There are not many advanced alien robots in the Marvel universe. Many alien civilizations have designed various types of combat machines for combat on planetary land, but there are really not many that are close to 70 meters in size like this. .

Because robots are designed for land combat anyway, an overly large size is a waste of actual combat value and has low practical value. Therefore, everyone agrees that there is no need to design a robot into the size of a battleship. For example, the advance sentinel robot designed by the Kree to detect planetary environments and pave the way for subsequent invasions is 20 meters tall, which is already considered the tallest among the robots in the Marvel universe.

If it were higher, it would probably be a god.

Yes, Marvel also has this strange common phenomenon, that is, most of the gods in the universe are very tall. It’s not that there’s any direct connection between their strength and size, but it’s just that most of the gods happen to be giants…

This gave Richard a slightly bad association.

Is this robot really a weapon designed by an advanced alien civilization?


While he was thinking about it, the Avengers had already arrived at the scene. The blue lasers fired from both sides of the Quinjet kicked off the battle, and the beams of light exploded with bright sparks on the back of the robot.

Of course, conventional Quinjet fighters do not have such excellent equipment, but the "Avenger", as the exclusive vehicle of the Avengers, is naturally a little different from ordinary fighters. Stark installed the pulse energy cannon he designed during the armor development process as a new weapon on both sides of the fighter plane. Although the power is still inferior to his exclusive recoil technology, it is still the prototype of an energy weapon after all. Aegis's Quinjets, which can only chug, are still a notch better.

The attack did no damage, but seemed to attract the robot's attention slightly. The robot glanced back at them slowly, then raised its hand, and a dazzling golden light hit its face.

Seeing it from the screen and facing it directly were completely different things. The moment the shining golden light flew toward their faces, the locked people felt as if their souls were trembling.

The widow piloting the fighter plane pulled up in time, and the Avenger narrowly avoided the golden light. The beam blasted through the building behind it with an indomitable force. The part of the building that was hit was directly evaporated, and a neat circular hole was dug out in the middle of the two-hundred-story building.

"Guys, be careful not to get scratched by that thing." Tony reminded loudly, "The energy level of that thing is no joke. I think even the captain's shield might be scratched by that thing. Explode.”

Although it was dangerous, no one backed down. There was no such word as retreat in the Avengers' dictionary.

Unlike other stragglers of superheroes, the Avengers are still organized and have a tacit understanding. At least compared to when they first formed a team, they can now be considered to have tactics and coordination. Everyone quickly formed a formation to double-team the big robot, and a wave of full-force bombardment hit the robot's dark brain.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are unable to produce output despite all their weapons, and what the Avengers can do is actually very limited.

Iron Man's recoil cannon tried to hit the opponent's body from various angles, but was completely unable to break through its outer shell. The war machine threw out a third of its entire body of ammunition and missiles in an instant, and could not even scratch the opponent's blood.

The Avenger's output effect is similar to that of the two. The only ones who are stronger are Thor and Hulk, who are the main C-positions of the Avengers. Thor dived with his hammer and man, causing the robot to tilt back slightly. The Hulk started from the robot's knees and jumped all the way up and pounded hard. I don't know if there was any damage. Anyway, the robot's body swayed slightly when he hit the joints. of.

But the robot just waved its hand, a golden light flashed, and the Avengers' formation was instantly destroyed. Golden light passed across the two blocks, the road was instantly divided, the flames rose to the sky, and all the houses along the way were cut open.

Stark accelerated the thrusters urgently before narrowly avoiding the cutting beam. He looked at the street below that was cut neatly like a cake with lingering fear, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He knew that there was no chance of winning if the fight continued like this, as the firepower of both sides was not equal at all. So he started doing what he does best—finding solutions.

"The sensors show that its whole body is covered with some kind of special energy that the system cannot analyze. Although there is no basis for it, I guess it may be that kind of thing that makes the body of this machine indestructible." Tony told his teammates hurriedly while raising the height. , "But the data collected also shows that whenever the opponent uses the laser on its hand, the energy dispersed throughout its body will be briefly diluted, and its defense capabilities will be weakened at that time."

Thor couldn't understand what the sensor energy was, but he did understand the last sentence: "You mean you should hammer it when it fires?"

"To be more precise, you should hit the armor on its neck, Thor." Tony continued, "The defensive energy of its neck will drop to the lowest value at the moment of firing. Maybe that is its weakness."

"But you may have overlooked the problem of the laser, genius." Hawkeye, who was in charge of weapon aiming in the Avengers, reminded, "It can send us running all over the street with just one shot. You just said it was casual." One scratch and we're probably done. So how do we hold that thing up and attack its neck?"

"Thanks for bringing it up, Clint, but I've certainly taken that part into consideration."

When Tony said this, the Iron Man armor was already at full power, spraying golden tail flames and charging towards the front of the robot.

At this moment everyone realized what he wanted to do.

"Tony, are you crazy?" Colonel Rhodes shouted on the communication channel.

"Don't be impulsive Tony," it was Captain America who spoke, "There are other ways, it doesn't have to be..."

"Sorry, this is the best way." Tony interrupted them stubbornly, focusing on the target ahead, "You'd better be prepared, because the opportunity may only last for a moment..."

The missiles on the shoulders of Iron Man's armor fired in full, and Stark's high-explosive warheads exploded into huge fireballs on the robot's armor one after another.

His madness successfully attracted the robot's attention, and the robot locked onto him, mechanically raised its arms, and golden beams of light shot out like a river!

In an instant, an auxiliary thruster popped out from the waist and abdomen of Iron Man's armor. The four propulsion ports were ejecting at full power at the same time, and the adjustment of the main thrusters by his hands and feet abruptly changed the forward trajectory at that moment, narrowly avoiding the bombardment of the golden light!

But it's not over yet! The robot's dynamic tracking ability is extremely strong. Its thick arms move slightly, and the laser follows the direction where Iron Man is avoiding. Iron Man took full advantage of the armor's powerful mobility and flew up and down around the thick beam. He was too small and very fast. The laser of his robot hand cut through seven or eight buildings, leaving several criss-crossing traces in the city, but it could not even scratch Iron Man.

The most thrilling time was when the laser almost touched the outside of his thigh, and the scorching temperature penetrated through the armor and passed in - it was a temperature even more terrifying than the direct contact of the desperate warrior. For a moment, Stark thought he could hear the screams of the armored thrusters, and he even suspected that his engine would disintegrate directly.

But the armor he had poured countless efforts into finally failed him. The thrusters, which had already exceeded the temperature safety value, still tenaciously supported it, and even output the propulsion flame beyond the limit, allowing him to narrowly avoid the laser. The moment Iron Man was about to hit the robot's body, he turned ninety degrees, lifted vertically, and shot into the sky like a red gold bullet.

As expected, the robot raised its head, swung the golden beam and chased after his back - and the moment it raised its head, the vital part of its neck was directly exposed to the eyes of all the other Avengers!

Thousands of thunder fell from outside the clouds, pulse lasers, dense bullets and several missiles... The Avengers accurately seized this fleeting opportunity created by Iron Man, and hit it with all their heavy firepower!

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