The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 392 You are not worthy yet!

The subsidiary company was established, a bunch of miscellaneous matters were dealt with, and an Ultraman-themed industrial chain was basically established.

According to the concept, Richard is also preparing to develop into the field of comics. The European and American comic markets are relatively developed, and comic works have fewer restrictions than film and television. It is also convenient to complete various settings such as characters and world view.

He had already thought about the main artist for the first publication, but he still had to choose Mr. Rogers.

Anyway, as soon as the next short film comes out, Mr. Rogers’ filming task will be officially completed. Even if Richard plans to make another movie in the future, it will definitely have to be a reboot of the series. The original cast will not be used again, and there will be no need for Captain America to continue to star as Ultraman in the future.

From a soldier to a superhero to a movie star and then to a cartoonist, this transition sounds like a big span, but it is not surprising if it comes to the captain. Richard feels that if he makes a request, the captain will most likely agree. Come down. Captain America's high-spirited attitude towards money, not to mention treating it like dirt, certainly doesn't mean he values ​​it too much. The nominally retired Captain America only hopes that he can find his place in this society and do something meaningful.

Being an Avenger and upholding justice is a meaningful thing. The main role of Ultraman is to deliver positive energy to the world. His main job is to draw comics. In his opinion, the meaning is almost the same.

However, when Richard made arrangements to contact Captain America, he was told that Captain had gone on a mission with the Avengers again.

Yes, while Richard was busy with movie releases and company integration, the world actually didn't stop for a moment.

Miami, a small town.

Flames rolled into the sky, and bursts of roaring sounds were like someone rushing through a minefield. The huge impact was like meteorites hitting the ground, and the town was shaking with loud noises.

The culprit of the chaos was a large man about two and a half meters tall. He was wearing thick heavy armor, holding a huge stick with exquisite details and a sci-fi style in his right hand, and a laser gun in his left hand - it was said to be a gun, but in terms of caliber it was closer to a cannon. Every time he fired, It is enough to penetrate the house from front to back, leaving a huge hole.

This man walks arrogantly through the streets of the town, seemingly aimlessly wreaking havoc. Residents on the street and in nearby buildings hurriedly ran out and fled, but this weirdo did not chase them. It seemed that he had no interest in these civilians at all - in contrast, he was only interested in destroying more houses.

Of course, the local police came to stop it, but as we all know, even the role played by the Marvel police in street gang fights is to clear the scene afterwards, and it is impossible to be of any use in such a super-powered incident. The police fired a few symbolic bullets, and the weirdo cooperated very well by swinging a stick and smashing two police cars away, and then the police turned around and ran away.

A few superheroes appeared in Miami and tried to stop them, but they were all rookies like "Spring Man" and "Stilt Man" that ordinary people might have never heard of, and they could only be regarded as slightly higher than the police. The cannon fodder rushed up and quickly sent them away.

Ten minutes later, the Avengers arrived on the battlefield.

"Put down your weapons, sir." After everyone got off the plane, Captain Rogers automatically occupied position C, raised his shield and shouted loudly, "Stop the unnecessary resistance and come with us."

The weirdo was furious after hearing this, waving the big stick in his hand and speaking in English with a very strange accent: "Be respectful, Earthlings! You don't know who you are talking to!"

The Avengers looked at each other.

This guy is called "Earthling", does that mean he is an alien?

So do all aliens speak English?

And what kind of weird accent does he have? I'm afraid I didn't learn it from my co-workers when they were moving bricks on the construction site?

Captain America did not act rashly: "Okay sir, if you are not from Earth, where did you come from?"

The weirdo put on a face that said, "Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you with mercy." He chuckled, slammed a big iron rod on the ground, and said arrogantly: "Then you all remember it carefully, Earthlings, remember who is about to defeat you. What you are facing now is Kesai Er-Angelmerens-Curist-Basat-Kaserikelon, the most famous hunter in your galaxy! How about it? Do you tremble at this prestigious name?"

Avengers, you looked at me and I looked at you. No one said a word for a long while.

".Do any of you remember his name?" Hawkeye asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"My armor recorded it," Stark said painfully. "Do you need me to repeat it?"

Everyone quickly rejected his proposal.

It's enough to say the name of water like this once. Saying it twice may have bad effects.

Captain America turned to Thor: "Do you recognize him?"

Among the people present, the only one who could be considered an alien was Thor. The prince of Asgard was well-informed and might have heard of this first hunter?

However, Sledgehammer looked confused: "To be honest, I haven't remembered a single word since 'Anzhe' or something like that."

The weirdo seemed to be dissatisfied with the attitude of this group of people: "The giant beast on the M-19 star ring is a disaster called 'Bacomest' by local residents. You must have heard of this, right? Haha, It seems that you have guessed it. Yes, the one who defeated that giant beast and took its head was me, Xesel Angelmerens."

The Avengers looked so hurt. Why would someone have such a long name? And it doesn’t even have an abbreviation. It's inconvenient to even act cool when you're out, because as soon as you turn around, people will forget who you are.

"So what kind of giant beast is that? Does anyone have any impression of it?"

Although the captain asked everyone, everyone's eyes turned to Brother Hammer in unison. Brother Zhui was naturally confused again. What? Is there such a giant beast? Why haven't I heard of it?

The weirdo was furious. He tried so hard to show off for a long time that it felt like he had lost all his strength in the water. But instead of getting angry, he laughed and said sarcastically: "Huh, in a remote country, I know that even if I tell you bunch of country bumpkins, you wouldn't know. Go and ask around on the outer planets to find out who hasn't heard of me, Kesel Anzhe. Myrons."

"Stop, stop!" Seeing that this guy had to recite his name after a disagreement, Stark hurriedly made a stop gesture and asked, "Okay, I probably know, you are a big shot in the universe, okay, let's remember it. So. So what are you doing here on Earth?"

The weirdo put the stick on his shoulder and raised his head: "I came here to find the guardian of this planet."

"Okay, then you have seen it now." Stark said, "If you have anything to say, you can tell us directly."

"You guys?" The weirdo glanced at them and laughed out loud as if he heard some great joke, "You guys are not worthy enough!"

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