Spin Smash Kick, developed by Rei Chiki, a third-generation fitness expert in the original Nexus TV series, is also the strongest kick skill Nexus has mastered. Injecting light energy into the right leg enhances the power to the extreme, and at the same time amplifies the power through rotation, it has unparalleled penetration.

The originally evenly matched stalemate was instantly broken as Nexus spun around. The flames that turned into substance surrounded Nexus's body, and the impact was like a spinning drill bit that shattered the energy of the fighting sword and rolled back towards the fighting sword like a mountain.

For the first time in history, his confidence in sword fighting was shaken - he could not maintain his confidence under such power.

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the strength of a swordfighter, and his strength will be as strong as his confidence. But theories are just theories after all. Everything in the world has its limits, and sword fighting is no exception. It's just that his upper limit is so high that even he himself has never seen where the limit is.

But today he saw it.

He has never felt so powerless as he does now, feeling that even if he is ten times more confident, he still cannot win this battle.

The severe pain that penetrated the bone marrow penetrated along the right leg, and then Du Jian's entire leg temporarily lost consciousness. He felt as if he had become a tiny particle in the bore of a plasma cannon. His body was surrounded by endless light and heat and launched toward the unknown sky, but he was powerless.

This time everyone onlookers saw it. Nexus and Dou Jian briefly stopped moving while they were kicking each other. The detector on the Shi'ar ship captured the real-time image and projected the image like a movie.

Everyone clearly saw Nexus's gorgeous flame-spinning smashing kick... and the fighting sword that was launched from the moon at an alarming speed.

The mouths of the Shi'ar are all open like an O shape - at least the aliens' surprised expressions look similar to those of earthlings.

"No, this...how is this..." A Shi'a officer's eyebrows almost knitted together, "The sword fighting captain was defeated?"

I, Dashia, am going to die?

Brother Zhui patted him on the shoulder familiarly, as if he had completely forgotten that the two sides were hacking at each other not long ago. He said with a smile: "Look, I'll tell you. To be honest, I don't think there are many people in the universe who can beat our guy..."

It was clear that they had been beaten to pieces by a sword fight just now, but now the Avengers felt proud when they looked at the Shi'a soldiers. Although the Ultraman who was showing off his power outside was not an Avenger, and he could not even be considered their friend, they were familiar!

After all, we all belong to the Earth camp, and they feel proud when they see one of their own beating the enemy's top leader.

The sword fighting seemed to have been kicked a bit badly this time. It was more than 10,000 meters above the ground and almost left the moon's gravitational circle before barely stopping.

Dou Jian looked down in surprise, and was forced to face a problem that he had never even thought about before.

It seems like... I can't beat him?

Is there anyone I can't defeat in a sword fight?

On this earth?

The super vision locked Nexus on the ground from a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and Dujian found that the opponent did not seem to be catching up. He saw from a distance that Nexus's palms were crossed up and down at his side, and there were blue lightnings dancing in his palms.

Just by looking at it from a distance of 10,000 meters, he seemed to be able to sense the terrifying energy contained in it.

Want to avoid it?

Du Jian hesitated for a brief moment.

At a distance of more than 10,000 meters, no matter what the attack was, he felt he could dodge it based on his speed.

But if I avoid him, doesn't it mean I'm afraid of him?

In the moment of the sword fight, anger arose in his heart and he turned to fear. After a series of psychological hints, his self-confidence, which had been loosened, was raised again.

What a joke, who would I be afraid of when I fight with a sword?

The emotional fluctuations were directly reflected on the body, and Dou Jian's whole body was filled with light waves. All the energy in his body was poured into his clenched right fist. He raised his right fist high, and the energy in his body accelerated to the extreme. Finally, all the energy turned into streams of heat that flowed into his arm and filled into that fist.

Nexus formed a cross with his arms, and golden sparks burst out! Sufficient energy storage made the Cross Storm even more powerful than before. The moment the impact was released, Nexus's body shuddered slightly backwards under the explosive recoil, and his footsteps made shallow dents on the moon.

Golden sparks flew out, and the aftermath of the impact stirred up dust everywhere. The laser traversed the dark space and pierced the figure ten thousand meters away in the sky.

The fighting sword let out a silent roar, and the whole arm shone like never before!

That was a punch that put all his energy into! It was as if everything in the world was condensed into that punch! The seemingly endless energy originating from Dou Jian's body burst out from that fist, and every cell in his body was sending energy outward like crazy!

That kind of punch actually cut off Cross Storm's output! Just like the rushing water hitting the stubborn rock, the moment the golden laser hit Dou Jian's fist, it bifurcated, and the light flow violently washed away on his fist.

But this is not enough.

With this punch, Dou Jian felt that he had suppressed the opponent's light output at the moment when he poured out his strength, but he lacked stamina. After the force passed, the opponent's steady stream of light quickly came back.

If this continues, the energy he releases will soon be shattered, and he will be completely defeated.


There is no limit to my sword fighting!

Another psychological suggestion came in like a tonic, and Dou Jian's whole person's momentum skyrocketed again!

Even Richard had to admire that sword fighting is such an unreasonable species. He was about to run out of fuel and light, but with the words "I'm good at it", he squeezed out that kind of energy from the depths of his body. Much energy. In the last second, the energy in Doujian's body was still being consumed rapidly, depleted at a speed visible to the naked eye. This second, more and stronger energy came out of his body out of nowhere. It was as if this person who didn't know the word "tired" Write.

In fact, Richard really wanted to say that this was inconsistent with the conservation of energy. If everyone could conjure energy out of thin air just by thinking about it, the universe would have exploded long ago...

The energy is full again - even stronger than before! The full strength of the fighting sword was blasted down his arm again. This time, it even exceeded his own limit and exploded with a huge force that even he had never thought of!

Then in everyone's astonished eyes, the light flow of the cross storm was forcefully repelled by him!

The fist power of the fighting sword seemed to condense into some kind of energy entity, pushing the light of the cross storm back along the path it came from.

Richard looked at the light that was reflected back towards him from a distance of 10,000 meters, and he couldn't help but take a high look at the sword fighting.

There is something. It's not like I've seen someone who can't be killed by a cross storm, but this is the first time I've seen someone who was blasted back with brute force.

This sword fight really feels like a template for the protagonist. He relies on his idealism to fight while exploding his seed, and he can constantly challenge and break through his limits in the battle...


After all, his sword fighting is not the protagonist.

Nexus maintained the cross storm output posture, and a wave of water-like ripples suddenly passed through his body. His silver body instantly switched to red, and the power of light energy in his body also surged. The power of the cross storm light output from his hand naturally increased a lot out of thin air, and the energy entity blasted out by the sword fight was instantly shattered. The golden light shot out into the air again, instantly blurring Dou Jian's face...

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