The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 395 The First Empire in the Universe

After ending the communication with SHIELD, everyone quickly reached an agreement that they should rely on their own strength to deal with this trouble. After all, they are the Avengers, the guardians of the earth. If they don't do this, what's the point of this alliance?

But now a new problem comes. Satellite observations show that the spaceship is still more than 30 million miles away from the earth. How are they going to get there?

Stark's new Mark armor can theoretically operate in an alien environment, and Brother Hammer can also move freely in the universe with his physical body. Dr. Banner would definitely have no problem surviving in the universe if he transformed into the Hulk, but obviously the Hulk can't fly. You can't expect him to jump from the earth to the enemy's spaceship in one breath.

The Avengers have not yet been converted into a space combat machine, and they currently lack a vehicle for space shuttle. Although Stark is a super engineer, he has never studied the aerospace field specifically. If you give him enough time to study, he will definitely be able to convert the Avengers into a spaceship, but now they obviously don't have the time.

Captain America quickly thought of their new friend: "I remember, it was said on TV recently that Wakanda's technological level is very advanced? Maybe they will have aircraft that can operate in space?"

After the last brief collaboration, Black Panther and Captain America both admired each other, and the two parties exchanged contact information. Black Panther did not resist the invitation to join the Avengers, but only said that he needed two more days to think about it.

After contacting Black Panther, he quickly and readily expressed his willingness to help. As soon as T'Challa mentioned his own vibranium technology, he suddenly had something to say. He blew up his spaceship violently, saying that flying out of the atmosphere to explore the stars forty years ago was just a small case for them in Wakanda, and it was not a big deal at all!

When it comes to aliens, Wakanda cannot stay out of it. Moreover, Wakanda has been wrangling with major powers for more than a month just to get a share of the research results of alien technology. Now that aliens have arrived, they have no reason to give up this opportunity.

Black Panther drove a vibranium spaceship and soon arrived at the Avengers Tower - this was different from those mass-produced fighter jets that only had vibranium-plated outer shells. This was a pure vibranium spacecraft that was very rare in Wakanda. It can be used in various harsh environments, and theoretically it will not affect its performance in outer space. The fact that Black Panther brought such a top-notch spaceship to support us shows his sincerity.

Everyone quickly agreed on a plan. The plan drawn up by the superheroes has the heroic characteristics of the Avengers and Americans as always. It can be summed up in one word, do it!

Everyone relied on the invisible function of the vibranium spacecraft to fly directly onto the spaceship, find the opponent's leader, and then quickly capture the enemy leader with lightning speed, forcing the opponent to explain the purpose of coming to Earth. If possible, If so, use the leader as a threat to force the other party to withdraw.

Of course, everyone has not forgotten the problem of language barriers when communicating with aliens. But this kind-hearted space hunter has brought them a solution to this part of the problem. After the Avengers confiscated the alien's equipment, Stark dug out a black technology product similar to a "universal translator" from his equipment.

According to the alien hunter's explanation, this thing was invented by the Shi'ar Empire, the leader of the three great empires in the universe. The specific principle seems to be related to brain wave capture and mental power interpretation. In short, it can translate any language into Shi'ar, or Translates the Shi'ar spoken by the bearer into the other person's native language.

Stark was quite interested in this little thing. Stark is also an expert in brainwave analysis. After all, his steel suit is controlled by brainwaves. Stark spent two or three hours studying this device. Although he could not fully understand it, he at least managed to add an English option to the language module of the translator while retaining its original functions. This way, at least They can communicate with aliens.

Seeing a group of Earth superheroes getting ready to fly to the universe to settle accounts with that spaceship, this weird alien finally spoke.

He snorted twice and said with a mocking face: "You are looking for death, people on Earth. You have no idea who you are looking for."

"Oh?" Stark, who had already put on steel armor, came over, "Then why don't you help us? Who are we going to face? The second hunter in the galaxy? Because I remember you should be the first? "

Ignoring his taunt, the alien sat in his cage and snorted heavily.

"They are different from me." The alien said, "I am just a hunter who gets paid to do things, a lone traveler. And what you are looking for now are the battleships of the Shi'ar Empire, which is known as the first empire in the universe today. Not to mention just a few of you, if Xia really had thoughts about the earth, the earth would have been reduced to cosmic dust by now."


Everyone looked at each other. Although the alien's excessive bragging made his words plummet in credibility, the domineering title of "The First Empire of the Universe" still attracted everyone's attention.

"Then what did the First Empire you mentioned come to Earth for?" Captain America asked, "Do they want to conquer the Earth?"

The alien laughed as if Captain America had just told the biggest joke in the galaxy.


"I'm sorry, this is really funny." It took the alien a while to stop laughing, and he returned to looking at everyone like he was sizing up country bumpkins, "Well, it seems you don't know anything at all, then Let me wake you up a little bit. I don't understand why you treat this little ball of clay like the Earth as a treasure, but in fact not that many people want it as much as you think. As far as I know it seems like Only that madman Thanos is interested in you.

Another thing to remind you, the Shi'ar Empire does not need to 'invade' anything at all, because the solar system is already within the Shi'ar's sphere of influence. But the Shi'ar occupy a territory hundreds or thousands of times larger than this, and they control countless planets. However, the only small ball in the entire solar system, the earth, is suitable for life, and it is really not worthy of their attention. "

These words were a bit unbelievable. Captain America asked: "You mean that the earth is actually their subsidiary? We have never agreed."

"Because your opinions don't matter at all. The solar system belongs to the Shi'a's sphere of influence. This is a consensus in the universe."

Brother Hammer was unhappy: "Asgard didn't agree either."

"Oh, I almost forgot, there is an Asgardian here." The alien spread his hands, "But your opinions are not important, no one will care about what you say."

This is also true. Asgard does not have many connections with cosmic civilization. It's just that Earth's space technology is not in place, but Asgard's is not. Asgard's is because Odin's reputation was too bad after wandering around in the universe for a long time. They put the universe into a type where everyone yells and beats a rat when it crosses the street. Some people care. It's their opinions that make the difference.

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