Although I don’t know what inspired the black uncles of Wakanda, they suddenly decided to open their country early and integrate with the world.

Originally, the old king wanted to sit on the throne, row in the water, and enjoy a few years of old age. However, he may have seen that the outside world's technology has developed too fast in recent years, and there are more and more novel things. Alien beasts, light and dark giants, alien robots, etc. appeared one after another, bringing pressure to the whole world, and of course the black uncles of Wakanda felt the pressure.

To use the most direct analogy, when the Chitauri invaded Earth, they sent a large number of soldiers and a large number of alien weapons. After the battle in New York, the alien technology scattered everywhere in the city was naturally cheap. Earthling. Naturally, it is impossible for Stark's Disaster Control Bureau to monopolize all the alien technology with such a huge base. Major institutions and organizations in the United States have used their own channels to get some, and international organizations like SHIELD are also going. Some, the superpowers have obtained some through diplomacy or through shady means, and everyone is studying behind closed doors.

However, Wakanda is obviously not involved in this. The black uncles of Wakanda claim to be the world's best in technology, and their nostrils are turned to the sky. However, only they know how awesome they are, and others don't. To the outside world, they are just a small agricultural country that can be easily ignored and ignored. A bunch of black uncles who farm land jump out and say that we should also share the alien technology. Who cares about them?

Although the black uncles are extremely confident in their own vibranium technology, when the word "alien" is mentioned, they still commit the common problem of earthlings - blind superstition. Everyone naturally feels that when it comes to aliens, they must be stronger than us. Even the Wakanda royal family is not sure.

If nothing else, even though the Chitauri have such shabby weapons, they still have interstellar spaceships. The Wakandans feel that their technological development is inadequate, but they also have to admit that they cannot fly out of the solar system. From this point alone, they are not as good as the Chitauri.

In fact, the old king still wants to continue to overthrow the king who has continued to fish and fish in the past few years, but he can't stand it. His son T'Challa rubs his ears all day long, constantly admonishing and emphasizing that although our great Wakanda is rich in products, You have everything, but you can’t just work behind closed doors all day long! What if if this continues, after he succeeds to the throne, Wakanda's technological advantage is no longer there, and people use foreign guns and cannons to blast open the country and seize vibranium?

The old king wanted to say that it was your problem, not ours, but in the end he couldn't say it. So the old king finally let out a long sigh, that’s it, let’s open up then.

When Wakanda first announced its integration into the world, the leaders of various countries did not take it seriously. Some people even openly ridiculed, "What do you, an agricultural country, have to share?" But the politicians were soon slapped in the face. Wakanda's unconventionally advanced technology has surprised everyone. Some even wonder if there are aliens behind these black uncles. Otherwise, where would they have gotten so much black technology?

However, the black uncles are very stingy. They say they want to open the country, but in fact the scope of their communication is limited. Most of what Wakanda communicates to the outside world is some advanced scientific concepts that are not available to the outside world, such as neuron coding, genetic engineering, biomedicine, etc. All content related to vibranium is kept confidential.

Energy weapons? Sorry, not for sale.

Stealth fighter? Sorry, the official limited edition is no longer in print.

The black uncles of Wakanda regard their weapons technology as diluted treasures. Especially some of the conservatives who oppose openness even have funny dreams that "our big Wakanda technology can sweep across the five small powers and unify the world." , they look at everyone like a thief, and feel that you must be coveting our vibranium by establishing diplomatic relations with us. This mentality is a bit like that of a super narcissist. Everyone seems to think that the other person is secretly in love with him.

However, in fact, energy weapons are no longer so rare when Marvel technology has developed to this point, so the black uncles still think that their vibranium spears are the most cutting-edge energy technology on earth. However, in fact, SHIELD also has energy weapons, Hydra also has them, AIM, which was rejected before, also has them in the hands of Stark, and even the Vultures and others who do business without capital on the streets of New York have them.

But in general, Wakanda's openness is definitely a good thing. No matter how much their technological background is there, and no matter how crooked their technological tree is, they are still a cutting-edge technological country in the world. As a super genius with seven doctorate degrees, Dr. Bruce Banner is already a dean in the scientific world. However, in Avengers 3, even he is not interested in the Mind Stone on Vision's head. The operation was futile, and Wakanda was able to come up with a plan casually, which at least proved the uniqueness of their technology.

What's more important is that Wakanda has been working behind closed doors over the years and applying vibranium in various fields, which has brought about rapid scientific progress. Their foundation and development ideas in many fields are different from the outside world. The exchange and integration of different systems will definitely be able to achieve success in many fields. Accelerate the process of scientific development in the field.

Now that it has been decided to open up, the issues that the old king had stranded for many years have to be brought to the forefront again under pressure from many domestic parties. Ulysses Klaue, the most wanted criminal in Wakanda, has smuggled large amounts of vibranium out of Wakanda more than once over the years, and has become the number one concern in the eyes of the Wakanda royal family.

After suddenly making such a big decision, the old king naturally had to show some practical achievements to silence the opponents. So with a wave of his hand, he decided to send his son, Black Panther T'Challa, to capture Klaw.

The Black Panther took his father's order and intercepted Crow in the United States and fought with Crow. It turned out that Crowe was still connected to Hammer Industries, whose president was arrested in "Iron Man 2". Hammer Industries kindly supported a group of mechanical soldiers with live ammunition, and they cooperated with Crowe to fight. When the two sides were fighting, Iron Man led several Avengers to kill him, and the cleaning robot soldiers captured Crowe alive.

The opening of Wakanda has been made public, and the identity of Black Panther is naturally no secret. The Avengers collected evidence at the scene, and Stark began to contact acquaintances to prepare to sue Hammer Industries. After a brief negotiation with Crowe, the Avengers handed him over to the Black Panther and asked him to take him back for business.

After fighting side by side this time, Captain America seemed to have a good impression of Black Panther, and the two sides briefly chatted for a while, which was considered speculation. So the captain took the opportunity to invite the other party to join the Avengers. Black Panther did not directly agree, but only said that he would think about it, and then turned around and left with Crowe in his arms.

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