Research funds are cut off, a desperate scientist, an experimental accident, and a mutated monster from the laboratory.

Yes, this sounds very cliche and very Marvelous.

Welcome to everyday life in New York.

Dr. Connors, who refused to listen to the dissuasion and injected himself with lizard serum, successfully grew his severed limb and realized his lifelong dream - but it only lasted for about thirty minutes, and reality soon gave way. He struck hard. The lizard's genes were so tenacious that they even outweighed the human's. Within thirty minutes, he had grown scales, fangs, and a tail. Brutal destructive impulses had taken over his brain. Connors, who had transformed into Dr. Lizard, roared and rushed out of the university laboratory.

Dr. Lizard made New York City a riot. He ran through the streets, climbed between buildings, jumped on the roofs of street cars, and paralyzed the traffic on several streets in the blink of an eye. What a mess.

However, the people of New York have now seen strong winds and waves. They have survived alien attacks and terrorist attacks one after another. They have seen all kinds of alien beasts, dark giants and the like. The affordability of the remaining citizens in the now rebuilt New York is not generally strong.

Many people heard the commotion outside and curiously opened their windows and walked onto the street to take a look... Oh, wasn't it just a lizard jumping around? What a fuss, what's the big deal?

Some people stayed on the street to watch the excitement, while others went back to their houses to continue sleeping. There was also an old man wearing a pair of reading glasses lying by the window of his house, chatting from a distance with the old lady in the building opposite and reminiscing about his youth. Dr. Lizard was running wildly on the street under their noses.

There are so many superheroes in New York right now, and ordinary super criminals really don't have the weight to cause trouble on the streets of New York. Soon the recently debuted neighborhood superhero Spider-Man came out swinging on a spider web. The novice Spider-Man saw Dr. Lizard performing "chest-crushing boulders" from a distance on the street. Without saying a word, he jumped onto the big screen. The lizard received a social beating on his forehead.

Dr. Lizard also had a really thick head. He was beaten so hard by Little Spider that his head was covered with bruises. However, he was not subdued and became even more irritable. The big lizard slapped the little spider off its head, then opened its teeth and claws and pounced on him.

Not long after Little Spider debuted, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened when he saw Dr. Lizard's ferocious look, and subconsciously he didn't dare to confront him head-on. He jumped back to avoid Dr. Lizard's attack. He put his palms on the roof of a car and did a backflip. He relied on his flexible body to jump around Dr. Lizard, looking for flaws and waiting for opportunities.

Although Dr. Connors has a high IQ, he is now completely insane and does not recognize his relatives. His attack mode is purely based on instinctive scratching and biting. Although Little Spider learned a lot of experience from his idol, his strength attribute was completely suppressed by Dr. Lizard, and his proud speed could not be said to have an absolute advantage. Due to his lack of experience, he quickly fell into a dangerous situation. Inadvertently, Dr. Lizard scratched a deep gash in his thigh. Blood suddenly gushes out from the wound, causing the little spider to grit his teeth in pain.

Under the influence of the injury, Spider-Man's movements were naturally slowed down by half a beat. Dr. Lizard quickly stretched out his claws and grabbed his ankles, and with a force of his arms, he was thrown out of the air. Spider-Man fell so hard on the roof of a car that the windows shattered and the roof collapsed.

Dr. Lizard jumped onto the car and held Spider-Man firmly with his left paw. He raised his right paw and prepared to kill him with one blow.

The little spider turned pale with fright and struggled hard, but he couldn't break free from Dr. Lizard's claws. Seeing that the sharp claws were about to fall down on his head, he had no choice but to close his eyes and protect his arms in front of him...


In an instant, he felt the pressure on his body and the strong smell in Dr. Lizard's mouth disappear. It was as if Dr. Lizard had been hit hard by a plumb bob. The entire body flew out of the little spider, rolled on the road and fell far away.

The little spider blinked, turned his head blankly, and found that his "mentor" had jumped down wearing a white hood, staring straight at him.

He seemed to be able to feel his mentor's dissatisfaction through the mask.

Gwen was very angry. She felt that her apprentice was becoming more and more disobedient. He was obviously told not to go out and fool around until he finished his studies, but this kid just didn't listen and insisted on going out to act like a hero and cause trouble all day long.

She originally thought that she would give the child a good lesson today, and even thought about the entire manuscript, which totaled 5,000 words. However, when she saw the little spider standing in front of her with a gray-headed face and a drooping head, a bloody wound on his leg. At that moment, all the anger disappeared in an instant.

Little Spider lowered his head and was mentally prepared to wait for the instructor to lecture him. Unexpectedly, Gwen didn't say anything. She just patted him on the shoulder and said, "Be careful next time."

The little spider was stunned and nodded vigorously: "Yes, I will."

Dr. Lizard, who was kicked away by Gwen, also got up at this moment, shouted twice in dissatisfaction, and glared at Gwen angrily.

The little spider had just suffered a loss at its hands and knew how powerful this monster was, so he hurriedly said: "That...sister heroine, be careful, it is so powerful that I can't even defeat it..."

"It's okay." Gwen waved her hand to indicate that she understood.

Of course she knew it. In her world, Dr. Lizard is Peter Parker. That was the most impressive battle since her debut. How could she not remember it?

But of course she also knew that the Dr. Lizard in this world would definitely not be Peter. After all, Peter was standing stupidly behind her.

Like many other superheroes, Spider-Man also has a growth process. Spider-Man, who had just debuted in the early days, was exhausted from fighting any villain. He was inextricable from villains such as Dr. Lizard, Vulture, Thriller, and Scorpion. He often had to rely on stratagems to win in second battles. However, when he reaches the level of Spider-Man later and gains more combat experience, he can usually defeat six of the above-mentioned second-rate villains, and he can easily deal with them on his way to school and work.

If Spider-Man is still a level 1 rookie at this time, then Gwen, who has been Spider-Woman for so many years, can almost be regarded as a senior boss in the later stages.

A Dr. Lizard?

That's not her boast. Now Gwen can really fight ten...

I saw white shadows flying in the field, and Spider-Woman swam around Dr. Lizard as nimbly as a fish. Dr. Lizard swung his claws and flicked his tail, smashing the ground into pieces and leaving thousands of holes in the vehicle. However, he let him Even though he tried his best, he couldn't touch even a single line of the other party's clothes. And every move he made was full of flaws in Gwen's eyes. She punched and kicked Dr. Lizard until he was so dizzy that he couldn't find his way around at all.

The little spider looked dumbfounded from behind.

So Spider-Woman’s sister has always been so powerful?

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