After dealing with the Mandarin, Richard stayed on the spot to check carefully to make sure that the Mandarin had really been reduced to dregs even with his bones by the power of the cross storm. After all, the Marvel world is very evil. Sometimes you can’t be sure that some people are really dead even though you watched them die. Who knows if the Mandarin has any life-saving tricks to come back from the dead?

However, after repeated inspections, Richard was convinced that the old man was really dead.

The appearance of the Mandarin was a complete accident. According to the original movie, Iron Man 3 did not feature the Mandarin in the entire story. Richard thought that if he hadn't come to their lair by coincidence and killed the old man in advance, what if the current Iron Man faced the Mandarin and didn't even know how he died?

After thinking this way, I accidentally did something good again. Sure enough, I am a good person!

The base of the Ten Commandments Gang was also destroyed. Most of the weapons, equipment and camp buildings in the base were razed to the ground. Even the Mandarin, the ancestor of the Ten Commandments Gang, was bombed into rubbish. The harvest of this operation was simply incredible. Quite unexpected.

Not long after Richard left, there was some movement in the razed camp.

At first, the ruins shook slightly, and then red-hot light gradually penetrated from the bottom of the layers of steel and rubble, looking like a scarlet light spot.

The high temperature of 3,000 degrees melted through the layers of barriers, burning a charred black hole with a red edge on the collapsed roof. A hand reached out from below, groped for a moment like a blind man, and then pressed hard on the roof next to it. The bald man struggled to crawl out of the hole, breathing heavily.

The man's whole body was glowing with red light, and the muscle tissue under his skin was clearly visible under the red-hot light, as if there was a fire burning in his chest.

His name was Eric Savin, the most powerful of all Killian's warriors who had received the Extremis Injection.

The battle between Nexus and the Mandarin just now was really destructive. The terrorists below would definitely not be able to save their bodies if they were hit by a random aftermath. That is to say, Comrade Savin relied on his extraordinary physique and amazing self-healing ability as a desperate warrior. When he saw that the situation was not going well, he quickly used his super high body temperature to melt a hole on the spot and buried himself, pretending to be dead, and then he was lucky enough to escape. After a tribulation...

In fact, apart from him, there are two other desperate warriors in this base, but compared to him, they are both at the level of bastards, with average abilities and brains that are not as good as his. When Ultraman's first fist fell, those two were affected by an unknown AOE and were immediately killed at full health. The Extremis Virus was unable to recover.

The most annoying thing is that these desperate warriors call themselves the "ultimate creatures" and think they have found the door to the next stage of human evolution (however, it seems that many villains think so). None of them can hold it in their mouths, but the Ultraman just now He almost killed them instantly with a fist, and he didn't seem to notice the existence of the three of them at all.

Savin speculated that in the eyes of the opponent, these three desperate warriors may be just slightly larger ants. After all, they are still ants...

Um? After a while, he seemed to hear something else.


A trembling, almost inaudible voice came from within the ruins. Savin turned his head in surprise. How could someone be so tenacious and escape from the doomsday threat just now? Is it Desperate Warriors?

Savin quickly turned around and dug. He used the high temperature of his body to melt through the debris and metal of the house, and quickly dug through the ruins with his bare hands. When someone dug it out, Savin almost lost his temper and twisted his nose. What he dug out turned out to be the swindling fake Manchurian. He also had a gray face, even half of his beard was missing, but surprisingly, he only had a few scratches on his body.

The fake man burst into tears when he saw him. He quickly hugged Savin and started crying, saying why it was not easy for him. He almost thought he was going to suffocate to death. Savin comforted him and curiously asked him how he survived. This silly old man described it incoherently for a long time before Savin roughly guessed it. It seemed that this person was just lucky. He happened to avoid every wave of AOE by squatting in the corner of the room with his head in his hands, and he survived in a daze. , this face is so white that it reflects the light...

Although I could only dig out the most useless salted fish after spending a long time digging for a long time, it was one of my own after all, and this guy's face was somewhat useful, so Savin still led the fake Manchu to return to his boss's place.

Aldrich Killian was shocked when he heard that the Ten Rings Gang's base had been wiped out. He shouted angrily without thinking, "Who did it?"

Killian's first reaction was to go back and fuck him. You must know that it is not easy to build a desperate warrior. It is expensive and laborious, and it is also extremely unstable. During the injection stage, nine of the ten experimental subjects wanted to be blown up. This time, killing two of them like cannon fodder in one breath was really a loss. With Killian's temper, it was really hard not to beat the culprit down and beat him up.

Savin said with a pained face: "It's the giant called 'Ultraman' by the news... he punched down and the whole camp was basically destroyed. The evil old man named 'Mandarin' even fought with him It took a while, but in the end it seemed like I was done with it..."

Killian: “…..”

Killian's "Who are you going to do, big brother" arrogance just now dissipated in an instant, and his whole body became mute.

If the opponent is Iron Man, he dares to directly send people to ransack his home. If it is the American army, he dares to directly blow up the Pentagon... But that Ultraman?

It's better to take a shower and go to bed early. Anyway, as far as he knew, no one on earth seemed to dare to provoke this great god of unknown origin...

So this is the only way to let it go? The large amount of weapons, supplies, and the two desperate warriors he provided to the Ten Rings Gang were all gone?

At this moment, the fake Manchurian who was picked up from the ruins by Savin seemed to have completely forgotten the fear of brushing against death. At this time, he changed his clothes and sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a beer in one hand. Holding a big cigarette in one hand, he was watching the game while shouting "Ouli Ouli" excitedly.

Killian was so angry when he thought that the most useless trash in the entire base survived, he almost lost his temper and went up to strangle him to death. It was Savin who tried his best to stop him, saying that brother, forget it, this coward is still useful...

Killian was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and he was thinking of finding someone to beat him up, when he happened to see Stark's appearance on the TV next to him. At this time, Stark was standing at the entrance of the hospital wearing a pair of sunglasses. He was blocked in the middle of a large group of reporters' microphones and talked: "Mandarin, if you can hear it - I am not afraid of you! You are just a coward!" This is my address, 10880 Malibu Street, zip code 90265. If you have the guts, come find me!"

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