As the battle progressed, the Avengers became more and more confident. They discovered that the so-called aliens from the first empire in the universe seemed to be just that?

In front of the Avengers, Shi'a's soldiers were all cannon fodder for AOE, and two or three guys who looked like masters popped up in succession and were suppressed by the Avengers in just a few clicks. Everyone felt that they were just sending away a few miscellaneous fish who were a little more difficult to deal with. As a result, all the Xi'a soldiers next to them showed extremely incredible expressions, as if they thought this was something difficult to accept.

And just when the Avengers felt that it would not be difficult to pierce this battleship, the real owner of this battleship appeared.

That was a guy with purple skin, wearing a red and blue battle robe, with a red cape behind him. He had no armor or weapons and equipment. His style of painting was completely different from the others on the entire ship.

It would be better to say that this guy's style of painting is more similar to that of the Avengers - like a strangely dressed superhero with earthly characteristics.

When the guy walked into the room this time, the reactions of the soldiers around him were completely different from before. The soldiers hurriedly put down their weapons and retreated to both sides of the room. They quickly saluted respectfully without even fighting. The posture was quite a bit like "welcoming the supreme leader when he comes out of the mountain".

Seeing this posture, the Avengers couldn't help but become cautious. Not only because of the reaction of these Xi'ans, but also because this person's aura is completely different from the others. His cloak was fluttering and his steps were steady. Every step he took seemed to be accompanied by mountain-like majesty. There was a confidence in his eyes that made people dare not look directly into them, like a blade sharp enough to cut through anything.

"It's really strange. I didn't expect that all three of my personal guards would be defeated." The man said to himself, glancing at the Shi'ar who had been knocked to the ground by the Avengers. "I came here to find the rumored Guardians of the Earth. I didn’t expect that there are strong people like you among the humans on Earth, which is admirable.”

The Avengers exchanged quick glances, and then Captain America asked: "Are you their leader?"

"I am." The man said calmly, "I am the captain of the Shi'a Empire Guards. You can call me 'Dou Sword'."

Captain of the Guards of the First Empire in the Universe. He knew with his own feet that this position was much more reliable than a false title like "The First Hunter in the Galaxy."

But the Avengers don't know that they are now facing Sword Fighter, one of the famous "Four Marvel Copycat Superman", and he is also the one who is the most similar to the DC Superman next door among the four pirated versions of Marvel. Dou Jian is the last survivor of their planet, possessing the best super strength, super speed, super endurance, microscopic vision, heat vision, and cryobreathing in the universe.

This guy even has a classic red and blue uniform with a red cape. Although he doesn't have a big "S" written on his chest, he has a golden triangle drawn on it. Drag the sword fighting directly from the Marvel Universe to any parallel world in DC next door, and there is no problem at all in saying that it is Superman's peer.

"You are all excellent warriors. You have won a chance for yourself." Dou Jian put his hands under the red cloak and put on a look like a master. "I promise that my subordinates will not take action. You only need to win." I can do it. No matter how many of you work together and use whatever means, as long as you can defeat me, we will leave the earth immediately."

The Avengers were surprised.

Is there such a good thing?

In fact, this was originally the purpose of Dujian's trip - to prove his strength.

The setting of the Sword Fighting race is very strange. They are a weird race whose idealism is even higher than that of Ultraman. Their source of strength depends entirely on self-confidence. In short, "I think I'm good at it", then sword fighting is really good. According to the setting, the strength of the sword-fighting race can grow infinitely with overwhelming confidence, and as the strongest person in the Shi'ar Empire, Dujian happens to have unprecedentedly high self-confidence.

Regarding the setting of sword fighting, Marvel has really not taken up the book yet - the comics so far seem to have never been able to see the upper limit of the pure power of sword fighting. Most of the opponents that he can't beat in a sword fight are at a level where strength is no longer useful. If you want to say there is no one in the Marvel universe that he can't defeat in a fight, even the Mad Titan Thanos of the Eternals meets Sword fighting is all about being pressed and beaten.

When news spread that a giant of light with unknown origins appeared on the earth, the news quickly attracted Dou Jian's attention. So he came all the way to the earth not for destruction or invasion, but for one purpose - to attract the giant who was said to be the guardian of the earth and prove his strength to him.

He was completely unexpected to run into the powerful team of Avengers, but there was no reason to give up the opportunity to fight against any strong man in Sword Fighting.

Sword fighting is also in line with the wishes of the Avengers. Capturing the thief first has always been the core idea of ​​the Avengers. There is no reason to refuse such a good thing as killing the BOSS and directly clearing the level.

"Then be careful, big guy!"

Colonel Rhodes rushed out first, with a thrusting jet under the armor of the war machine. He rushed towards the fighting sword with full firepower. A dense rain of bullets splashed in his face. Gatling's metal storm and the flames exploded by the missile instantly enveloped the fighting sword. .

No one could see clearly what happened, only a dull, crisp sound like the collision of metal was heard. The next second the flame curtain wall was broken open, and the gray-black armor of the war machine flew out on its back, rolled twice on the ground like a piece of scrap metal, and crashed into the wall behind it.

Dou Jian stood calmly on the spot, his skin made of alien material fluttering gently under the flames. It was so fast that I had no idea what he had done, but there was clearly an exaggerated punch hole on the chest armor of the war machine. The circuit board under the armor was blown out on the spot, and the built-in computer used to control the armor seemed to have crashed on the spot. .


Although Stark was surprised by Dou Jian's thunderous method, he was worried that the other party would take this opportunity to pursue Rhodes, so he immediately flew up and rushed straight to Dou Jian's front door. Also taking action at the same time as him was the Black Panther who had unknowingly circled behind the Dou Sword. The Black Panther pounced like a ninja silently, its sharp vibranium claws grabbing the back of the Dou Sword with a sound of breaking through the air.

Dou Jian waved his hand calmly, and Iron Man's domineering recoil beam was immediately shot away. He waved his arm and affected the airflow in the room. The air pressure in the huge room suddenly changed and a hurricane swept across. The black panther had just jumped in and the terrifying wind pressure hit his face. The black panther could not resist at all and was blown away by the fist wind.

Iron Man's thrusters were activated, and he made a half circle around the sword at super high speed. A missile hit the side of the sword, and the fireball exploded and rolled up to the ceiling. At the same time, the armor on his hand quickly deformed, and his entire right arm turned into a large-caliber electromagnetic recoil cannon. A dazzling energy beam exploded from the muzzle and bombarded the figure in the middle of the fire curtain!

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