The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 348 The real protagonist returns!

State University of New York, a private laboratory.

This is a laboratory rented by the army and assigned to the most special person in the school - Victor von Doom.

Of course, according to common sense, this is definitely undesirable. Victor von Doom is not a nobody. He was once the owner of a conglomerate worth tens of billions, and then experienced the Waterloo from a rising star to a lost dog. In a rage, Doom proclaimed himself Doctor Doom and caused a scene in the streets of New York. A group of well-known superheroes in New York were surrounded by him and he beat them up. After that, his reputation became really famous for a while.

But this is not a problem for the military. Anyone who is of value to them can be packaged as a national hero.

What did Doom do? Wasn't it just that there was a power outage and a few unimportant citizens were electrocuted in the city and didn't even have a chance to show their faces? Will the Pentagon take this seriously?

On the surface, Doom seems to have been sentenced to jail and will serve his entire life, but in fact, he has been fished out by the military, changed his identity, and was thrown into a state university laboratory for research. No one at the university knew that a super criminal had wandered into the campus. Teachers and students only thought he was a Ph.D. in physics who had a bad career.

The military didn't care about Doom's character or criminal record. They only cared about how much profit they could squeeze out of his twisted brain. Doom is also very smart. Not long after arriving in this laboratory, he sent several unmanned robot soldiers capable of autonomous operations as gifts to the army, which won unanimous praise from the Pentagon.

However, the old men didn't know that the combat machines that their army regarded as treasures had actually been designed in the early days of Doom's business. They were all leftovers from other people's entertainment.

As long as Doom can continue to create benefits, the military will unconditionally provide him with a large amount of resources and materials, and this gives Doom an excellent opportunity. He began to work on a project that had been ongoing before the consortium collapsed, and after a previous battle with a group of superheroes, he felt enlightened, as if he suddenly figured out the problem that had troubled him for many years.

He wants to combine technology and magic to build a machine that can travel through dimensions and lead to hell, and save his mother's imprisoned soul from the devil named "Mephisto".

Anyone else might have thought this was crazy, but Doom didn't. He felt that he was born different and destined to do things that mortals couldn't. And now he has really done it. He has personally built a device that can travel to hell. The goal he has been fighting for for many years is now in front of him, he is going to save his mother.

Three hours ago, Doom's unprecedented dimensional shuttle device was completed. It was designed as a seat, with an ion engine attached to the back, and the chair was covered with complex circuits from head to toe. Doom needs to sit on this chair himself and connect his nerves to the chair's system through the operating helmet. His ability to absorb electricity will draw electricity far beyond the specifications from the power grid to charge this device. The black magic he learned when he was young will convert this energy into dark magic that circulates in these countless cables. In theory, Said that he would fly to hell with his body - the place where his mother was trapped.

Two hours ago, Doom completed the last maintenance process. Everything was ready. Without hesitation or timidity, he sat on the seat, put on his helmet, and pressed the start button on the armrest. Massive currents converged towards him from all corners of the power grid, flowing through his mutated metal skin and rushing through his blood, being transformed into pure dark magic.

Then there was this scene at this moment.

An explosion with unexplainable causes in the eyes of future generations blew up Doom's entire laboratory, along with the entire corridor and even half a floor of his teaching building, which was blown into ruins.

A demon was summoned from the accident.

Victor von Doom felt as if he were bathed in darkness, and the magic that surrounded him and filled his blood was more abundant than ever before. He automatically put on a dark green hood and cloak, and walked slowly out of the explosion flames like a Terminator, with each step of his metal boots leaving deep footprints on the ground.

He heard countless voices echoing in his ears, as if countless souls from the depths of hell were whispering in his mind.

He felt unprecedentedly powerful, but the countless voices in his head gave him a splitting headache and a trance.

New York police arrived quickly. However, they couldn't handle the 1.0 version of Doom, and now that they have upgraded to the 2.0 version, they are even more useless. Several police officers fired a few symbolic shots. Two police cars were blown away and two police officers were burned to ashes. The remaining people quickly turned around and ran away, showing no intention of resisting.

The next ones to arrive were Doom's old friends, the Fantastic Four.

Reed was surprised: "Dum? Shouldn't you be in jail?"

"Reed!" Although Doom was confused but his memory was not lost, he became furious when he saw his enemy. What was even more irritating was that he saw his ex-girlfriend Susan half-hiding behind Reed with a wary face and holding one of his arms. When he thought of the green hood on his head, Comrade Doom exploded on the spot. Got it

"Go to hell!"

Doom roared angrily, and shot out like a black arrow through the air.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of him!"

The Human Torch said, shouting "Fire!", and then like a burning meteor, it cut through the night, charged forward fiercely, and then flew out like an extinguished meteor, hitting a deep hole in the lawn. Keng immediately passed out.

It stands to reason that after such a long period of training and development, the Fantastic Four's own ability level and control level are now completely different from the original ones. In any case, they can be regarded as the most powerful superheroes on the earth. However, after the second round of the battle between the four and Doom, they realized that their performance was not as good as the first time.

However, you can't blame them. The Fantastic Four developed their abilities under Reed's scientific analysis and training. Although they made rapid progress, they were still practicing slowly level by level.

But Doom is different. Doom is sitting on the protagonist's template and has a level that he didn't practice by himself. He is the kind of weirdo who feels that destiny has arrived, suddenly enlightened, and screams to the sky, and his level automatically jumps ten or twenty levels.

So the last time they fought, Doom might have been a level 10 trumpet that bullied the Fantastic Four's four level 1 trumpets. So if the current Fantastic Four were compared to level 10, then Doom might have been level 50.

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