The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 373 Whose robot is it?

Richard initially chose to wait and see what happened, because he felt that the style of the machine falling from the sky did not look like a local Marvel product. In comparison, he felt that it was more like Dark Mephistopheles or Zaki. The vanguard sent.

Logically speaking, this machine was summoned by the transmitter hidden by AIM, so it is more likely to be a local product of Marvel. But to be on the safe side, he decided to wait and see for a while. If this was really a hole dug specifically for himself, he should at least look at it carefully and think of countermeasures before jumping.

Furthermore, he felt that if this thing was really a Marvel specialty, the Avengers should be able to handle it.

It wasn't until that strange energy fell from the sky that the robot that had been knocked down came back to its light, that he realized what it was about.

Others couldn't recognize it, but he recognized it at a glance - that ball of energy shot from outside the earth was cosmic energy.

This robot is powered by cosmic energy, which is why it appears to be so domineering.

In this way, this robot probably has nothing to do with Zaki or something, but the origin of this thing seems more puzzling.

As far as Richard knew, there were almost no alien races in the Marvel universe that could harness the energy of the universe. The Kree Empire's research in this field should be second to none, but even so, the best they can do is to use an extremely weak sliver of cosmic energy for biological modification - even so, a hundred Kree people have undergone modification. It's not likely that even one of them will survive.

Using cosmic energy to power a massive robot? That's obviously beyond the capabilities of the Kree.

So Richard thinks the greater possibility is that the controller behind this robot may be a god.

Although I don’t understand what god would do if he was full and throw a robot to the earth, it is obviously difficult for the Avengers alone to take down this guy.

Since it was not a hole dug for himself, Richard had to fight this battle. If for no other reason than for the cosmic energy used to drive the super robot, he would never let it go. After all, this is a good thing that can only be found but cannot be found. There is only so much cosmic energy in the universe now, and most of them have their own owners. I don't know how many strong people can't find such a precious thing even if they wear iron shoes.

When Nexus appeared, he released the "Core Flash" to disperse the beam impact of the robot. Then he kept moving and launched a flying kick from the sky, leaving a silver-gray afterimage and kicking straight towards the robot.

Light energy was quickly poured into his right leg, wrapping his entire leg in shining golden light. The moment he kicked the robot in the head, he crossed his arms across his chest and began to spin rapidly, turning into a blurry afterimage like a drill. The golden light on his legs bloomed, as if a golden tornado enveloped Nexus's body. The violent friction with the air formed a high-heat flame, which was caught between the tornadoes and formed a swirling wave of fire that blasted downwards.

The explosion was earth-shattering, and the powerful impact knocked the robot upside down. It dragged debris and flying dust all over the ground and slid far away. It flew more than a mile away and knocked down several buildings one after another.

Juvenile Spin Smash Flying Kick... Yes, the name is a bit long, but it's quite vivid. This is the first stunt performed by Rei Chiju, the third warrior of Nexus. The gorgeous stunts and light effects are enough to show how powerful it is.

By now the Avengers have completed the evacuation of the surrounding area, there are no civilians in this area. Although Richard wouldn't say that, he actually felt in his heart that the battlefield was in Tokyo anyway, so it didn't matter if he destroyed one or two more buildings...

Without stopping for a moment, Nexus' body shot out immediately after landing, and he flashed in front of the robot in an instant. As soon as the robot stood up, the silver fist roared over, and tens of thousands of tons of strange force hit its face with a crisp bang.

The heavy blow shook its body, but the cosmic energy all over its body completely withstood the power of the punch. The robot's footsteps dragged out a shallow trajectory on the ground, and then it counterattacked with a fist.

Nexus raised his hand to block it, only to feel his arm shake and a rather powerful impact return from his fist.

Sure enough, it should be driven by cosmic energy, and the robot's horsepower is also quite powerful.

It's just not strong enough.


The heavy blow exploded in the air, the silver fist flew out with golden light, and a golden hurricane erupted the moment it hit. Half of the empty city block was blown up in the aftermath of the punch. The super robot raised its head and flew out, crushing a string of buildings on the roadside with a rumble.

Although the battle damage seemed a bit serious, Tokyo Richard thought it was not a big problem anyway. In the Ultraman TV series, a large block of buildings in Tokyo collapsed every episode, only to be intact again in the next episode. The construction speed was amazing. Such a small amount of damage is nothing compared to the efficiency of the island country...

Nexus continued his pursuit. But he had just flown halfway when scorching golden light tore through the smoke screen and shot out from among the ruins. It came so fast that there was no time to dodge. Nexus took a heavy shot in the chest, and was pushed backwards by the laser. When he landed, he collapsed another building.

It does hurt a little now.

Nexus stood up from the dust, debris falling from his body. There was a burning pain in his chest, and the impact made him feel a suffocating heat.

The robot's shooting interval has shortened - or it should be said that the charging speed of the hand laser cannon has accelerated. Richard guessed that this should also be due to the absorption of the cosmic energy enhancement just now.

Two more laser beams came in his face. Nexus jumped into the air to avoid it, and the golden light passed by the soles of his feet, cutting across the ground and exploding a large piece with a rumble.

Nexus' body swayed, his whole body glowed, and a long string of afterimages trailed behind him, and he had already flashed behind the robot in less than a blink of an eye.

Mach moves!

The robot turned around quickly and raised its hand to fire at him, but it was too slow. Nexus flew up and kicked its arm away. His legs immediately turned around before they could retract them in mid-air, and once again used force to sweep across the lower body of the robot.

Through the scanning of Ultra Vision, Nexus discovered that although this machine can barely use cosmic energy, the degree of control is very low. Every time a heavy enough blow to its body will cause the energy in that part to be slightly disordered.

In other words, as long as it carries out multi-directional and continuous attacks at a fast enough speed, its defense structure will lose stability and eventually even collapse.

This is indeed the case. Nexus' fists and kicks alternated, and the shadow of his fist was so fast that it was invisible. Under the intensive attack, this super robot had no room to fight back. The defensive performance of its body also plummeted under the intensive punches, and many parts of its body surface continued to flash with a faint golden light, which was a sign that the entire defensive structure was on the verge of being broken.

Nexus took a step forward, air waves swirled under his feet, golden light poured into his right fist, and a punch exploded out with a spiral of golden light.

Childhood boxing!

The heavy punch hit the robot's neck like a missile, and a large fireball of golden light and flames exploded. The heavy bombardment knocked the robot onto its back, and its entire body's defense system was completely paralyzed.

When the time was right, Nexus placed his palms on his waist, condensed electricity, formed a cross, and golden sparks roared out.

Cross storm!

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