is similar to that in the movie. A mage far more powerful than Casillas and with a deeper mastery of space magic stepped into this space. The balance was reversed, and the power to control the space instantly fell into the hands of this new player.

The world changed further in everyone's eyes. The cracks around him caused by the fierce battle were instantly repaired, and the ruins and rubble everywhere disappeared. The ground split open on both sides, swallowing up the dilapidated buildings. Half of the street curves along a ninety-degree angle, rising vertically into the clouds.

Then, a long hanging ladder descended from the sky, and a graceful shadow slowly walked down the ladder.

That's a girl.

She has a face as delicate as a porcelain handicraft, with dark bags under her eyes and brightly red lips. She was wearing a red robe and black stockings. Her whole body seemed to be surrounded by scarlet flames, and her robe and clothes were rising and falling in waves.

She was like the queen who dominated magic, walking slowly down the steps presented to her by the world step by step. The surging pressure made the group of dark mages below look like cannon fodder in the movie for only three seconds. (Although it is)

What's even more interesting is that Richard recognizes her.

Wanda Maximoff, codenamed Scarlet Witch, future Avenger. They had barely met before.

It's just that the Scarlet Witch's eyes are blurred right now. Although her aura is amazing, her mind is obviously not very clear. Although he doesn’t know what the level of the Scarlet Witch in Avengers is, Richard is sure that she will never be as powerful as she is now. At the moment, the little witch was almost swallowed up by the surging waves of magic, feeling like a doll with rampant magic.

As for the reason, Richard seemed to have guessed it quickly.

That should be the thick book that floats strangely in front of Wanda, and the pages turn automatically.

Through his extraordinary super vision, Richard could even clearly see several large gilded characters on the dark cover of the book.

"Book of Darkness".

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